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Magus Warlock 9 Weeks Pics/Report



Here is Magus Warlock from fem seed, 9 weeks 12/12. This was from clone grown 100% organic under 600HPS. She was in the dark side of the foot print but as you can see she still produced well. She stinks heavily like nasty shit and makes some nice dense buds.






Good to know. I have some rocklock seeds lying around, which is Warlock x Rockstar, so if that goes well I might try to find some warlock of me own ;)


Warlock is a solid strain....very strong and vigorous...she is easy and always produces. Magus strains are consistent and true to form. Just cracked some Double Dutch, stoked. Great job on the Warlock. Nicely-done.


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Beautiful job Iron :good: looks solid and dank as f*ck, Congrats on the harvest and thanks for sharing your pics with us all :tiphat:
:smoke out:


Hey guys, thanks for all the replies :wave:
I didnt really expect this thread to get much action.

Hash I can put together a little bit of a smoke report for ya.

Smell: sweet like a dead animal mixed with shit
Taste: sweet like a dead animal mixed with shit
Bag appeal: 8, solid little nugs that reek
Yield: 8, last run she produced very well, this run I expect even more.
High: Last run I took her to 70 days, I think this was a mistake. 9 weeks is her sweet spot, and at 9 weeks the high is much more interesting. @ 9 wks you get a nice hit right across the eyes and forehead. Take her at 10 wks or beyond and she settles in to a classic indica body stone all the way.

Over all she is a solid strain, but to be honest I do no smoke much of her because I find her smell and taste to be nauseating. One thing I will sat about Warlock is I am astounded at how well she produces in lower light situations and her bud desnity. I know the old story around Magus Gen is that Gerrit first started growing his own strains in the corner of his grow rooms, so maybe there was a little selection going on for low light situation.
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Definetly love havn' a strain around that does well in low light... haven't found but a few over the years that i can throw in the corner & know she's still gona give me her all..:D

If it wasn't for the smell/taste as you describe it i might be interested in the lock... thanks for sharing your experience...:wave:


Baba Ku

Active member
Looks real nice!
That smell is one I have had before I think, and I too hate to smoke it unless in a pinch. Others seem to love it much more than I do....but the taste of diarrhea??? Can't say I have ever tasted any. I'll take your word on it though.


Baba Ku;4197de467 said:
Looks real nice!
That smell is one I have had before I think, and I too hate to smoke it unless in a pinch. Others seem to love it much more than I do....but the taste of diarrhea??? Can't say I have ever tasted any. I'll take your word on it though.


I dont have any first hand experience smoking shit logs, but best I can say is it tastes like it smells.
sweet (like a dead animal) mixed with shit

i actually went back and edited the report, maybe diarrhea isnt the best word to use to describe it :puke:


Hey man, have you ever considered water curing to get that stench minimized?

I would never do such a thing. that's why I grow organic so that the plant shows is its true self, she's just a stinker. I dont particularly like her taste or smell but other peeps dont seem to mind.
I found the sweet "rancid meat" stench as well, though I associated it more with rotten grapes or even rhubarb. Definitely some subtle fruity undertones in there for sure.

Great plant though. Not fussy at all and produces nice big sticky buds relatively quickly...mine looked just like the one in the op. Standard knockout indica in my book. Smoking the last of it in hash form as we speak...