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Malawi Style Cob Curing.


Thats amazing info my friend really cool to hear the traditional methods to collect that resin. I am sure on wounds its the perfect antiseptic I just love that pine smell in tea would be amazing.

Has it got a sweet taste being from young shoots?

Yes. The taste is beautiful. I've noticed that older the tree, the more resinous taste shoots have. Younger trees are somewhat sweeter. I like the old ones better, i feel they are more powerful.

Resin, when collected as such, is a tremendous glue to wounds. In my understanding, timberjacks used to keep yarrow(?) flowers and resin in their toolbox for cuts. The yarrow stops the bleed really fast and disinfects the wound, and the resin kind of glues it. You just leave it there until it drops of. No scars usually are left. Resin is miraculous in that sense. It sort of pulls everything out and leaves the cuts clean and protects the area at the same time.

My spouse had a nasty cut in the thumb while collecting rhubarb (i sharpen our knives with great care, so they are really sharp), and she just chewed on some yarrow leafs, because it's too early to have flowers, and made them into a bandage on the wound and wrapped it in some hay to keep it in place. 20 minutes later, the wound was all dry and clean, no bleeding whatsoever, and never bothered again. Then added some resin paste to keep it clean. These come in handy if in the woods and no access bandages or disinfection solutions.

I am thinking of cooking the shoots with weed/oregano oil in to a coconut, making an powerful topical oil for any skin issue.

Essentially, the shoots are composed of terpenes, essential oils and resin, so i figure they would all blend in nicely. We'll see.

Some beautiful looking cobs mates. Wow. That 3 year old is mesmerizing.


Well-known member
Hi guys curing time is very important hence the need to open the cobs frequently and sniff and taste to pick the time thats right for your needs.
These are some microscope shots of Panama x Honduras cobs that I made from the same plant same buds same 12 hr sweat. The only difference was 4 weeks cure on the first and 2 weeks on the second.

The 4 week cure is very trippy and deep with a narcotic feel I passed out after 4 hours and spent 45 mins in a dream world when I came back I was still high but had more energy from the rest.
The 2 week cure is very very euphoric and trippy lasts 6 to 8 hours and you dont stop working or whatever you are doing as its so interesting.

In the first 2 pics notice the resin is amber and caramel, in the second 2 pics mostly cream and caramel. This change happened over 2 weeks so you can see sampling and sniffing the aromas is important during the cure.
The lighter shorter cure is the most aromatic while the darker cure more sweet and hash like in smell.

This process is live and needs a hands on approach as small details in the temps and time ect can make very big differences in the effects.
The smell high and appearance of these two cobs would lead you to believe they were from totally different strains yet they were the same buds.



Tangwena.....you know what I think is really cool is that with this process....heck, you could harvest say a three ounce plant....depending on the cure, you could have three cobs of different stages......hence three expressions/type of high from just the one plant. It's blowing my mind brother.


Well-known member
Tangwena.....you know what I think is really cool is that with this process....heck, you could harvest say a three ounce plant....depending on the cure, you could have three cobs of different stages......hence three expressions/type of high from just the one plant. It's blowing my mind brother.
Thats so true for small personal growers as well as big growers.
I just grow a few small plants and get as you say 3 or 4 cobs off of each and they are blow your mind strong it really makes a small grow last forever.
I love playing around with the cure and getting multiple highs from the same plant.
i already have my next grow lined up and how I intend to cure them mapped out cant wait.


Well-known member
Hahaha.... I'd go crazy if I pulled off a 3 ounce plant!! Especially with an auto.
Get some Ace seeds my avatar is a Malawi I got 16 ozs from that one plant lst'd.

Its pretty easy to get 3 or 4 ozs from a plant 4 months from seed to harvest with sativas I have grown on 11/13 from day one.
That one was 10 days 18/6 as recommended on their web site then flip to 11/13.

And I have only 1200mm (3 foot of head space) just bend them until they fit.


Active member
Master Tang, opened the cobarinos up to air dry until husks were dry to the touch. Resealed em' again. Funk is strong but becoming sweeter.

I tried a small wad of the cob and thought I was losing my sanity for a while. Here is my attempt at trying to write this up... I chewed this cob at 01:00 or so and it's now 06:30 and I'm still riding the wave. Sorry if this is rambling or confusing I'm trying to do this between waves.

