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High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Yep, that's right. I have scrapped all plants...moved all equipment and everything associated with it. Time for a break.

A situation was getting out of hand and will potentially go further.

I will not elaborate as identity could be established.

C'est la vie.

I'll be back...with a SOG.


Been There,Done That

Been There,Done That

Yep, that's right. I have scrapped all plants...moved all equipment and everything associated with it. Time for a break.

A situation was getting out of hand and will potentially go further.

I will not elaborate as identity could be established.

C'est la vie.

I'll be back...with a SOG.

"I KNOW" where your coming from Bro. Wish you the best of luck.:ying:


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Sorry to hear about the bad news mate but better safe than sorry, you've done the right thing :good:
Anything I can do for ya down the track let me know bro ;)


Yeah mate, better safe than sorry. Hope this is not the last we'll see of the HC Indica!
Stay safe man.


New member
Damn, HC, that sucks. Did you get some of your famous strain to a safe place first? It would be a crying shame if that was lost to the world...
sorry to hear High Country, was really looking forward to see your grow this season, , but if you feel security has been compromised your probably best off shutting shop, stay safe High Country , hope to see you soon.


Sounds like youve been smoking too much paranoia inducing weed going by your title.
Make sure you delete your account at IC as they can trace your cookies stored on your HDD to link you directly to activities posted here. DBan is a good program to hard strip your HDD of any evidence. Good luck with it.


That's a shame but better to be safe than sorry. I check Australian google news searches re: marijuana and cannabis every few days; the busts are constant and stretch from the small to commercial sized grows. Keep safe HC.
guys lets all take a moment to send some positive vibes out to HC and hope hes safe and well and can be relaxed sending you good vibes brother be safe ............



All the very best to you HC. Duck and cover as you see fit. Return even stronger.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Thanks everyone, this will be ongoing for some time I believe....it does not involve this site or any members...all of you who I know...I trust.

Life goes on...but this is a potential freaking volcano.