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Malawi Gold

Malawi Gold from Seedsman
Finished indoors july 2007 after 13 weeks flow, cured 2 months.

APPEARANCE : strong, vigorous plant that is not too tall to grow it indoors, many light-weight thin buds in big clusters, calyxes are not big and not too sticky resinous, very stemy - those little stems are hard to part from buds so I smoke them in bong or vaporise, mid-green color of buds and leaves, brown pistils - overall bag appeal is shit (indoor grow expression)even for pure sativa.

AROMA and TASTE : no aroma exept humble hay... taste is cedary, peppery, not sour or sweet, with mild fruity afterburn, a little harsh for sativa - overally
low aroma and exoticly rich bitter taste.

HIGH : potency - below average, not very long lasting;
Head is Up and beautiful, no paranoia, no tremors, if puff enough can get extremely visual active with fantastic, bright colors and images, mellow mood, very quiet speech, relaxing body with unique warm and very comfortable feeling which can get a little lethargic but not heavy stoney.
This is what I use with other people - it doesn't make me and them stupid, just weird. High is more serious than chuckly tough there can be real funny moments at times... Very well mixes with other strains when used after them.
This is not dizzy weed - coordination is OK (I play snooker and this is the only weed for now that doesn't make it hard). Malawi is good for both days and nights though evenings are perfect.
Overally - high is only main reason to try to grow this strain under bright light.

Head is 9/10
Body is 9/10

Not the best sativa in world , but well worth to try. Peace :joint:


Thanks. As you know from the other fuma con dios forum, I am growing 2 seedman malawis at the moment. Thanks for letting me know what to look forward to (thanks extends to elevator man as well).

I think will definitely keep these under my metal halide for flowering in order to give them more blue light (most sativas need blues during flowering IMO) and it may improve the bud density and the potency of the THCV. There is nothing more fascinating and psychedelic than THCV vision IMO (again...especially when ingested) as i experienced with my Malawi99 grow.


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pics? :) , i've been reading about African genetics, it really sounds like they're extremely pleasant smokes, for someone looking for something not to overpowering i think this sounds great.

too bad about the taste
Hi, no picks - sorry - security(or paranoia?)it's my style...
I got Malawi Gold (seedsman) from Hempster shop in London - 2006' crop ?
10 seeds in pack stated - realy was 15 - not bad. Planted (indoors, soil/perlite mix) 5 seeds in jiffy pots, after 5or6 days sprouted 4. They were most vigorous starters from them all - 1 pack of Fumar con Dios (TFD) and Afghani#1 (sensi), though Fumas are very strong selected these Malawis were even better - sad as with a few other seedsman strains I've got poor results(this summer). Old? Maybe.. Maybe not - I don't know...
When they sprouted I put them in VEG 18on/6off - using 400w MH + ~ 200w CW fluorescent . No ferts. Temp was ~ 27-28 C, humidity was ~ 60-50 % in attic...
After ~ 30 days in veg I switched to Flow ( 11,5 on / 12,5 off ) they were 20-35cm
tall - my mistake... if you don't wanna top or prune ur Malawis - then start to flow them ~ a week earlier or so... At this time I started feed them once a week with 1-2-2 fert. Dolomite powder was added to wormcastings at start, so ph was~ 6.8-7.1 all the time... I gotto top and prune lower branches at second week of flowering and again at ~4 week... - my mistake - flowers of late topped branches were not ready at harvest time - it's better to prune them before switch to flower cycle...
After ~ 2 weex they indicated and I got 1 real fem, 1 hermy (out) and two males (out). About color - very dark at start and mid green at finish , due to low N at flow - at week 6 or 7 they showed a little leaf curling so I gone easy on ferts then, though I'm not sure which one specific they didn't like... O, I forgot - I added 400wHPS in flow... There were a few male flowers at top of some buds from week 10-11 ... From week 11 I switched lights to 11on/13off .Flowering did take 13 weex total, though one or two more would be OK on fillout...
She was ~ 130 cm tall at finish (two times topped) and harvested ~ 4,5 oz of Hay smellin and peperry tastin' stemy buds of not too strong , very heady not rasin' weed.
This was my first pure sativa grow so I think it is nearly OK... So give them enough light, time and watch for late hermies and you'll get very intersting personal sativa high. Good luck and don't forget to tell us about ur grow'n smoke.

malawiuser (for now).


Thanks very much for that information!

I plam to do extensive training and/or topping as well as use small pots to keep my Malawi Golds under control. At least that's the plan :) And plans often go awry !!


Hey MT weedman,
Something shity is with Seedsman seeds this year...weird
I got from them O.Skunk1 - 2/10-both males ;
Northern Lights - 0/10 ;
freebees Early Durban - 3/75 all 3 males :(

at the same time The Flying Dutchmen's Pot of Gold were 11/11...
Check Afropips , different Malawi Gold - the REAL they say... maybe
Good luck man. Cheers :)

Elevator Man

Active member
Malawiuser - shame you didn't get a more flavoursome pheno - mine were gorgeous, if a little leafy. Also the potency seemed quite strong, but I guess that's so subjective it's hard to compare. I definitely found that less nutes worked, and letting the soil dry out more than the other strains seemed to finish it off better.

