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Makeshift Greenhouse Problems


Active member
QUESTION: Should I cut the coconut pots away from the roots or just bury the small pots into the new larger pot soil? When I started these the latter was my goal... to prevent shocking the roots during transplantation. I understood that the roots would simply pass through the deteriorating coco pots. But if the coco pots will inhibit root growth then I suppose that was a bad plan.


Active member
Above question answered... I cut the coco pots away. I saw no binding of roots.

These are now transplanted into 3L pots. After mixing the soil and transplanting, I feel like crap. So I'll move the lights and wires tomorrow. The girls will do without lights tonight, though they received plenty until noon and I left the access panels open so they received very low light until sundown.

One good thing is, with the extra soil, I'll only need to water once or twice per week until the ambient temperature starts to rise.

EDIT: I increased the ratio of bagged Victory Sea Blend soil to 50 percent. The remaining mix is 25 percent perlite, 12.5 percent vermiculite and 12.5 percent rice hulls. I hope this mix doesn't hold too much moisture for too long.
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Active member
Sounds excellent! should work fine.
Exciting when things move along.
Perhaps it's time to rename your thread!
Wooot...Wooot and Double Woot!


Active member
^^^ Ha ha... done!! :D

I moved the plants outside to make room for me to rearrange the lights. I'll wait until after my morning coffee to take on that task.


Active member
The plants stayed outside the box overnight and the younger leaves were already beginning to yellow the next morning. I spread the lights out so I could somewhat evenly light the plants but they need to be better organized. For now, the plants have enough light. I added a second heater to the extended box. Within a few hours inside the warm lit box, the yellowing leaves turned a nice pretty green. I realize I should remove the globes from the 2700K lamps. I'll get that done after taking care of other more pressing issues.



Active member
I watered tonight even though the plants received a nice rain drench two days ago. They were beginning to droop a bit. I didn't feed... only adjusted PH because I added nutrients to the soil when I mixed it. I'll feed next watering in a day or two. The need to water after only two days surprises me because they're in more soil now. The soil is draining very well though. I suppose the soil will eventually begin to compact a bit so maybe watering frequency will decrease later.


Active member
I watered yesterday but not today. The plants don't seem to need it.

Since it's been longer than two months since my last seed pop, I started 11 more seeds 2 days ago. All sprouted and are now in soil. They are 5 CBD Mango Haze and 6 CBD Critical Mass. Not counting the one tiny midget that I'll harvest very soon, that gives me 25 viable performers... assuming the 3 Tora Bora I forced back into vegetative state do well.


Active member
I'm considering popping more seeds..... but must..... resist..... temptation..... but..... the Cherry Bomb..... are calling..... to me.....


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Within 2-3 days I'll have a total of 16 new seedlings started in 4 inch coco fiber pots. The 14 larger plants will be moved elsewhere long before the seedlings need to be transplanted to bigger pots. So everything will squeeze into the grow box.

If all (or many) of these produce well, I'll have far more medicine than I need. I'm only growing this many as insurance against losses or poor yields.


Active member
Just popped a pair of seeds myself. Dual Ace Standard Mix seeds regulars. Mystery to be figured out.

Jealous of the space to start so many!
Mine Germinated yesterday morning and I put them in Root Riot cubes and set them on a wick surface with plain PH 6.5 RO in the bottom.

This morning they had popped up and shed their little shells. I think they look good with a excellent chance to grow so I buried the Plugs in BLUE solo cups ( Just added color drama for effect) with a commercial Seed starting soil near devoid of nutrients. cut the bottoms for water flow and set them on the wick surface.

I hit them with a Basic Foliar.

T-5 lights untill I have room to put them under my led



Active member
generally If I get um to the next stage and they are ready to transplant with out me hurting them, im good to go.
anyway I started thread in Ace forum as I don't want to mess with your thread other then to pester you LOL



Active member
Apparently these were root bound despite the fact I saw no roots at the outer edges of the soil when I cut the pots away. I have a couple of clear pots made from cutting the tops off of one gallon water bottles and the roots are already showing through. Hopefully, the added room will make them very happy.


Maybe we are exceptional but for two years and counting I have lost over a hundred plants grown indoors.

It wasn't a snap to grow them outdoors, with minimal fuss, weekly monitoring, or less. More manageable, but still a near total loss, as the harvest when it was dry smelled like hay, a sure sign of no potency whatsoever

My latest indoor crop of 20 nicely started plants and some seedlngs, all succumbed to Spider mites, a scourge if there ever was one to growing indoors. I'd like to choke whoever wrote that a diluted 10 to 1 bleach solution would kill the mites, but not harm the plants. 13 lost to this 'technique', and Azomax didn't exactly promote the plants either.

My outdoor plants succumbed to fertilization, in three crops over two years. Two times going Hermie at 8 weeks from harvest. Causes are speculative, like too many 96 degree days and warm nights. I'll never really know.

So I am quitting, spraying my 3 indoor tents with bleach, and taking them down, packing them away.

Maybe next year, where the possibility of a geographic move will prove more fruitful, but I am at least then 2 yrs away from a decent harvest, IF then everything works much better.

I've learned some along the way over the past 3 yrs but it is near fatally frustrating to have not even one great Sativa plant after the thousands spent on seeds, electricity, equipment, and countless hours of toil. I have one Tangie harvest curing but it does not produce the effects promised in the seed catalog.

It is a relief to give it up for a while, make a trip to California and get some primo leaf and hash legally for personal use. And far less expensive, including Rd Trip airfare.

I have some empathy for the unsuccessful growers who are either very unlucky at growing, or both inept, like myself, and unlucky.

It is not as easy as some lucky ones or real pros here have made it sound. And some advice here is ruinously wrong.

For a weed, it is super sensitive, and not in the sense of the grower being angry or disturbed, but to the environment which, to control, is like juggling a dozen cats.


Active member
Yeah, I agree that it's not nearly as easy as some think it is. Either those people are very lucky or simply have green thumbs. I certainly don't have any innate gardening abilities.