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Malawi x Ethiopian and Mulanje (Malawi)


Well-known member
This is my second grow of Malawi x Ethiopian I have 4 regular seeds and 2 Mulanje regular seeds.
I am hoping for a male or two to make seeds from this excellent cross.
Here are the young ones 4 M x E on left and 2 Mulanje on the right.



Well-known member
Under lights CMH

Under lights CMH

These were sprouted outside in the sun but for security reasons are now inside under a 375w CMH.
I hope to change the light for a LED panel to see how they perform.

Again 4 Malawi x Ethiopia on left and 2 Mulanje on the right.



Well-known member
Showing sex

Showing sex

My luck has held i have a Malawi x Ethiopian male which is short with very tight nodes should be a good male to pollinate both Malawi x Ethiopians and Mulanje.

I also have the biggest fastest Mulanje as a male and the other as a female!

As is normal the males started showing flowers first so I topped both the mulanje severely as it was very fast growing leaving only the two lowest branches to retard its flowering.

The Malawi x Ethiopian male stayed short so I just topped it again to slow it down.
First up the Mulanje cut right back.

Then the Malawi x Ethiopian male topped.


Next I have 2 phenos of Malawi x Ethiopian one tall and one shorter so I hope to get 2 different phenos if I am lucky.
The tallest has been bent over to encourage the growth of the lower branches.




Well-known member


Lastly the Mulanje female already strong growing and into her stretch.
I topped her as she would get too tall otherwise.
All are under a 250watt Quantum LED 3000k with red 660nm

I also have a cheap 120w red flowering LED to help boost the buds I hope.

It will be interesting to see how the plants compare to the twin 375w CMH ha ha.
The best plants will be cloned for an outdoor Aussie Autumn grow.
Last few years this has worked very well.

Any seeds from crosses should make for some nice African plants.



Well-known member
I had mulanje beans from a buddy a few years back. I missed a true keeper...don't be like me
No chance my friend I had a couple of great plants last grow and a friend gift me some pollen from his excellent Mulanje grow which I used to pollinate mine.

The resultant seeds are strong growers and will be using the male again on this one and the M x E and visa versa on selected buds of each.

This grow is mainly for seeds i will clone the best plants to grow again for seedless buds cant loose hey?

The cross of M x E to the Mulanje should throw up some killer plants and the other way round also.
The clones will be good weed out in the sun I am sure.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Tangwena friend :wave:

Always a pleasure to find a new thread of yours about your new sativa indoor endeavours.
Glad to know you also planing to make seeds from them, happy you already found one male of each strain to maximize possible genetic combinations. Wish you the best! :huggg:


Well-known member
Thanks Dubi its mainly thanks to you that I have any good seeds at all. The Malawi x Ethiopian are in my top 3 strains.
The Mulanje is a strain from Malawi also I like the high its unique thats why I want to try and cross the M x E both ways for my own personal seeds.

I dont think it will change the plants too much just the highs its just a shot in the dark really.
But as both plants are from Africa the highs should be complimentary I'm not after improving either as both are great plants in their own right just making a cocktail ha ha.
I cant wait to have some more M x E I will be cloning the best plants for an outside Autumn grow.

The last M x E I did outside were legendary my friends still ask after them they hadn't experienced pot that strong before and keep asking for more.
When Australia eventually legalize pot it will be top of my list for an outdoor grow along with the amazing Honduras x Panama they are both holy grail plants in my book.


Well-known member
Thanks for posting this run tangwena, looking forward to seeing how the girls perform under the leds.
I'm already happy with the LED panel.

The same supplier in China has just released another upgraded panel with added switchable UV and far red just to finish of flowers.

They are super cheap to buy only $200 Australian each I think I will order another panel that will give complete coverage of my grow box.
I cant believe how far LED panels have come.
They are super fast delivery and easy to deal with check them out. Heres the link.


I'm very excited to be growing the M x E again the last grow was exceptionally potent it really blew me away it just works on every level.
Lucky thanks to Dubi I managed to get a few of these regular seeds I will never be able to repay him.
For my taste it hits every base.


Well-known member
One week later

One week later

One week on from last pics and the stretch is on.
These girls have been on 10/14 from their first true leaves.
I only have 1200mm of head room so I have to bend and tie them but they should all fit.

I have removed the males for pollen collection I want the buds to go 2 flowering cycles before I dust selected buds on each strain.

I have a lanky and shorter pheno of the Malawi x Ethiopian so I am very happy to have 2 different phenos to choose the best clones from for outdoor flowering later in the season.

The Mulanje always comes out the same its a great strain very consistent phenos across the board as is the high always laughing grass.
When I cross it to the M x E it should throw up a few crazy phenos they are both hell strong.
The only thing I'm after is the high if the structure happens to be good its a bonus.
I def have to get a second LED panel asap to cover the whole area once they get into flowering.

First pic is pheno #1 of the M x E the shorter one the lanky one is at the back and hard to picture yet.

Second pic group shot and third pic Mulanje well into preflower.


Active member
Nice one Tangwena. Glad you rate the Malawi and Ethiopian cross so highly. Happy growing!


Well-known member
This f***ing message: "You may not vote on any more threads today."
I think for Tangwena the rep limit should be higher ;)
Always a pleasure to see your plants.



Well-known member
This f***ing message: "You may not vote on any more threads today."
I think for Tangwena the rep limit should be higher ;)
Always a pleasure to see your plants.

Agreed, they never give you enough rep votes, I always run out. I'm always kind of amazed when I either still have reps to use or when I run out and it seemed awfully early. Tang's thread well deservedly took all my votes today, :tiphat:
Peace God bless


Well-known member
sometimes it helps to be a bit more patient. Now it finally worked and you got some rep too ;)



Well-known member
Well thank you all your 3 of the star growers round these parts so I feel very humble guys.
Lets hope I can pull off something that comes even close to your grows.

I have another panel on the way from China this one has far red AND uv leds cant wait.
The plants just love the first one a second will cover the entire box yeeha.


Well-known member
1 week later

1 week later

Well I ordered a second 240w LED panel from China last Wednesday and this morning it arrived!

It was dispatched on Wednesday and I had it my hands at 8.30am Monday morning not bad.

This one has far red and UV leds and mixed with the other 240w panel that makes 500w (at the wall current draw).
The plants love the light color and are stretching nicely and making bud sites as they go.
Now to start pumping up those buds.
The M x E have the most beautiful sweet perfume at harvest very unique and belie the power locked within ha ha.
I cant wait to have some more.
Here is the current state of affairs and some pics of the gorgeous buds I got from my last grow they are truly unique in every way.
Amazing aroma, taste and kick your ass into space high chewed after cobbing one in a million high.



Curious Cannivore
You have them well under control by the looks of it. Mine was a beast outdoors this year. 9 feet high and loaded with small buds on her many slender arms. I lost about half to powdery mildew but her clone is doing great and maybe has a few weeks left now, indoors. Same jungle structure as mom but this one has a fighting chance to finish.

I don't find this one very strong, but the grassy wispy buds are so freaking sweet you just want to keep smoking it. Like honey dew melon. The high is clear and soaring. Very pleasurable.



Active member
Looking good Tang! Do any fishing lately? I barely got fishing this year.. I’m starting to think about drilling through the ice!


Well-known member
Looking good Tang! Do any fishing lately? I barely got fishing this year.. I’m starting to think about drilling through the ice!
I will be doing some over the new year period I'm still eating the fish I caught in August ha ha.
You can keep the ice brrrrrr I get chills if it drops below 15c ha ha.
Loving this grow 2 of my all time favorites got to love the Malawi.

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