Was sitting around watching tv with my brother; saw the cobs and thought "f**k it, Tang said it would be okay to try". Cut off a small chunk and tossed it on the scale; 0.5g -- Tang said this would be reasonable let's do this.

Chewed on it for 15-20 minutes and washed it down with some green tea. Taste was sweet, funky, not unpleasant. 45 minutes goes by and I'm thinking maybe I needed to take more as I don't seem to be feeling much. I got another 0.5g piece in my hand and as I'm staring at the chunk in my hand out of the corner of my eyes the walls look like they're moving very very slightly when I'm not looking directly at them. Nope... nope... nope put the other piece of cob back where it belongs; not in my mouth. This reminded me of when the mushrooms start kicking in.

Went and laid back down on the couch and started to feel almost electric. Some time goes by and I'm getting hit with these rushes of energy and euphoria. Not sure how long I was laying on the couch but I got that crazy kind of high where I have to get up and move because laying there not moving made it even more intense. Walked outside around the neighborhood around 02:00 to get some fresh air.

I went around my neighborhood which is a loop... somehow got lost -- turned off the loop and went down another street. The stars were very bright so I went to see if I could find any ripe blackberries -- no luck it's too early in the season. Started thinking about how ridiculous I would look digging through blackberry bushes at 02:00 and started giggling. Got hit with a "wave" and had to sit down for a few minutes.

Started getting hit with these overwhelming "waves" that literally felt like you're standing in the ocean getting pushes by waves. Had to sit down on the side of the road for a minute and catch my breath; very strong euphoria. Headed back to my house...

Get back to the house still getting hit with occasional waves of euphoria, confusion, and general weirdness. Mental state feels strange, started thinking about seeing spider mites on blackberry bushes last summer. Threw my clothes in the laundry, got a shower, fresh clothes. Thoughts were going on about my garden. Cleaned out one of my tents, vacuumed the grow room, mixed up more coco, decided on doing hempy buckets instead of a standard coco/perlite mix, made up the buckets, transplanted plants. Sprayed down flower room and cleaned it up. Thoughts were jumping around like crazy but I ended up doing a ton of stuff around the grow room. During this time I had to lay down 2-3x due to another intense wave hitting me.

Effect is strong, strange (confusing at times), and very enjoyable. Chewing cobs is a mental/physical ride. With my low tolerance I'm really glad I didn't eat that second piece. Felt like I was looking around in frames where I wasn't processing information as quickly as normal. Euphoric and trippy stuff. I'm going to go lay down again and maybe fall asleep. Sorry for all the rambling guys, I may edit this when I get back to it as to not sound like a fool.




Well-known member
Kaskadian - Great smoke report, but you didn't remind us what strain you cobbed. I had to go back about 6 pages to get a clue because it sounds like my kind of weed. Is it Purple Haze x Honduras?

LMAO at getting lost in your street that is a loop.
If I remember correctly, 0.5g is a big dose. That is half of a huge joint. Glad you didn't take the second dose. Sounds like it was lot's of fun but borderline too much.

I made a cross between SAGE and Purple Haze that turned out really nice.

I'm going to try cobbing this summer's crop!

Thanks for making my day.



Well-known member
Hi Kas welcome to the cob club brother. As it ages that is going to get even better my friend clearer and more euphoric to the point that it is almost unbearable but never is.
The waves will become mini trips into the rabbit hole to see Alice.
I like to let go when they hit you will come back 5 mins later a lot higher and better for the trip.
Have you tried smoking it yet? Your going to love that as well.


Active member
Orient express (vietnam black sativa) review

I cobbed my buds 2 weeks ago. 24 hour sweat then checked them after a week then cobbed them uptill yesterday.
I had some friends over for dragon ball z monopoly. We did about 5 bowls between 2 bros over the night.
Id like to say i had the time of my life playing games with my friends. We were laughing and carrying on like kids! Music sounded great and i had no heavy eyes or sedated feeling. I could talk and there was no ceiling. One big thing is i have a sensitive throat so i dont like harsh buds. This was very smooth on the enano with the d20-d water pipe. No throat irritation. I could keep smoking this bud all day long.

I prefer this type of weed to dutch hybrids. They always felt muddy and sedating unlike a nice sativa.

For those who like to mix a bit of beer with your weed, i recommend it!


