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Making mixes. Need these products.


Active member
Hi there, Finnish folks!

I am trying to go organic now and going to build up a soilless mix and am desperately looking for these products:

earthworm castings

powdered dolomite lime

bat guano (both for N and for P)

seaweed extract

kelp meal

blood meal

bone meal

Would really appreciate any information concerning where I might find some (if any) of those products here in Finland.

also if you could tell me the names for those on finnish it would also help me in my future enquiries :D

Also any information on where to order those stuff to europe would be most appreciated!



No wormcastings here.. You need to make your own or go steal it from someones backyard compost! AHAHAHAAA

All meals you can find anywhere bro! from big grocery stores to garden supplys! Kelp meal little bit difficult but I got mine from AGRIMARKET and it was for ANIMALS it's gonna be 25kilos bag no smaller :D hahaaa

Bat guano from one of our lovely hydroshops and seaweed extract from ANYWHERE bro! :D Goes by name RUUKUN VOIMA MERILEVÄUUTE. It's very fucking diluted so you might wanna make your own from the BIG BAG of kelp meal!! :D hahaaaa or order some proper one from the net... Specially if ya got decent amount of plants you run one bottle in a week man! :D

head-nature.com is good bro! :) or just find your own shop not that difficult! :D there's some good organic ones in uk and denmark france etc! :D


Active member
oh yeah and one more thing Peruvian Seabird Guano!

wow nukkumatti thanks alot! you are the arc(not narc :D) of knowledge, mate!

any idea where to get the dolomite lime? that's a struggle for me!


Any garden store bro dolomite lime = PUUTARHA KALKKI!! :D

And I'm a NARC bro no doubt about it! HAAHAHAAAA what's out bro if I try to meet ya :D hahaaa

Peruvian seabird guano better order it man.. I think haven't seen it here in any hydroshop websites.. Haven't check them for a long time dough. :)

Like to help people with PROPER plans man!! OVERGROW!!


New member
Im pretty sure i saw some worm castings for sale at vplux, but now that i took a quick glance at the site i cant find it anywhere there. Might want to ask them.


New member
Hello finnish/suomihampuusit !!

Have anyone ( maybe nukkumatti?!) found that Worm Castings from here yet?? Vplux doesnt offer it, atleast not at the moment.

Im running out of it, and its like only what i need for now so stupid to order just that from germany etc... Some finnish garden selling it?? I bet no, but have to ask.

Owner from puutarhurinverstas telled me that theres not enough customers to buy "bio bizz worm humus" so he dont take it to shop, yet. From that other place, bit stinky one ;) I found this Bat Guano from guanakalong, supposed to be good stuff what ive red (boughted the last bottle, sorry :)

Been thinking to build biokomposti or something what works with worms and put it in the bathroom (does it stinks much??, i dont mind but wife might).

I have done several different, good and bad, setups in last years and allways in hydro or aero, but now im really into back to the roots!! I did had very good results and stuff with waterculture, but allways want to know more and different kinds of setups. Learning is one of my biggest pleasures! Plus im smoker who really appreciate the taste, not yields.


Wormcastings isn't mandatory. As Nukkumatti said: Steal some compost or just replace wormcastings with soil/peat.

Neko merileväuute is the best seaweed extract you can find.

Plantagen sells bone and blood meal. Kelp you can fish from the sea. :p

Hong Kong sells them also and from hong kong you can find these following producs you NEED:


Adds N & K(!!!!) Includes also mycos. Very fine product indeed.

Also when you start cooking your soilmix add this:


Includes bacteria and mycos. Enzymes and guano you need to buy from hydroshop.

Check this also: http://www.esbau.fi/bio_trissol.html

expensive molasses but still molasses. You can do a search on molasses and won't be dissappointed.

Hope these helped.


New member
Thanks for info about hong kong!! Have to visit there.

Currently im using "s a n n i e s" stuff, like bacto, mycos and buffertabs. (His name is BANNED from here, lol :D )

From biobizz alg-a-mic for kelp/seaweed and when going to bloom i was going to add little top max also.

For molasses I bought this "meridian organic melasses pure blackstrap", 350g and bit over 3 euros from punnitse & säästä :) . Have to take a look for that other product also.

Guano i allready bought, its that guanokalong 2-15-2

But for enzymes, i tried to look if some of my producst has it but im not sure so, I do have a bottle from my last run with hydro, but dont know if these are safe for organic?? It says 100% Bio but just in case.. its AHH product (or ahf) Enzymes, is it ok?

ps. nii oon mä ihan suomalainen, mutta jatketaan vaan englanniksi niin ymmärtää topikin alottajakin :)


For molasses I bought this "meridian organic melasses pure blackstrap", 350g and bit over 3 euros from punnitse & säästä :) . Have to take a look for that other product also.

Thanks for the tip! The product i posted costs around 6€ and is already diluted with water.

But for enzymes, i tried to look if some of my products has it but im not sure so, I do have a bottle from my last run with hydro, but dont know if these are safe for organic?? It says 100% Bio but just in case.. its AHH product (or ahf) Enzymes, is it ok?

Sure it is. Enzymes helps to compost leftover roots so if you're going to re-use your soil almost right away use it a bit more before flush. Canna even suggests to use it (with coco) way more within the flush process if you want to use coco again right away but i always flush with plain water and add enzymes after harvest. I have currently bio nova enzymes cause they're cheap and does not require refigerator. Also it recommends somewhere between 3-5ml/10l so 1L bottle lasts for a long time. If you happen to buy a 1L bottle be careful not to contaminate it (use clean tools) otherwise it starts to stink pretty bad...not a good thing.

ps. nii oon mä ihan suomalainen, mutta jatketaan vaan englanniksi niin ymmärtää topikin alottajakin :)


Always wanted to test s.a.n.n.i.e.s. products but i find it difficult to order from him just because of those. Maybe when i want some seeds too...


Active member
daaaam sooo much info! thanks a ton lads! Didn't know how far this thread got! just about to build an organic setup. Btw if you want EWC (worm castings) you might check out this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001HWX8PY/ref=ox_sc_act_title_2?ie=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER Nothing better than a great worm bin. Also a great hobby!

As for composting you might wanna check out some info on Bokashi composting. It doesnt smell since it's in a closed container. Check the organic forums here on icmag

respect and thanks for the info!

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