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Makin' Cannagliss!



Keep us informed about your progress, OK?

I2KanGrow....here's an update....
I'm brown bagging the buds @the moment until they're ready for jar burping....BUT I put 1/2 Oz in a jar with some 20-30 deg C [68-86 F]tap water on a heatpad to water cure...the heatpad can keep a prewarmed 10L bucket of nutes @ approx 27 deg C...[80 F] a thermometer placed on the heat pad reads 32 deg C [90 F]...
The water from the first 24 hrs is a muddy brown colour...it started very soon after putting the water in with the buds...I believe it was the warmth of the water that aids the chlorophyll dissolution into the water....I have watercured without much success before, but this is the first time I've used the heatpad and warm water...I used to always use tepid water....
Sometime in the future I might do an experiment with tepid water/warm water/warm water+heatpad and compare the results...there's got to be an optimum temp!...
I am taking pics of the process and will post on it in a week or two when I am ready to start my making watercured bud glycerin tinc. I am also going to use the heatpad to make the tinc. I think it will do the equivalent of rolling it in your hands for several minutes a day...Some of the buds are large and quite chunky, so tomorrow I will break them up.
I think I could also use the tepid water/warm water/warm water+heatpad experiment with tinc's to compare outcomes.

The only glycerin I can get around here is $9 for 200 ml....so I'm gonna start small...about 180 ml glycerin to 15 grams of watercured bud. The same with the traditional air cured bud- 15 grams to 180 ml.
Hoping they will be ready for testing/consumption in the new year.



Active member
TRIM (we call them SUGAR LEAVES around here..) is GREAT for tinc's . I ALLWAYS use our sugar leaves for tincs. Glycerine i do do. Pop the dry lsugar eaves into glycerine, screw top on tight and place under bed for a month or so.. Strain, then let "age" in the refrige for a week or 2... Then get after it!!!
The LOOOONG month soak does away with haveing to prebake the sugar leaves....Good Luck!!! pax

Thanks for droppin'-in, tejashidrow, and for sharing your recipe. Tell me, how do you strain? I'm in the process of making a DIY press out of stainless steel cat bowls, but I'm not sure if I should use cheesecloth or a high thread-count cotton for the strain - or perhaps something else.

Nice one dude. I just ordered some glycerin after seeing what you got going on. Cheers.
Hey ScrubNinja, good to hear from you! Keep us posted on your progress. Looks like you're gonna have a SERIOUS harvest in a few weeks, great work on the cupboard!

i've wanted to make some of this stuff... this was a great read! keep us posted...

Hey, we always like it when somebody drops-in - go for it, and post your progress!

I2KanGrow....here's an update....
I'm brown bagging the buds @the moment until they're ready for jar burping....BUT I put 1/2 Oz in a jar with some 20-30 deg C [68-86 F]tap water on a heatpad to water cure...the heatpad can keep a prewarmed 10L bucket of nutes @ approx 27 deg C...[80 F] a thermometer placed on the heat pad reads 32 deg C [90 F]...
The water from the first 24 hrs is a muddy brown colour...it started very soon after putting the water in with the buds...I believe it was the warmth of the water that aids the chlorophyll dissolution into the water....I have watercured without much success before, but this is the first time I've used the heatpad and warm water...I used to always use tepid water....
Sometime in the future I might do an experiment with tepid water/warm water/warm water+heatpad and compare the results...there's got to be an optimum temp!...
I am taking pics of the process and will post on it in a week or two when I am ready to start my making watercured bud glycerin tinc. I am also going to use the heatpad to make the tinc. I think it will do the equivalent of rolling it in your hands for several minutes a day...Some of the buds are large and quite chunky, so tomorrow I will break them up.
I think I could also use the tepid water/warm water/warm water+heatpad experiment with tinc's to compare outcomes.

The only glycerin I can get around here is $9 for 200 ml....so I'm gonna start small...about 180 ml glycerin to 15 grams of watercured bud. The same with the traditional air cured bud- 15 grams to 180 ml.
Hoping they will be ready for testing/consumption in the new year.