Well-known member
Orient express (vietnam black sativa) review

I cobbed my buds 2 weeks ago. 24 hour sweat then checked them after a week then cobbed them uptill yesterday.
I had some friends over for dragon ball z monopoly. We did about 5 bowls between 2 bros over the night.
Id like to say i had the time of my life playing games with my friends. We were laughing and carrying on like kids! Music sounded great and i had no heavy eyes or sedated feeling. I could talk and there was no ceiling. One big thing is i have a sensitive throat so i dont like harsh buds. This was very smooth on the enano with the d20-d water pipe. No throat irritation. I could keep smoking this bud all day long.

I prefer this type of weed to dutch hybrids. They always felt muddy and sedating unlike a nice sativa.

For those who like to mix a bit of beer with your weed, i recommend it!
Lovely time I am sure that connection you feel when high with friends will just get stronger as the cob ages.
Sativas are the apex high when cured this way wait untill you have about 6 strains cobbed life will take on a new meaning my friend.


Altruistic Hazeist
Wow Kas that sounded killer! What a ride! Can't wait! :woohoo:

Gonna chop Kalichakra today, sadly I've been really busy over the weekend and everything that was chopped is too dry to be cobbed.

Will cob as much Kalichakra as I can (depending on how much husks I can source).

Opened the Zam cobs yesterday, the bag hadn't lost vacuum but was obvious some offgassing inside.

The brined olives funk was stronger, will unseal to dry & enter the curing stage tomorrow (seven days fermenting).


Active member
Kaskadian - Great smoke report, but you didn't remind us what strain you cobbed. I had to go back about 6 pages to get a clue because it sounds like my kind of weed. Is it Purple Haze x Honduras?

LMAO at getting lost in your street that is a loop.
If I remember correctly, 0.5g is a big dose. That is half of a huge joint. Glad you didn't take the second dose. Sounds like it was lot's of fun but borderline too much.

I made a cross between SAGE and Purple Haze that turned out really nice.

I'm going to try cobbing this summer's crop!

Thanks for making my day.


Happy to have entertained ya bro! :laughing: Yeah it was ridiculous... a hell of a ride. Sorry for forgetting that bit of info mate... was off my ass. Yeah, it was the Ace Purple Haze x Honduras (Purple Pheno) that I was munching on.

It was a really fun ride but definitely hit waves of overwhelming. It was a chilly night and I was walking around giggling like a nut and sweating through my shirt. My tolerance is also pretty dang low -- I usually only smoke flower and concentrates/edibles are a rare treat. I think a gram would have pushed an enjoyable experience into an entirely overwhelming experience.

SAGE & Purple Haze sounds like an incredible cross! Please do make some of that into cobs and give it a go. Should be an excellent experience. :tiphat:

Hi Kas welcome to the cob club brother. As it ages that is going to get even better my friend clearer and more euphoric to the point that it is almost unbearable but never is.
The waves will become mini trips into the rabbit hole to see Alice.
I like to let go when they hit you will come back 5 mins later a lot higher and better for the trip.
Have you tried smoking it yet? Your going to love that as well.

Tang brudduh it was an incredible experience. Didn't feel like the herb I'm used too that's for sure. Definitely a trippy, powerful experience. Haven't gotten around to smoking it yet, will be giving that a go next weekend when I head south a bit to go fishing. Might not wade out into the river after smoking cob though; guess I'll be bank fishing. :biggrin:

Tang, check out this video. There are sections of this that are spot on how it felt munching on the cob. No hallucinations or anything obviously but look at the scenes that are normal but either slowed down or sped up. It felt like my brain was being overloaded with stimuli and couldn't process it quickly enough. You have a similar experience?


Wow Kas that sounded killer! What a ride! Can't wait! :woohoo:

Gonna chop Kalichakra today, sadly I've been really busy over the weekend and everything that was chopped is too dry to be cobbed.

Will cob as much Kalichakra as I can (depending on how much husks I can source).

Opened the Zam cobs yesterday, the bag hadn't lost vacuum but was obvious some offgassing inside.

The brined olives funk was stronger, will unseal to dry & enter the curing stage tomorrow (seven days fermenting).

Zam cobs sound scary! You got the same green olive brine funk too eh? Smells incredible man. Those Zam cobs are going to be scary/incredible. Can't wait to hear how those work for ya!


