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D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Ive got a couple of packs of Femmed biddy early i was hoping to grow this summer but ive never grown anything from magus and their arent a lot of reports on their products.

Anybody have opinions about their strain quality in general?


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Don't know about the femmed version, but Biddy Early is one of the best outdoor strains I've grown. :yes:
Great orange-cream taste & smell, good yield w/ decent mold resistance.
Shouldn't disappoint.


Ha the Biddy Early.
Depending on your climate you will find phenos that will finish in the 3rd week of September and the others will finish the first week of Oct. As far as mold resistance, last season was the worst with my other strains but BE seem to come thru. Yields where not the best due to planting time and weather last season, but if done right and not started too early, I'm sure many out there will achieve close to a LB.
As for the smoke its very powerful after only a bit of cure. The smoke is smooth and tasty.
Resin coverage is exceptional, and trim should be done so that it can be collected as it readily falls off plant matter once dry, and the bubble hash will be very strong, trippy and speedy with great flavor.
I have tried many outdoor strain and this will be a staple in my garden from now on!

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Thanks guys. thats just the kind of input i was hoping for.

What were the different pheno's and did you have a favorite?


D.S. Ya there are some really nice grapefruit phenos in the Biddy Early. Found one in 2008 that was electric purple and reeked of grapefruit...was powerfull as well. Never kept a mom tho.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Yeah, I found a citrus-y pheno in there too. I need to harvest before the end of Sept, and BE is one of the best outdoor strains, I have run, for my area, I miss her. I'm really bummed about the whole Magus issue. I hope the Gypsy crew figure out a way to get some standard Magus seeds back at the Bay/Boo.
Can any mods chime in concerning what's up as of late?

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
Magus must n ot have a lot of fans. You dont read many reports on their stuff and look how few have knowledge about thier strains and have responded to this thread.

I love what im hearing about BiddyE.. I have 3 females in the cooker to pick a clone mom from for the summer grow.
I was interested in the Biddy sister but the description warns outdoor growers that she has brittle branches and cant handle the OD.

I wanted to buy my beans from Gypsy but couldnt because they didnt have them? Whats up? I did get my sensi stars from him though.


Active member
all the true smokers know that magus strains are nice :), smoked some star warz 7-8 years ago that had been imported from the dam ,,and to this day my mates round my way still talk about it, type in double dutch or warlock and im sure you will see a few people do grow magus


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Go to the Magus forum, plenty of older reports in the back pages, I know I have pics in one of those threads.

Don't know the latest w/ Gerrit, he just working fem versions?

I think the knock is, that Warlock is just a highly selective Skunk/NL "Dutch herb", nothing knew, but great herb none-the-less.
Hard to hype what's been around 25 yrs.


Ive not grown them out yet, but Ive got a pack of Exile waiting in line.

I had an old pack of exile (circa 2002), that didnt germ, but Gerrit arranged for a fresh-stock replacement ('09 run, iirc).

i can say, without a doubt, his organizational skills seem to have been ahead of the curve for some time, as in june of '09 we were able to trace back my old pack of seeds, and when it was distributed to retail, etc... thats worth something too, IMO :D


Outdoor Grower, C99 Lover
ICMag Donor
Hey guys, I grew female Biddy Early a couple years ago. If my memory serves me well, I have also grown some regular BE as well :biggrin:

It is such an awesome strain. Grows very quickly, tolerates weak medium, even after the rainiest month of the decade she was still mold-free ! I grow in a quite cold area (49N) and BE were ready be the end of September.

The smell is, as Highlighter described, creamy orange. Yields very well, easy to grow and very potent, I would give it a solid 8.5/10. Hope it helps, full report in my sig



Active member
Magus is an old seedbank wich was on top of charts and coffeshops in his time in the middle of 90's, using sensi seeds genetics (like many others) as genpool. He keep a reference in memory of the past performances.

He suffer today from a no existing renew of his catalog and the fem' as the only answer in R&D. I was fan of his Warlock male heritage wich have given many strains of the market.

I used his strains only for indoor, i prefer KC brain for play outdoor.


Yup thats a nice Biddy Early Thor!! They mostly take that color and shape, with a 2 week spread on phenos at harvest.

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
Beautiful pic, Thor. I miss that plant!!! I can't be the only one feeling this way, Bring back Magus!!!:prettyplease: