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As a whole, how safe is Malawi to visit?

I knew a kid growing up whose father was a big-time general in the country (the kid claimed he was the leader of the entire military, but I took that with a grain of salt). He made mention about several coup attempts that occurred there about 15-20 years ago. That's why his entire family (except his father) left the country to come to America.

How stable is the country now?

So much of Africa is waaaaaaaayyyyyy screwed up, which is a shame, given its potential.


Active member
Malawi is the warm heart of Africa.
Most friendly people you will meet.
Pretty Safe & a few backpackers hitch hike around.
Crime has escalated but is mostly in the urban areas
& most of it is petty with few violent incidents.

The biggest attraction is Lake Malawi known as the lake
of stars or calendar lake. Apx' 365 Miles Long by 52 Miles wide
with the best views of the night sky I have experienced.
Malawi Gold wrapped in traditional cobs is another big attraction.

Cool Runnings.........


Old School Cottonmouth
afropips what is the weed like there? I mean quality wise. is it bricked and low grade like mexican export or is it more like good field weed? can you find many different strains or the same old few?

I know these are all subjective questions depending on who you know but I've no one else to ask so I appreciate it.

are the laws leniant on personal possession? and how hard is it to come by?

I'm thinking about switching professions to be an x ray technician and they have companies that will give you room and board aside from your regular salary to come and work for 3 or 6 month stretches. they go all over the world and all over the country so I'd like to visit many cool herb areas. nor cal, bc, hawaii, jamaica, manila, etc.

malawi always stood out in particular because I hear its very safe and western, many people speak english, the freshwater lake, and good herb. but people always want to tell u the good not the bad so I appreciate your opinon. I don't know anyone thats ever been there and its VERY hard to find weed travel info.

It's not the kind of thing you ask travel agents. lol. "So whats the weed like in that country? they have hash?" a travel agent would shit a brick if you told them that. and not of weed.


Active member
Plenty weed .
Seeded Malawi Buds wrapped in cobs are abundant
& can be organised almost everywhere.
They come in various sizes & strengths.
Open the cob before you buy to avoid rip off situations.
Chancers are international!
Hash is not endemic but rarely is available.

There is plenty travel info available.
Backpackers lodges also provide all the info one needs
& you can hook up with like minded travellers.
Full Moon All Night Beach Parties are also Happening
like in Goa.

Cape Maclear is a good spot on the lake to chill.
There are small offshore islands & plenty budget
lodges. Camping is also available.
"Stevens" place is the most famous.
Run by the Stephano Brothers - George & Ernest.

Shoestring & Getaway Guide books are a good travel resource.

Cool Runnings........


Old School Cottonmouth
thanks for the info afropips. appreciate it.

but when you say varying grades of malawi. do you mean its all the same strain (like malawi gold or something) and different qualities?

or are there many different strains of different qualities?

because that would suck if I could only get one type of weed.
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motaco said:
because that would suck if I could only get one type of weed.

if there's plenty of malawi cob, you won't want to smoke anything else.


Old School Cottonmouth
no I always like a variety. I used to talk to derrayld at OG all the time. he was a good guy I miss him. wish he'd sign up here. I know he had alot of different types of different local strains and there were plenty he didn't have. but I think he was also in south africa and they have alot of variety of herb in south africa. I don't know how much of it travels but I've talked to other africans that told me in many areas for hundreds of miles you can usually only find one or two strains.

but I also remember derrayld saying he would go from village to village sometimes only a few hours drive apart and they had never talked to neighboring tribes, much less shared seeds with them. I remember him saying you'd find alot of different types.

but in cities weed was sent from all over. so like in south africa which is pretty populated and more well off economically than alot of places would get shipments.

so I guess it depends where you are. I guess I'll have to make sure I plan ahead well before I choose a destination. variety means alot to me.


yes i like variety too, and southern africa has plenty of local strains (more so than any other region in the world) but if i visit malawi i'm going to smoke malawi, or any other strain as long as it's grown in malawi.
biomass must not be transported, especially across borders.


motaco, in my experience of travelling what you said in the post just above is right

i.e. you can expect to find a lot of different varieties of strains within a landrace area - even within just a town or village in that area

if you follow the link in the post by Afropips, the article talks about finding various different types and cures of Malawi Gold - I think he mentions that the black buds were the strongest

as another example: you will find many different varieties within the Thai landrace area - there are many different villages within say the Hmong Thai area, and you can expect to find quite a range if you smoke in Northern Thailand, or in Issan or Laos, or Southern China etc.


I traveled to Malawi in Feb and found the people extremely friendly and the country safe. As a South African I am used to rampant crime, especially violent crime. Also, looking at CNN and other media Africa does seem violent and in despair.

But, I’ve been living in Mozambique now for 3 years and find this country wonderful. There is poverty, but the people are happy, friendly and respectful of one’s property. I believe Malawi, Botswana, Tanzania and Kenya (outside of Nairobi) are the same.



Active member
Excellent cob pic Chizzle!

Also Notice the Gold colour of the Herb.
Mmmmmmmmmm Delicious.

Cool Runnings........

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