Well-known member
Hi my friend its early in the aging process give it a month and it will be super clear and euphoric even more enjoyable.
Yes every day is like that for me when I take 0.5g. Try micro dosing 0.1 to 0.25g once its aged now your brain is formatted to the cob you will be more receptive to the milder effects.
Cant wait to hear your smoke report I love fishing while I'm high. i was fishing a while back just staring at the water.
When a tourist walking past asked me if they were talking to me yet.
I turned with glazed eyes and replied "All the time i just cant understand them".
She gave me a strange look and left shaking her head ha ha.
Your going to love it my friend its something else.


Just made my first cob in ages! A nice big one!

It's been at least several months since I smoked some cob, I lightly seeded the last plants I grew so decided not to cob them but picked out the seeds from the last one harvested and I cobbed it...I miss smoking cobs.


I just smoked a spliff of some of the cobs I made months back, it is getting smoother and the ash is getting whiter it seems. It's very strong and almost more long lasting effects. I dab a fair bit so the effects can be hard to tell. I think mine needed more time to age but is finally getting ready to smoke. I Still get a wee bit of a tickle on my tongue when I smoke it so not perfectly smooth. I am not sure this is for me, I plan to ferment some more flowers now and again, I really love how it preserves the terpenes in a unique way, but I will not do any large amount unless I become more confident in my skills!
Master Tang, opened the cobarinos up to air dry until husks were dry to the touch. Resealed em' again. Funk is strong but becoming sweeter.

I tried a small wad of the cob and thought I was losing my sanity for a while. Here is my attempt at trying to write this up... I chewed this cob at 01:00 or so and it's now 06:30 and I'm still riding the wave. Sorry if this is rambling or confusing I'm trying to do this between waves.

Was sitting around watching tv with my brother; saw the cobs and thought "f**k it, Tang said it would be okay to try". Cut off a small chunk and tossed it on the scale; 0.5g -- Tang said this would be reasonable let's do this.

Chewed on it for 15-20 minutes and washed it down with some green tea. Taste was sweet, funky, not unpleasant. 45 minutes goes by and I'm thinking maybe I needed to take more as I don't seem to be feeling much. I got another 0.5g piece in my hand and as I'm staring at the chunk in my hand out of the corner of my eyes the walls look like they're moving very very slightly when I'm not looking directly at them. Nope... nope... nope put the other piece of cob back where it belongs; not in my mouth. This reminded me of when the mushrooms start kicking in.

Went and laid back down on the couch and started to feel almost electric. Some time goes by and I'm getting hit with these rushes of energy and euphoria. Not sure how long I was laying on the couch but I got that crazy kind of high where I have to get up and move because laying there not moving made it even more intense. Walked outside around the neighborhood around 02:00 to get some fresh air.

I went around my neighborhood which is a loop... somehow got lost -- turned off the loop and went down another street. The stars were very bright so I went to see if I could find any ripe blackberries -- no luck it's too early in the season. Started thinking about how ridiculous I would look digging through blackberry bushes at 02:00 and started giggling. Got hit with a "wave" and had to sit down for a few minutes.

Started getting hit with these overwhelming "waves" that literally felt like you're standing in the ocean getting pushes by waves. Had to sit down on the side of the road for a minute and catch my breath; very strong euphoria. Headed back to my house...

Get back to the house still getting hit with occasional waves of euphoria, confusion, and general weirdness. Mental state feels strange, started thinking about seeing spider mites on blackberry bushes last summer. Threw my clothes in the laundry, got a shower, fresh clothes. Thoughts were going on about my garden. Cleaned out one of my tents, vacuumed the grow room, mixed up more coco, decided on doing hempy buckets instead of a standard coco/perlite mix, made up the buckets, transplanted plants. Sprayed down flower room and cleaned it up. Thoughts were jumping around like crazy but I ended up doing a ton of stuff around the grow room. During this time I had to lay down 2-3x due to another intense wave hitting me.

Effect is strong, strange (confusing at times), and very enjoyable. Chewing cobs is a mental/physical ride. With my low tolerance I'm really glad I didn't eat that second piece. Felt like I was looking around in frames where I wasn't processing information as quickly as normal. Euphoric and trippy stuff. I'm going to go lay down again and maybe fall asleep. Sorry for all the rambling guys, I may edit this when I get back to it as to not sound like a fool.


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This is a genuine masterpiece.


Loved your chew report Kaskadian.Appreciate you giving a detailed writeup and allowing us to experience the trip vicariously.Looking forward to your fishing smoke report:tiphat:
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