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making it look commercial and other stuff like that


i am pretty new to this but i have had a few experiences in the past, but i need some ideas.

in the circles i run in it would be very suspicious in and of itself if i were to give things away to people for free. so if i want to hook friends up i almost have to charge something or else i am at least going to raise suspicions. the things also need to look commercial and not like hand cured kind that has never seen the inside of a shipping container or duffel bag.

so how to i make my stuff look like it is commercial, as in all packed down and all? and what else can i do to make it look like i just have a good connection and not like i am doing it myself?

i would like to hook up good people but i am absolutely not going to do anything to raise suspicions if i can help it.

and i am not talking about really selling or anything like that. i just would like to hook people up if possible without too many problems if posible.
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I live about 3 hours from where I grew up and went to high school. Whenever anyone asks I just tell them I get it from a guy I went to High School with and see when I go home. Don't crush and maim the buds you put the hard work into growing just for them. Make up a story about a good connection that they won't be able to check on. I've had the odd looks for trying to give away my stuff. I like telling them "Why question a good thing?"


Active member
you could make up any kind of story about having a connection, thats what I'd do, to hell with tryin to fck up some of that well earned herb. be the guy that has the best herb :smoke:


just do it
stomp on it with your boots and then let your cat piss on it, throw in a few orange peels and make a comment about those"fucking mexicans"


i would say i have a good connect as mentioned above, but i would also periodically tell some cool stories that enthrall your friends say, about my connects New Posche or somethng every so often, so that after a while you will even have your friends bringing up convo and marveling about your invisible super connect and you know they believe in him then.

make sure you keep the stories simple enough for you to remember(Only you know the best story and appropriate length) , but the focus is on getting them so enthralled that they actually are thinking about a non-existent person long after the bowl has been put down

I bet it will feel weird giving a bag of that homegrown away when you first pull it out , but by the end of the story your friend should be like damn wow, his own private airplane too..... and you should be comfortable and smiling, like yea, they bought it.

Btw you weren't really gonna damage that beautiful home grown, were you?


I agree with making up a story, but if you really want to ruin it just run it through a vacuum sealer.


roll a joint and give it to them. they'll never know what it looked like.


I tell everybody I got it from an old friend who moved out of state. I just put it in a sandwich bag and sort of crush it a little bit. If you want to charge them a little here and there, don't feel bad because you are the one paying for nutes, lighting, beans etc.


i vacuumed sealed some of mine and boy when ya cut that bag open....what a fine smell!!!! definitely will look more commercial.


yeah i would rather not ruin it or mess with it but i can see vacuum sealing it as a compromise. i refuse to grow hermies though just because of pride, but that would be a definite disquise. although some of my friends would turn up their noses unless the "price" i told them i got it at was a steal. it could make good brownies though.


put it inthe sack and put several heavy books on it so it looks compressed. but dont overdo it, just somewhat compressed so it looks like it was shipped. but around here there is so much quality homegrown, a good connect is believable.


no wuckin furries!
use the stories ect....mix it up now and then and ask them if they know where to score from...then ppl may think your the same as them and cant score all the time...or just ask for a hook up and say no forget it i'll try one other guy i know...just to confuse them a little.HH. =]-~


a good connect in cali with BALLS OF TITANIUM is my excuse normally. i get the odd call from "freinds" looking to score a bag of something special for a party or what not, i have never just said shure come on over i gottts u covered, they all know in there minds that that 2 hours or 2 days it takes me to get back to them with the perfect sack of buds "im calling my dealer and running to hell and back trying to find it" some people want a lb a month those are the ones that know on the 15th of each month just call and ask no questions and they shall recive there bounty.
in short its gonna be your "freind" thats gonna ask stupid questions about it so make sure u make em wait even if for only 5 mins then go get there cash go have a beer then go take them there bounty be creative run out once in a while even though u got that lb in the sock drawer and those 5 in the basement and really want that new x box or new tires on your truck. u can wait on those things for a day or 2 while you are searching for smoke then u come up with the lb or 3

elaborate stories cause problems rember that


The guy I get mine from is a little strange - very paranoid - afraid of getting busted - doesn't like to meet new peeps - and sometimes he is out for a few days (or too freaked out about a bust) to think about making a deal. You know how those Vietnam Vets are.
Something my friends can easily believe, and nobody wants to deal with the crazy guy that I buy from - he is just too unpredictable.
BTW - I do live in an unfriendly area, so "he said something one day that makes me think he gets it from Cali - I don't know for sure...."


Active member
you always want people to think there is another person above you. never let them think your the one growing it and supplying it. a simple out of town connect should be sufficient enough. if your friends keep pestering you ask them why the fuck they want to know who you get it from and if they keep bothering you about it there cut off.


Ya, just kinda let gravity do some tricks, don't dry them hanging up and they will shape funny.

I always thought commercial bud looked pretty fine if it was grown and harvested properly. Many different grades of commercial product for sale, never could just judge but what people say as much as take a good look at it.

Like cali bud, nothing great for the most part what I have seen floating around. Some hippies just treat the bud like trash and play with them to much, just beaster looking by the time they still sell it for what it used to be worth.

There are tricks, I would just think a little more about them not asking questions and giving deceptive information (counter intelligence) instead of trashing the best you could produce.

I know it's scary having people breach security, even if it's breached in your mind it's bad enough. Bad vibes can add up and that is something I find trouble too!

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