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Malawi: The Time Approacheth


Not today, not tomorrow...probably not within the week, but her time of great change approaches. At this point, she's a little past 11 weeks. I was figuring on her going 14 weeks but I need the space AND she appears to be maturing quite beautifully. And I'm going away for a few days on May 24. At this point, most of her trichs are cloudy and the samples taken a few days ago were sublime. Her buds are fulsome - the top looks like a desert succulent plant crafted by Dr. Seuss. The bottom buds are big...very big.

Her scent is actually heavily perfumed - almost like roses. All one needs to do is to think about inadvertent contact and one gets very sticky. She is one of the most fiercely sticky plants I have come across - definitely going to contemplate surgical latex gloves during the trim.

I'm thinking of taking her another 7 to ten days around Week 13 (or day 91). I could -conceivably go longer - my strongest consideration is whether folks (who know of her bounty) feel that the character of the quality of the "head" changes significantly over a week or two. If you've had experience with the strain, I'd love to hear about 'em. Feel free to speak up and share your thoughts. Deciding when to harvest is ALWAYS a conundrum for me. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy, Ms Malawi.




I note that I don't think those orange things are nanners...at least, I hope they aren't. As you can see, the tips got slightly nicked over the course of our long relationship and it's my working hypothesis that those are leaf tips. Well, if I'm wrong - in Van Morrison's eloquent words- it's too late to stop now.


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OverGrow Refugee
:tiphat: mayan...WOW....just amazing...I love the look of the buds...they look thick and so resinous..I am sure it will be killer smoke..GREAT JOB buddy



by the looks of it there wasnt any veg time. she looks awsome bro good job with her, looking forward to your smoke report.

chazz michaels

Super looking plant. I didn't realize Malawi could stay so small.


Ahhh-h! CB6969...what kind words! Thanks - she is STICKY! Would hate to be a bug but I guess I'd go really happy.

Terroir...I'm not sure I can reconstruct - I swear - I'm a functioning member of society (Really! at least for the most part) but I honestly don't remember whether I grew her from seed or clone. Structure wise, I'd say she was clone and I'm sure she was not more than 12" high when placed in 12/12 - probably about a month in 4X4 under 18/6 regimen.

Thanks, TOKA, chazz michaels, and g0vnaa...appreciate your thoughts!! yep...she's probably approaching four feet and is VERY compact in branch structure (which is why I think I grew from clone - but that coulda been the natural inclination at any rate).

So, any of you Malawi graduates have thoughts about harvest window?

Thanks again for such kind words and feedback.


I took mine early at about 11-12 weeks first round then after 14 weeks second round from clone. Mostly cloudy with no amber first time and about 60-40%, cloudy-amber, second time. First rounds head was heady and put me in a great mood consistantly. The second round had much more body to it, and more potency.

Looks like you're gonna be feelin great for awhile! :) Congrats!

p.s. What does she smell like? Mine was a very sweet mango smell.

Prairie Boy

Thanks for sharing bro! Look forward to a smoke report.

Ps, Ditch the latex gloves as we're gonna need a finger hash report ;)

Cheers PB

lost in a sea

lovely girl! i'd definitely let her go 13 or 14 weeks if you can mayan so the high gets as rounded as possible.. the extra time around that point does make a significant difference..

enjoy buddy!! :smokeit:



Hey, thanks Prarie Boy, Inquest and lost in a sea!! ! So nice to get yr thoughts. Damn...wish I could share this with y'all!! At this point, I will definitely try to take her at least 13 weeks- I did start seeing nanners, however...It was interesting, they were primarily in the top-most bud - not in the lower 3/4 or 4/5 or whatever. I lopped off the worst part yesterday (somewhere around 12 weeks) but haven't seen any on the sizable portion of the plant that is still growing. Oh well...she was fantastic at a week and 1/2 ago so I'm sure I'll enjoy the portion I just snipped. As for the rest- we'll see, I'm going away between Week 13 and 14 -if everything looks well-aligned, I might wait to harvest until I come back - that'll be about 14 weeks.

