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magic flight vap= piece of shit

memphis man

that is what i thought at first i have tried five different strains through it all which taste great when rolled or packed in a pipe.

Sour Deez

Its possible your box could be running cool.

When you insert the battery how long does it take for vapor to start forming in the trench?

If you have to wait any longer then 10-15 seconds with a fully charged battery something is wrong.

After 5 seconds my trench is filling with vapor, if i waited 15 seconds the herb would def start to burn.

memphis man

its taking about 5 to 6 seconds but once you pull the initial vapor it takes another 5 to 6 seconds to get another little puff

Sour Deez

Doesnt really sound like its running cool. Thats why i do the sipping technique, feel i get bigger hits.

Not sure why you cant taste it good...if it tastes good in a pipe or rolled up, it should taste better through the vape.

I got some grape stuff now that seriously tastes like sour grape candy. I get better flover from the MFLB then my SSV no doubt. But SSV gives those smack you in the face vapor hits.


shut the fuck up Donny
odds of it being defective are slim. Keep trying, re read what others have said + watch youtube.

magic flight is the cheapest vaporizer on the market but it does work. It isn't even close to the best, it certainly works, I've used one many times.

if you cant figure it out and end up returning it, forget the magic flight and spend the extra few bucks to get the arizer solo. check out fuckcombustion.com or VaporizerReviewSource.com, in your price range arizer is def what u want.

Sour Deez

I just busted out my box since im off work and home.

I did notice a slight woody taste like you described at the beginning of my pack, but only when i let the heat build up to much. I know i said 5 sec before with the sipping technique, but try less time maybe? Like i said, i only got that taste when i left the battery in for a little to long.

memphis man

please excuse my pics camera is broke but i did the best i could surely you can tell im not smoking garbage
1st pic od blueberry
2nd pic indor purple diesel
3rd pic od blueberry
4th pic indor kens kush
5th pic indor purple diesel


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Sour Deez

Id vape it :)

That first vid you posted is pretty good. He uses a very similar technique as me, except he keeps the battery connected the whole time, while taking faster 'sips'. I would give that a try to, just make sure you 'sip' fast enough to not let heat build up to much and burn the trench.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
if you're accustomed to other vaporizers the MFLB taste isn't that good. the stock batteries are shitty. to get a decent hit you have to get some powerex 2700 batteries or similar.
I can get an ok taste from some strains, but I normally use my box with a mix of ground weed and kif/ground hash, gives a really nice hash taste, and allows me to get high on 1 or 2 trenches


did u cure ur weed in a tree trunk?

honestly i dont know what to say an ymore.. lol.. puffing my mflb and getting vaped the fuk up..

sorry yours tastes like wood.

wish i could help


yeah vapes are amazing, they really have no peak it seems. Just take time getting the heat and pull technique down. The key is to start off at a low temp then work your way up, I have a cano and with my first bag do 36-379 F and the taste is amazing. If I bump it up to 389F on the first bag, the taste is much more degraded to burnt popcorn, however the vapor is so thick I can barely see through the bag.

Its kinda up to you with vapes, I really have stopped smoking almost completely just because smoking is painful and tastes like shit. A good bong hit every now and then really cleans your whistle but its kinda scary seeing how much of an effect other chemicals in smoked bud have on you then vaped. Good luck and enjoy!

Mr. Bongjangles

Head Brewer
ICMag Donor
The MFLB is a piece of trash... Makes tiny hits that DO taste like wood - returned my first one cause it barely hit and tasted like wood, got a 2nd from the company and it was the exact same thing.

They even tell you to "sip" it in the instructions - screw that annoying BS.

Once you're used to a vape with an all-glass air path like a vrip wand, any extra taste jumps right out at you.

memphis man

i bought the vap from a local smoke shop in a non med state do you thibk i could return it to the company itself or am i pretty much fucked?


Active member
I'll add my 1/50 of a dollar:
-only half a trench at a time (too much kinda swamps the heating element, won't mix when you tap...see next point)
-tap the side of the box while drawing to mix the grind (not so hard to knock weed outta the trench but to keep the weed from sticking to the element and mix it, bringing fresher weed closer to the element)
-draw slow and steady...don't suck on it like a bong

The last part is key. It's not a bong or a pipe. If you understand how it works then you can control yourself enough to draw slowly. For a guy like me who is used to ripping bongs, the MFLB required a more sophisticated level of inhalation control in comparison.

A nice little tool and about as simple in design as a vape can be.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I'm telling you get a 4pk of powerex 2700s for like $15 it will work way better, will actually give good hits. the stock batts are weak az. use a coffee grinder for your weed/hash. it definitely takes some experimenting to figure it out, it can be pretty good


I thought ours tasted a bit woody the first few days...

...but not enough to post that it was a piece of shit!

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