Wow, medi - you have a lot of experiments going-on!! I have a very small quantity of H2O-cured bud, I let it sit for 7 days in water that was changed every day. The water smelled pretty funky, but it never got brown, but then-again, I didn't heat my water either. The result is a VERY dark bud - that looks, and even smells like Earl Gray tea. Haven't tried it yet.

I think it's wise to smart small, this experiment I'm doing is about the same size as both of yours - I figure on yielding only about 200ml of tincture. If dosing is only 2-3 drops, then 200ml will last a while!

DAY 21

Here's what my tincture-in-progress looks like today:


As you can see - the glycerine on the bottom is very dark now, but not green (as in green dragon) or golden (as in honey), but instead a rather unsavory-looking brownish-green - is this normal?

Come to think of it - if you squint your eyes and use your imagination, it will take-on a golden-sort-of-cast. :chin:

OK, I know - that's a bit of a stretch!

I'm thinking about sticking an eyedropper thru the bud, and taking a taste of my glycerine - or should I just be patient?

As I said earlier in this post - I'm making a herb-press out of some cat bowls (under $3 ea. @ Wally World), in anticipation of the big squeeze. I'll post progress on that project shortly.

guest 77721

Ooh that's so yummy looking - not! I bet the brown colour is from roasting the leaves.

I'd try a drop or two every week to see how it's progressing.


Wow, medi - you have a lot of experiments going-on!! I have a very small quantity of H2O-cured bud, I let it sit for 7 days in water that was changed every day. The water smelled pretty funky, but it never got brown, but then-again, I didn't heat my water either. The result is a VERY dark bud - that looks, and even smells like Earl Gray tea. Haven't tried it yet.

Thanks I2KanGrow. I've got about 8 experiments on the go or in the works @the moment...I will post on the watercure in a few days time when I'm done...The warm water works well though...
I'm still going ahead with the experiment to make a wc cannaglis and non-wc cannaglis, but in future, I'm going to wc ALL my personal buds...;)
They turned out as you described..


EDIT: I just looked @ my rep report and there's a bluish blob instead of a green one next to the list.
Is this neg rep? if so no comment was posted, so why?

EDIT2: on looking @ the thing again, I don't know what it is! lol


EDIT the third!;)
I've posted on my water cure here

I2KanGrow-> Have you thought about using an old {now I'm showing my age!} turntable for the cannagliss?
put it on a timer and it will regularly be gently swirled....

Edit IV!..hehehe can't have my thoughts all @1 time, can I?:)
Another suggestion for agitation...HANG IT!. put the vessel in a basket/cloth-bag/baby-sling/orange-onion bag, whatever and hang it somewhere...for agitation, remove the blades and cowling of a 30 cm desk fan, attach rope/twine from bag to fan motor cover. set the fan to oscillate...this should gently rock the bag...



Active member
Have heard that Glycerine tinctures take more than a couple drops, more like a dropper full. Always start low, but I doubt 2 drops under tounge will be enough. If you make BHO and use 190 proof everclear you can make a 2 drop tincture. I am very intrested in trying the glycerine, but may try the warm method. Good luck, I will be following.


I am figuring that 1-2 teaspoonsfull @ a time will be enough...about 15 ml per tsp.



Guys...I was just researching glycerin with wikki and came across this snippet of info. I've never seen this mentioned before so I thought It might be interesting

As a 10% solution, glycerol prevents tannins from precipitating in ethanol extracts of plants (tinctures). It is also used as a substitute for ethanol as a solvent in preparing herbal extractions. It is less extractive and is approximately 30% less able to be absorbed by the body. Fluid extract manufacturers often extract herbs in hot water before adding glycerin to make glycerites.
So do you think adding 10% glycerin to an alcohol extraction would make a cleaner solution similar to the way water curing before extraction?

The wikki page is



Active member
:lurk: I've been interested in checking out glycerin tinctures. The alcohol ones from the club burn for little to no effect. I am curious; however about BHO and everclear. That sounds tasty.