The nice thing is, I have a mother of the same pheno and another mom from another pheno. If I can stretch 'em over my summer sabbatical, I'm thinking of having a dedicated Malawi (and maybe Panama and/or Zamaldelica) grow - just long-ass sativas. Soon come!

lost in a sea

pretty sure late stage nanners are usually always sterile and get too moist and denatured before it is able to be dispersed, if they were in nugs anyway and not nodes..

anyhoo nice fruits :smoke out:

thanks for sharing :ying:


I did not know that, lias. Fascinating. Thanks! Next time I will be a bit less reactive. I was concerned about some other plants in the same room that are at the height of beggin' for it.

lost in a sea

well i've never had a seed caused by a plant that hermied in the last few weeks in nugs anyway.. they aren't real hermies in my book..


well i've never had a seed caused by a plant that hermied in the last few weeks in nugs anyway.. they aren't real hermies in my book..

That's very interesting...I always kinda lived in dread of them and what you are saying is quite comforting. Not to go TOO far afield but a couple of questions for you (or whoever)..

are "nanners" ever viable - in other words, if you see them early -say, in the sixth week of a 14 week flowering plant - might such an "early" nanner inseminate a female flower?

do single "nanners" hold pollen and -if so- is it typically less than the iconic balls on a stalk that are on prototypical male plants?

I have to say, the question of when to harvest is one of the hardest aspects of the process - at least for me. Being able to judge the different types of "high" and "potency" as things progress from week to week seems to be so subjective. I'm not much of an "amber" guy - and generally don't favor narcoleptic couch lock. At the same time, I like my the high to "have legs" and some "gravitas." I'm very interested in learning that a week could have that dramatic a difference. I guess what I need to do is to grow three or four clones of the same plant and take 'em at different times to try to experience the difference.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hola mayan :)

Looks impressive !! :yes: as usual!

If you prefer to avoid the more narcotic side of malawi then dont overmature her too much, looks quite resinous and mature in your first pics, of course you can flower her for 2 weeks more to increase weight, resins and potency but the effect will be heavier.

'Nanners' can hold pollen but sometimes is not fertile, depends mainly on the individual and the genetics where it comes from. Usually the quantity of pollen and fertility in nanners is lower than a properly formed male flower.

Did the plant suffer any kind of heat or other stress in late flowering ? It's quite rare to find nanners in malawi, it's very firm sativa line.
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Hola, dubi ->Thanks so much for your kind words. Not to mention your most excellent taste in breeding and astounding genetics.

I don't see any light leaks or major heat problems. Over a few days, the temps have gone from 76-78Fahrenheit to maybe 82 degrees F for short periods of time but I wouldn't imagine that would be unduly stressful. Perhaps I'm wrong.

I prefer the trippy and up genetics than the narcotic peel-me-off-the-floor stone - at least most of the times. There's a time for everything, I guess...even couch-lock. So the issue is whether she comes down within the next week which will put her at 13 weeks or whether she waits until I come back from my short trip which will put her at about 14 weeks. It sounds like 13 weeks should be just fine, if I'm hearing you correctly. I currently am not seeing nanners on the remaining portion of the plant - having only snipped the uppermost kola which was beginning to develop a small army of spears. The trichs look profoundly cloudy but I have not seen amber. Very few white pistils being pushed out...I have been flushing so I believe she could come down at ANY time, I guess, and I will be a very happy camper whenever that is. I'm currently trying out the top kola that was taken about a week ago and she is magnificent!

Can't wait to try Malawi again...maybe accompanied by a Zamaldelica and/or Golden Tiger. Yeehaw!
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Thanks, MAHA KALA! Appreciated...

Well, friends - she's down. Came down at 91 days. Gave her a run and she's a beaut!

Currently soaring on some scissor hash from the trimming session. She' expansive, trippy and focused all at the same time. I can accomplish tasks with precision. Body electric but not racy at all. Ya know, the works. The full package. Can't wait to dance with this baby on the other side of the cure.

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