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making tinctures


Active member
I can't seem to download the story. I keep getting an error message. Could be my computor. Could you paste the story?

It's a PDF of a magazine. Takes time to load but enter page 60
in the page box & hit enter. it will come up.

For kiff extraction:

1. Reduce volume of product by pollinating it or applying
the ice-o-lator technique. There are several types of pollinators
and ice-o-laters available in grow shops or on the
internet. Typically these techniques reduce volume of
product to 20-30%. These powders can be easily extracted
in the small bottles. And of course powders absorb less
alcohol than the leafy material.


ok so im going to b making a tincture using master wu's recipe. i was thinking about adding a little cocoa powder to it for some flavor and the anandamide. the anandamide would make it longer lasting and possibly add some effects. what do u guys think?


I have received some tincture as a gift and it's in a dropper. The directions say to either add a dose to 2oz of water or directly under the tongue. Anyone have a suggestion on which way works the best?
I'm really on a budget and don't want to waste a drop of these meds. Thanks for your help. Peace.

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