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Major NZ Operation Nets 140,000 Marijuana Plants and 1125 Busted!


Active member
New Zealand announced it's annual anti-cannabis operation netted 140,000 plants with 1125 arrests.

"Based on the New Zealand Drug Harm Index, it was estimated that $379 million worth of social harm had been prevented by the operation..."

What the HELL is that supposed to mean? How many people lost their medicine? That's harm done by the government.

When will NZ wake up and stop treating cannabis users like criminals?

Source: http://www.3news.co.nz/More-than-14...bid/423/articleID/117069/cat/238/Default.aspx


"Based on the New Zealand Drug Harm Index, it was estimated that $379 million worth of social harm had been prevented by the operation..."

LOL!!!!! Id love to know how they got to that number.


Active member
Realize that they've just removed that much Economic Growth from the NZ economy too! That pot would've supported tens of thousands of New Zealanders who depend on it for a living, besides helping many of them with their illnesses.

I guarantee the increased HEALTH CARE COSTS to the NZ gov't of those who can't get their medicine will probably exceed their social harm figure too.


Active member
Also what's it costing to do all those busts, process & jail all those busted, incarcerate all those convicted? What a waste of scarce resources! Is there no REAL crime in NZ that the police have nothing else to do than go after marijuana users & growers?

I guess the NZ economy is doing REALLY, REALLY great now that they can afford to waste $350 million + costs to go after marijuana!

NZ you know not what you do! SHAME on YOU! Criminalizing people for making and taking medicine!
Really Really great right now? No skip, our economy is doing shit! New Zealand has the highest arrest rate and, last time I checked, the highest user per head of population rate in the world! We're so detatched from the rest of the world most real drugs barely make it into NZ. However the cops have been busy since we discovered meth and it almost seemed like they forgot about bud. Unfortunately not.

This NZ drug harm index that they speak of, Im looking at it right now, who wants to hear something cool? a Kilo of LSD does $1,054,900,000 in damage!?!?!? AWESOME, take a second to think about that...a kilo of LSD Imagine the fun... However they also claim that a kilo of Cannabis does $11,790?!?!? Thats more than a kilo of cannabis costs ($5 grand for a very nice Lb) how in the hell do they claim it does that much damage? Maybe if you incorporate how much it costs to keep our prisons full and our children brainwashed, costs that wouldnt even exist if cannabis was legalised!!

So while these latest figures pull at my heartstrings, I realise that it's nothing out of the ordinary for NZ. John Key (PM) is a wanker. I firmly believe we dont stand a shit show at legalisation as long as National is in power. Also Petter dunne is another wanker to watch out for, NORML describes this man as a "religious moral defender" he single handedly fights any law change to do with cannabis! Asshole!!!

I can only say that thank God for the Dakta's, Dakta Green Dakta Grower (who is unfortunately currently serving time). These men are HERO's and I know if I appear infront of a judge I'll be a Roaring Lion too! Hell no I wont plead guilty, Hell No I wont pay a fine, the only way they'll deal with me is to cram me into an already over populated prison system putting even more strain on the government!! Heres a couple of vid's of these two wonderful men.
Dakta Grower takes a plant to court:
Here's a compilation of other video's by the KCNV team:

These two men are hero's. They took cannabis plants into TV3 news HQ also to John Key's electorate office. They are true examples of warriors fighting for our cause!


In Lake county this year they busted a 130,000 plant garden. They got one that size in Humboldt two years ago.


in the thick of it
thanks for posting these videos. those guys are right on the money, but i doubt it will ever be legalized due to the dr.'s and pharma's pushing every ailment under the sun on to us. I have IBS and it sucks....it's no where near as bad as cancer and I understand that..but it still sucks. Weed fixes it almost every time. No prescription med has ever done that. To all of you who fight the fight....THANK YOU!


I wanna know how they calculate "social costs" especially with cannabis considering how little it does negatively to one's body. Whenever there's talk about legalization cop's last stand is always "the children" or "the social costs would be more than the economic gains". Really? By whose fucking calculations? Yours? The same government fighting to keep it illegal? Great source, it's always good to be able to reference your own bullshit when debating people. Seriously legal drugs are the one's causing social ailments, illegal drugs kill ~17,000 (including people indirectly killed by illegal drugs) annually while tobacco kills over 400,000 people every year! Not to mention that cannabis has never killed anybody. Who's protecting who? If cannabis can't kill, then what harm can it do that would cause any social costs? Fuck the government. Let's do work and legalize this miracle plant already.

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