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Mah Babiez! Are dey's okai?


Growing an unknown strain supposedly Sour Diesel or something...
(Quality weed, I tried the bud from this strain and it was superb)
FFOF, 3:1 Perlite, 7.0ph tap watering every 3 days, waiting a few weeks to start flora nova nutes.

These babies were germed 4/12/09. This photo is dated 10 days later...


I don't think I've been overwatering, the top inch or two of soil is usually dried out when I hydrate them. What the eff? How do you even find something like this with the search function?


burnt out og'er
WHY is it, that some people get mislead into spraying their sprouts instead of watering the soil ?
Did you read this somewhere ?

ffof is a bit hot for seedling btw.

Stop spraying those sprouts and maybe they'll pull through ok.
The leaves in the second picture act as food for the seedling, once they have gone away it is a good sign to begin feeding nutrients.


The other 7 of my sprouts were fine after I sprayed them..
didn't think it was a big issue! =P

Do you think that's the only problem?


And yet, I haven't fert'd them. I germed them and transplanted them into FFOF with perlite. That's it. Then I watered them. How could they be nute burned?


european ganja growers
And yet, I haven't fert'd them. I germed them and transplanted them into FFOF with perlite. That's it. Then I watered them. How could they be nute burned?

its the soil thats to hot for them bro..when you water the nutes in the soil get released, pritty sure its peat moss seadling soil your after (dont know if FFOF do a peat , am sure some1 will jump in and say )
thay could get burnt from the spaying aswell, as you can see fro the pic you put up ,,the water drops sitting ontop of the plant will act like a magnifying glass when your lights are on and burn your plants...if your are going to spray them do it just b4 the lights go out/or make sure no water drops have build up on the leafs if sparying when lights on..

keep it green


Active member
that bit about water droplets on leaves causing a burn by focusing light is patently not true.

and the original poster is totally frying that baby in very hot soil mix.


Fox Farm recommends their Light Warrior soil for seedlings.......so if you want to stick to ff stuff, that's the way to go.

Really though, all you need is a commercially prepared seedling mix like Jiffy or dare I say it...Miracle Gro.

If you want to build your own seedling mix, sphagnum peat neutralized with lime and mixed with perlite works well. I also like to add a low nutrient balanced food source like kelp extract or worm castings.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I sprout in paper towels and put my seedlings in cubes, and dont add them to soil till I see the roots out the bottom of the cube. Just dont let it get to dry, and dont keep it over soaked either. nuteless peat moss pellets work too. I have never had a problem with either.

I am also guessing it is your soil. The only way the light is gonna burn your plants in foliar spraying is if you have the light so close that it is past the intensity of the sun. You can measure that witht a light meter. The only reason I ever spray though is to increase humidity if it is to dry for my sativas. Otherwise they start getting an iron deficency.


Well as it looks, the other plants are doing pretty well. It's just that one little runt that's having some trouble. I've stopped spraying, I doubt I need humidity (its usually 32-44% in there).

Other than the runt, its those spots I'm kinda curious about. What are those little yellow spots on the wee-leaves? Maybe I'll post another photo update tonight when the lights go back on.


Dont thorw them away..unless they completely die..NEVER ise a soil that has nutes in it to sporut seedlings..whenever you water..plants get fed..in the case of tiny seedlings..they just cant handle nutes..start seeds in peat,coco coir,perlite..or any other sterile,disease free,nutrient free medium..rockwool pellets..rapid rooters..you can def use normal garden soil THATS BEEN NUKED IN THE MICROWAVE....ph the water to around 6-7 in soil...


Dont thorw them away..unless they completely die..NEVER ise a soil that has nutes in it to sporut seedlings..whenever you water..plants get fed..in the case of tiny seedlings..they just cant handle nutes..start seeds in peat,coco coir,perlite..or any other sterile,disease free,nutrient free medium..rockwool pellets..rapid rooters..you can def use normal garden soil THATS BEEN NUKED IN THE MICROWAVE....ph the water to around 6-7 in soil...
I start my seedling in soil that has nutes but,i dont think it is about soil,or he just bought some cheap ass soil that has too much of nutes or something like that,stop spraying them so much with tap water,tap water has a ph over 7.0 and it has many crap in it like chlorine and other shit,you are sufficating your plants,mist her once before you turn on the lights,or when the lights are off,nothing more!and use some better water,go buy a gallon of spring water at k mart or something!they got better ph and not so many chemicals!and its cheap

oops...accidentally posted within the posters post... undid that mistake sorry about that pfeew 10k
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burnt out og'er
I start my seedling in soil that has nutes but,i dont think it is about soil,or he just bought some cheap ass soil that has too much of nutes or something like that,stop spraying them so much with tap water,tap water has a ph over 7.0 and it has many crap in it like chlorine and other shit,you are sufficating your plants,mist her once before you turn on the lights,or when the lights are off,nothing more!and use some better water,go buy a gallon of spring water at k mart or something!they got better ph and not so many chemicals!and its cheap

PLEASE STOP advising people to mist their sprouts ! It is BAD ADVICE !


I germed in peat moss. I didn't sprout in the FFOF. I waited about a week for my sprouts to shoot up, then moved them. You can see proof of that here -


My tap water is perf. 7.0 ph, though the chemical balance I am unsure of.
Maybe I'll drive down to the 99¢ store and pick up some Crystal Geyser water.. they have 1gal containers for 99¢! hehe

Why bother misting in the first place? I have no clue where I got the idea to begin with =\


One thing I am a little bit concerned about is that I kinda forgot to slice the peat moss when I transferred.. I was scared I'd cut the roots. I'm hoping my planties are buff enuff to grow through the weak little netting the peatmoss is surrounded with. They seem to be doing fine and growing well. Take a look at the latest shot in my first grow here.


I'm having some more issues, and I have some ideas as to what the problems might be...
Take a look at my guys:





I know which are the healthy leaves, and what they are supposed to look like, so when I see leaves like this that are lacking the gorgeous little crystals and are turned down, darkish green or dying yellow, I get concerned. These ones aren't doing so well!

My guess is that I'm either overwatering, or my babies are telling me its time for some fertilizer and nutes. I have some 4-8-7 Flora Nova. What's the prognosis, MJDox? Think I could get a hand here?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
over watered, but maybe a little under fed too. I cant tell. the top picks look a liitle yellow, but the bottom pick looks fed just fine. If them are the yellow color add a tad more N. try Tiny amount. they are tinny babies still.

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