The 'Goldfinger' cross I made with Flo really improved matters, IMO, and made it even more indoor-capable - hope to try another run of those somewhere else soon, and get some pollen on them to get some F2s...:chin:
I'm really interested in bringing african genetics to my experiments.. i'm still a newbie but those goldfingers looked gorgeous, structure looks very similar as well on both phenotypes it seems.

I'm thinking about Swazi rooi bart more than malawi...
Hey, Elevator Man
It's great work u did with crossin' Malawi with Flo . How did change high of Malawi when mixed with flo ? I'm about to move to next home next summer so I hope to install a better and larger growroom to start pure sativa crosses better acclimatised to indoor environment. OK it's a future... and now... this spring I'll try Flo - I'm between DJ's and DP's - are they identic or differs somehow ? Can u say that Flo has real sativa high or mixed with stone , it loox great but high is of most importance for me...
Thanx for replyin this thread... will check ur Goldfinger testgrow thread. Cheers:)

Malawiuser (for now).

Hi endlesssummer,
African genetics are very intersting to use in personal smoke level crosses. If u'll go with Swazi redbeard u can expect potent plants with more racy high than from Malawi,
which strain u wanna mix with Swazi ?

I'm not sure yet, trying to create a cross from product descriptions is impossible.. "up" "energetic" "old school electric" ... I have a good idea of the buzz i want though, something pleasant, not too racy and hopefully no paranoia at all, a good feeling of euphoria with a bit of a light daytime indica thrown in there for a little body but not couch lock... sounds good from what i hear. and another sativa with a more pleasant taste...

but reading about your experience with malawi gold i'm thinking i might substitute swazi for malawi.... from what i read the swazi didn't sound extremely racy... the only thing i'm not sure about is that the malawi might bring in some trippy feelings...

just looking to make a real day brightener... I've signed up with the name i had in mind for it.. Endless Summer... when it's gray out just toke up and it brightens your day and lets you be productive
Hi, sounds u lookin' for up high sativa mixed with a little indica... there is a lot of strains matchin' ur needs...just find a bomb feno. good luck man.

Elevator Man

Active member
Flo is a wonderful high - the first time I've ever experienced what I'd call a 'designer' high. In that it specifically seems to target particular areas of conciousness, whilst leaving the rest alone. I've had business meetings high on Flo where I didn't miss a thing, and felt as sharp as a tack. It's very weird, and unusually clear for weed. On larger doses it gets psychedelic, like acid - really.

As for the Goldfinger, it seemed a perfect mix of the two - the clarity of Flo with the dreamy, trippiness of the Malawi - sharper definitely than the Malawi, but they both have the same psychedelic potential separately anyway. The main reason for using Flo is that it flowers in half the time of a normal sativa, and has a very indica plant structure, which I wanted to bring into the Malawi. It has small buds though, which the Malawi helped push up a little...:)
yeah, I probably could find a strain that matches my requirements but I'm sure I'll have wayyy too much fun seeing the results of my crosses.

so from what i can gather the flo and blueberry all share common parents ? so the purple thai is still at work here?

would you say the malawi's too spacey for tasks that require concentration?

thanks for all that work
Hi, thanx for info - loox like FLO is a strain I'm looking for a while...
I don't mind if the yield is not big, it's all for me - that kind of high sharp and selective, yeah... I can keep low nighttime temps, so it's possible to get those fanthastic colors out on buds. OK flo will be my next personal smoke :) Cheers
Hi Endlesssummer,
Malawi gets spacey only when u puff a few in short time... in average doses it is relaxig body and very clear head and is OK for day tasks.
FLO is Mexican Oaxaca(+thai?)/Blueberry - 100%sativa * 20%sativa = 60% sativa

yeah, according to the cannabis culture article with dj shorts about the origins of blueberry
" a cross called Purple Thai which was a first generation land-race Chocolate Thai crossed once with a first generation land-race Highland Oaxaca Gold. "

so the flo is a blueberry backcross to purple thai. I think.....

still torn between the malawi gold and the swazi red.. both sound very pleasant
Hey Endlesssummer,
You don't need to stay with one of them - take both and pop a few seeds of them both..the rest u can use next run or change with someone. So u will know about differences between them both for sure...

Purple Thai would be one of the most greatest strains to grow... It's difficult to find
some these days... Am I wrong - who knows? Or is it possible to recreate it and/ or
make even better - Mex.Oaxacan ; Chock.Thai ;+ Kerala or central African... It is up to us - u can do this thing best in sunny area in greenhouse or outdoors to run thru
many fenos to find the real worth ones... Like they did with O.Skunk or O.Haze...btw - I've read that there was a little problems with African seeds' supliers from Malawi, I don't know details but u better check it... There is Afropips Malawi Gold -not bad alternative, maybee even better.
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