Keep it up!


Active member
If the tincture burns alot, that means there is too much alcohol. Make some BHO, then use everclear. Make an oil bath @ 230-240 degrees and double boil it off. Once you evaporate almost all of the everclear it will look like a thin oil with very little everclear. It will not burn if done right, and 2 drops will make you feel really good. If there is too much alcohol left it will burn,and be less effective. Have also made BHO pills, using MCT oil...which works really good too!


Active member

This sounds right up my alley! BHO pills sound even better. Hmm, I know what I am doing this harvest.


I used 2 new, rinsed clean CHUX, then threw the remnants back into the jar with fresh glycerin.
Apparently it's not uncommon to get 2 or 3 'soaks' out of the plant matter. According to wikki's
Glycerin page, it will absorb about 30% less thc than alcohol and is prone to absorb water to
a 20% volume increase.


guest 77721

I've only made tincture once. I had an airplane bottle of white rum and put about a 1/4 gram of finely ground bud into it for about 6 months. It turned the rum a nice honey colour. Sadly, it wasn't very potent. I don't know if there wasn't enough alcohol, bud or if it needed heating for a better transfer.

You've got me lookin' in the grocery stores for Glycering now. Where's the best place to find it?


Active member
I know how to strain it.

Well, I never tested it but it should work...

The Aerobie Aeropress


I'm gonna follow-up this post with my straining plan - stay tuned!

I used 2 new, rinsed clean CHUX, then threw the remnants back into the jar with fresh glycerin.
Apparently it's not uncommon to get 2 or 3 'soaks' out of the plant matter. According to wikki's
Glycerin page, it will absorb about 30% less thc than alcohol and is prone to absorb water to
a 20% volume increase.


I went over to that Wiki page, it certainly is an interesting read, but I'm not sure that the sentence you quoted means what you interpreted to mean. My take on that sentence is, glycerol is absorbed into the body at a rate that's 30% less then alcohol - I'm not sure that it's the glycerine absorption rate that we're worried about - we want to absorb the THC, which is suspended in the glycerine.

I haven't had any water absorption yet, because I have my tincture brewing in a sealed mason jar, but that's definately something to consider once it's put in my tincture bottles.

I've only made tincture once. I had an airplane bottle of white rum and put about a 1/4 gram of finely ground bud into it for about 6 months. It turned the rum a nice honey colour. Sadly, it wasn't very potent. I don't know if there wasn't enough alcohol, bud or if it needed heating for a better transfer.

You've got me lookin' in the grocery stores for Glycering now. Where's the best place to find it?

.25 gram - that's not too much pot, dude! What is that, about a half joints-worth? I purchased my glycerine online, it's everywhere.

I'm definately going to heat-up my tincture before straining, probably to about 125F-or-so, just to get it to flow.


Active member
My Ghetto-Press

My Ghetto-Press

Here's how I intend to extract the tincture from the weed:

I purchased 2 stainless-steel cat bowls from Wally-world, they were a whopping $2.95 each, and are quite heavily-built.

You'll notice that they have this rubber non-skid stuff on the bottom:

I scraped it off of one of the bowls with a razor-knife, so it looks like this:

(I still need to clean it up a bit, but you get the idea)

The 2 bowls nest quite nicely now - I'll wrap my tincture-laden weed into extra-fine cheesecloth, put that package between the 2 bowls, and press it together with a fairly hefty C-clamp. The tincture should drain-out from between the bowls.

I plan on filtering the pressed tincture thru one of those gold coffee filters. So there you have it, my tincture press for under 6 bucks - sure hope it works!


Active member
5th Week in the Steep

5th Week in the Steep

Well here we are, just completed 5 weeks with my concoction, here's the best picture that I could take:


It's not easy to take pictures of this, you can't use flash, and the tincture is getting very dark. I'll tell you that it's starting to take-on a more honey-colored hue, and it seems that the texture of the bud is finer, like it's breaking down.

3 more weeks!

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