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Magnum XXXL 8" vs. Blockbuster 8"


Active member
Thanks for the reply. I think I've ruled out the xxxl... Now it's between a blockbuster and a yield master supreme. These are shaped like a blockbuster only 3 inches smaller, anyone have these?
I know this is an old thread, but as a blockbuster user in a 4 x 4 I feel like it does not get the corners well at all. I'm going to try the magnum to see what it does. I think it will fit my plant pattern better. I have 6 plants, 2 deep, 3 across. I believe the magnum is more lengthy and the blockbuster is square so this works. There's more to it than just fitting a hood into a grow space. Sometimes you gotta ask yourself what will get the most out of your setup. For me, greater distribution of light is most important. For others, a more concentrated spread would suit them.


i too say get the magum. I got a magnum xxl 6" because of even light distribution and myself i took the glass off and i used the horti 1k and about to use the 600w horti

even pico said that the magnum is one of the best foot print of even light distribution and what not.

the XXXL's rock because of their EVEN distribution of light. It's far and away better then any reflector I've used - including the old parabolics.

Since you'll be running cooling, you'll be able to have your reflectors close enough to the top of the plants that not a lot of light will be wasted.



if ur going to use a 400 or 600w in a huge hood.. try to get a lamp socket extrension allows the smaller bulb to be in the middle of the HOOD.

and I have 2 Magnum XXXLs 6inch. and 1 8 inch.. I got them used for 100 bucks each.. so I couldn't complain that they weren't all 8s or 6s .. so I just got a reducer works fine.. just make sure if u use the glass and air cool them to have a filter.. or ull be having to dust your glass a lot and it can be a pain.. specially kuz I have the older ones.. so there is no hinge .. Its still easy to get the glass out. just undo 1 side were the ducting is.. and have your hood tilted so the side u have undone.. is lower then the other.. and just slide her out. its not bad.. I clean them every single time I see any dust in there .. but I just put up my xxxls instead of a huge cooltube I bought on the net.. and the 2 XXXLS distribute the light soo much better then the 5 foot cool tube


alterego i have the 600w horti hps and i been running it since nov. i have no problems with it and i even removed the glass . what thing are you talking about? and is it for the 600w ?

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