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Making A Living Off Medical Marijuana?


Eugene Oregon
Im Medicinal Marijuana isnt legal under are federal government just state.
So yes any amount of marijuana can get you in trouble but you SB420/Prop 215 can make these situation easier on yourself but, anything over your legal amount where I live being 12 unmature plants/8 mature, harvesting 2lbs on me at any given time is trouble.


~CH9~ said:
I have seen in mendocino some people growing more than 100 plants cause they used patients cards who can not grow,so if the limit was 25 by person,if they had 10 cards on hand ,they could be fine....with 250 plants.But it sounds like they knew the local enforcement etc....and yes since they do it with cards ,,,gov was aware.It just sounds like you need to fight a lot with authorities if you want achieve this coming from another place.
I was at the farm on Mitchell creek road who closed and the owner even open a coffee in SF with the organic farm products.This was in 2002.
I knew someone who managed a med farm in Mendo for quite a few years. I'll just say the numbers were waaaay over 100. Local LEO knew. The patients who provided paperwork were well taken care of and the rest went to dispensaries down south ran by the person who owned the farm...they were good people.

SB420/Prop 215 can make these situation easier on yourself
SB420 has been overturned.


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ICMag Donor
Whatever said:
I knew someone who managed a med farm in Mendo for quite a few years. I'll just say the numbers were waaaay over 100. Local LEO knew. The patients who provided paperwork were well taken care of and the rest went to dispensaries down south ran by the person who owned the farm...they were good people.

SB420 has been overturned.

sure ,I knew a similar farm with well other 100 plants ,I also knew another place ,there was many stickers ,meaning they were helping local enforcement ,were stick at the door...manage by a guy alone...so yes they were actually aware....the place was even for rent indeed....

I knew Bill who helped Mr white on highway 1 too,providing the max 49 from Ed Rosenthal ,some fresh skunk,to many patients...another cool place.

i don't think it is a problem to talk about it,sadly most of these places are closed now...
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It's been a few years since seeing my buddy but the numbers there were like 1,000+ and no reason not to believe him...had a crew helping out. I'd be surprised if that farm is running like it used to. He was constantly battling PM...lol.

Have another friend who in the early stages of legalization got caught running about 1,000 plants in an agreement with a co-op. It took like 3 dump trucks to haul everything away. He got community service. Good guy...just loved growing weed.

Honestly I don't know why anyone would wanna run over 99 plants regardless of how much paperwork they have. Saw a co-op down in the Sonoma area that the local LEO inspected and he had like 250 and they turned the case over to the feds. Everything I heard about the guy running that show was good but why push it like that. I've even seen peeps well under 99 have problems with the feds...hell..I did and my garden was pretty tiny...lol.


inflorescence said:
You buy that line. That's the same shit the DEA trys to tell the public about 215.

Wait so 1 guy with millions of dollars decided to change an law for an entire state just so he could grow and smoke.

Think about how absurd that sounds.

What about guys like denis peron. I don't think he was a millionaire.
He wanted to help his sick friends.

George Soros just put up the money to help pay for the gathering of the signatures becuase george soros believes sick people have the right to medicate.

Think about it, if he just wanted to smoke why didn't he just fund a refferundum for straight out legalization?

Are there really this many mentally retarded people who have computers? You cannot see anything in between the obvious. You think someone is going to waste millions so they can smoke? It's more like spending millions to influence national politics, and get more power and influence. That's all it is! Government listens to money and to force, that is it. So no amount of dying people pleading for medical mj is going to change anything until those people either raise millions to persue it legally, or they simply take up arms and say 'enough' to oppression.


I just found this story on rense.com. It shows you that Soros is indeed heavy into using money to influence politics and not just here but on a national level.

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright © 2008

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News ®

Please Help Support This Site! (Many Expenses)

Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443.
Email: [email protected]

Unique Source: South Ossetia-The War Has Begun @ Rense.com Here

THE GEORGIAN “ROSE REVOLUTION” was funded by the Hungarian born Jewish financier, George Soros. The Rose Revolution forced President Eduard Shevardnadze out of office on November 23 2003 (St George’s Day in Georgia).

Soros installed Shevardnadze’s young protege, Mikhail Saakashvili, as the new and current President of Georgia. During the three months before the coup, Saakashvili, who was schooled & groomed in America, was glorying in lavish treatment from the Zionist led US State Department and the Jewish controlled media. And in the previous summer Soros had flown Saakashvili and his followers to a “revolution training seminar” in Belgrade Serbia.

Back in Georgia from his training by Soros in Belgrade, Saakashvili led thousands of demonstrators brandishing fresh red roses in their takeover of the President’s palace. This occurred in the freezing Georgian winter when fresh roses had to be flown in — courtesy of the Jew, George Soros, who had spent $42 million on his new Georgian puppet. No sooner had Saakashvili taken office that he vowed to bring the Russian supported South Ossetia & Abkhazia breakaway provinces back under Georgian control.

Soros and the US State Department, indeed, had publicly committed themselves to propping up the current anti-Russian Georgian President, Mikhail Saakashvili, considered by many to be an authoritarian thug. A confrontation between Russia and the US was now in the works. And it has come to a head with the recent conflagration in South Ossetia.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
inflorescence said:
You want rec use and rec grow, change the law just like the sick did.

only a matter of time before its legal for all use not just medical. they only turned the medical iniative so that people AGAINST "drugs" would accept MJ because its medicinal. so they figure once everyone is OK with it being available for medicine,,, and the FEDs OK the sale of it>>>than it will be obvious they just going to allow anyone to buy it (of a certain age) not just medical patients. because in the end,,, they dont give a shit about us or our health,,, its all aabout that dollar...so i feel either its gona be all out right legalization,,,or it will be outright legal mmj>>>and EVERYONE will have cards that want to smoek...

but the fact is we got over 300 dispensaries in CA and over 400k patients.... and we aint going ANYWHERE

ShootinBudz said:
Are there really this many mentally retarded people who have computers? You cannot see anything in between the obvious. You think someone is going to waste millions so they can smoke? It's more like spending millions to influence national politics, and get more power and influence. That's all it is! Government listens to money and to force, that is it. So no amount of dying people pleading for medical mj is going to change anything until those people either raise millions to persue it legally, or they simply take up arms and say 'enough' to oppression.

hahaa>>>yeah he got a president for 42 million?? WHAT A DEAL!!!

Gov.Swcharznegger was offered 1 BILLION by cali growers,,,

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Resident pissy old man
The government will never change their position without being forced too by the people. There is already tons of medical evidence out there that is being denied by the government, even though they themselves are growing pot for medical purposes and the government(through the department of Health and Human Services) hold the patent on cannabinoids. Patent 6630507 is held by the U.S. Government on cannabinoids as antioxidants and neuroprotectants. The drug czars office has a budget of $19 billion and Walters is a crazy asshole who will ignore the truth and protect his turf. He will do whatever he can to prevent mj from becoming a recognized medicine. If the government were to legalize all drugs, that would eliminate the $50 billion a year that the Mexican cartels make off drugs. That figure is about 5% of Mexicos GDP. Without it, their economy would be in deep shit and millions of Mexicans would be running for the US border for better jobs(more so than now).


Active member
ShootinBudz said:
I just found this story on rense.com. It shows you that Soros is indeed heavy into using money to influence politics and not just here but on a national level.

By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright © 2008

Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner
& Link To Real Jew News ®

Please Help Support This Site! (Many Expenses)

Or Send Your Contribution To:
Brother Nathanael Kapner; PO Box 1242; Frisco CO 80443.
Email: [email protected]

Unique Source: South Ossetia-The War Has Begun @ Rense.com Here

THE GEORGIAN “ROSE REVOLUTION” was funded by the Hungarian born Jewish financier, George Soros. The Rose Revolution forced President Eduard Shevardnadze out of office on November 23 2003 (St George’s Day in Georgia).

Soros installed Shevardnadze’s young protege, Mikhail Saakashvili, as the new and current President of Georgia. During the three months before the coup, Saakashvili, who was schooled & groomed in America, was glorying in lavish treatment from the Zionist led US State Department and the Jewish controlled media. And in the previous summer Soros had flown Saakashvili and his followers to a “revolution training seminar” in Belgrade Serbia.

Back in Georgia from his training by Soros in Belgrade, Saakashvili led thousands of demonstrators brandishing fresh red roses in their takeover of the President’s palace. This occurred in the freezing Georgian winter when fresh roses had to be flown in — courtesy of the Jew, George Soros, who had spent $42 million on his new Georgian puppet. No sooner had Saakashvili taken office that he vowed to bring the Russian supported South Ossetia & Abkhazia breakaway provinces back under Georgian control.

Soros and the US State Department, indeed, had publicly committed themselves to propping up the current anti-Russian Georgian President, Mikhail Saakashvili, considered by many to be an authoritarian thug. A confrontation between Russia and the US was now in the works. And it has come to a head with the recent conflagration in South Ossetia.

Personally I think that religion is the greatest fraud ever perpetrated. More evil has been done to humanity in the name of god than for any other reason.

But that being said, an anti-Semitic website is hardly a place to get objective, factual information about anything.



Active member
ShootinBudz said:
It's more like spending millions to influence national politics, and get more power and influence. That's all it is! .

If george soros wanted power and influence to change laws why would he have spent millions on a refurendum when he could have spent that same amount on campaining to become a politician, like a senator or congressmen. Then he would be able to influence all laws because he would get to vote on and even invent new laws.

I mean if he was a congressman he could change all kinds of MJ laws.

The fact he didn't shows me he's not interested in political power like you somehow believe.


Active member
inflorescence said:
If george soros wanted power and influence to change laws why would he have spent millions on a refurendum when he could have spent that same amount on campaining to become a politician, like a senator or congressmen. Then he would be able to influence all laws because he would get to vote on and even invent new laws.

I mean if he was a congressman he could change all kinds of MJ laws.

The fact he didn't shows me he's not interested in political power like you somehow believe.

Reality check time - Elected politicians are the puppets. People like
Soros are the puppet masters. Why settle for one vote when you can control 50 or 100?



New member
Pops said:
Everyone seems to think that Cali is the Wild, Wild West where everything goes. If the Feds don't get you, you will probably have to watch out for County Sheriffs deputies. Don't you think that if anyone could get rich selling pot to med clubs that all of us would be doing it?

BTW, I live in Cali and my son has a felony record for legally(Prop 215) growing pot. Welcome to our world!


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