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mag or potassium def?help plz


hi guys, i recenty had a problem with a low ph on my reservoir,so i had a phosphurus problem, and i still have a litle of it, as my stems are still purple in some plants.

i raised the ph, and the problem went away, but i got a potassium problem, so i lowered it...

in those days i also had some heat stress on the plants cause my extractor stoped and they got heat burn.

the thing is today i saw them and they seemed more burned , even though the ph was low...(almost 5...yeah i know its too low)

so i tought it could be a magnesium deficiency cause indeed some leafs appear more dark at the veins...(and magnesium requieres high ph)

what you guys think?

ec is 813(in microsiemens) ->0.8ec
strain is power skunk , and as you can see its suposed to be a real resistant strain

any advises?
i dont have a real ph meter i just use the ghe meter so my values are not always right...apart from that im not getting much of a ph fluctuation other wise i would just play with that...

should i put my ph up(mg) or down(k)?atm it should be around 6.

i was also told i could have a overwatering problem :S

thanks a lot


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
That appears to be some sort of Aeroponic or DWC operation. If it is, there's no such thing as overwatered. The GHE kit doesn't look too helpful. A $5 Aquarium test kit would help you zero in on your pH which is often the answer to deficiencies in hydro. As you can see, the optimal area is pretty narrow. 5.6 to 6.0



its a rainforest system 2 from ghe, its aeroponic, and when the roots get too big, it becomes hydro cause they fall into water.

the tester came with the system lol...its the color tester...i have to keep it between the very light green and the very light yellow, its hard as shit....

but atm i got no money at all(here the dam digital ph pen cost 50 euros minimum)...so i will only buy a meter for next crop :(

you think i should raise the ph a bit or lower it a bit?



btw the plants are worse, yesterday i lowered the ph, today when i saw it, it lowered to about 5

they look happy though, leafs pointing up etc...

im raising the ph again to 6, is this what im supposed to do?

i think i can see mg deficiency on the leafs, but im trying to compensate that using foliar feed with epslon salts.

btw ec is 860, im afraid to starve them , since they have this ec for a long time now(over 1 week).

can this also be a food problem, or is it just a ph problem?

any ideas?this is getting bad :(


ok now im getting phosphurus deficiency all over again cause i had my ph low for too much time....

im starting to think this can be lack of food no???




New member
I am totally baffled by what you are doing. You think that by playing with the pH you are adjusting the amount of NPK the plant is getting?

No you're just stressing out the plant and pumping chemicals to a toxic level in your water. Cut that shit out.

Now, dump all your water, add in your nutes as per manufacturer guidelines for early veg and leave your poor babies alone for about a week. Hit us up then and tell us what's happening.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
5 is too low. 6 is too high, The band you want is very narrow and the GHE kit is too broad. It tests in 1.0 increments where an aquarium kit measures in increments of 0.2. Even if you get a $100 pen, you'll still need a $5 aquarium kit to test the test pens accuracy. Get the $5 kit now. I remember being a starving student when $5 was treasure beyond all dreams of avarice but, we're talking of protecting a grow worth $1000 or more.

While pH isn't always the answer, it is so commonly that it needs to be determined first. Go one morning without that double latte expresso, one night without pizza, one day without cigs. A single sacrifice now buys you that $5 kit and could save you two months of work and $1000+ of weed.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
theherbster said:
You think that by playing with the pH you are adjusting the amount of NPK the plant is getting?
Nutrient uptake is directly related to pH. Yes, he's screwing up his garden something awful at the moment and a flush wouldn't be a bad idea however, bad pH will lock out certain nutrients. Playing with pH has a profound effect on NPK uptake which is why he needs a test kit.


Active member
yes u can overwater hydro,think cycles of time the ,number of times its irragated,it can get to many if not adjusted right...moon/


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
moonymonkey said:
yes u can overwater hydro,think cycles of time the ,number of times its irragated,it can get to many if not adjusted right...moon/
You can overwater in hydro but, not in DWC. There is no irrigation in DWC. No flood, no drain, no ebb, no flow. Roots are submerged under water 24/7 for the length of the grow. They can be under oxygenated but, not overwatered.


lol i tought you meant the pen which costs a lot more...ill buy it tomorrow probably, ill go to my hydro shop.
(you right about the pizza thing etc, but ive already bought a exctractor this month€50, need to buy tickets for muse€50, need to by also the bloombooster €25)and i got only €150 to do all this shit LOL

Alll this started due to a ph problem, so its normal im adjusting the ph, cause the plants before this phosphurus deficiency were perfectly fine.
after i fixed the phosphurus with a higher ph, i left the ph high for too much time, and i got the potassium deficiency which caused all this.

my hydro guy was the one who told me to up the ph, and lower the food in the tank...i did that and worked out fine...but i got the potassium deficiency 2 days later cause i was out for one days and didnt lowered the ph like i was told to.

So i lowered the ph to its normal level like its suposed to..but they kept on going worse...after i saw deficiency in potassium with phosphurus i tought it was to much food, cause these deficiencies according to my limited knowloedge of hydro, cant happen due to ph, as phosphurus likes alcalina environment, and potassium like it acidic...

my nutes are normal, even though i will swap them in about 3 or 4 days...they have been getting the EC ghe recommends 0.8...atm they recommend 1.2 ec like i was told in enfermary, which is the main reason why i uped the nutes as well.

keep in mind this is power skunk, they love food...and are suitable for begginers...so this strain in particular, cant be too picky about over nutes...cause they were healthy a week and half ago with EC1.0...and they were much smaller.

btw its a aero system, the roots fall into the water when they get too big, even though i was told that wasnt necessary i also added a air pump to my system, just in case sprinkler fails or something, so i think its not under oxigenation :S

thanks a lot for all the info guys, atm they sleeping, but as soon as they wake up, ill take some pics and post so you can see how they doing.yesterday i uped the nutes,and left the ph at about 6.0(i had special care to setle it really close to the 6) if they worse ill just change rez and see if that solves the problem.

thanks once again


some wird thing is going on

yesterday i left the res with:


today its EC1070 with ph 5

this isnt normal right


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Right, It's not normal. EC and pH are supposed to move in opposite directions. You have officially stumped my band. :badday:


yep, im a noob but im not that noob....ph comes up, ec goes down, and vice versa...

so i changed the rez lol...35liters using the ghe bloom formula, since they almost 1 week into flowering (no pistils though)
also used the bloom formula (1.5b/1m/10.5g) cause they showed no nitrogen deficiency...on the other hand they showing major potassium and phosphurus deficiencies.

after i applied the formula something strange hapened though, the ec is 1000, and they say it should be 1300/1600...
Am i supposed to add more nutes until the ec is what they say, or just follow the formula in ml/l?

Anyways, they look really pissed at me so i think im better off keeping the nutes at this level.

tomorrow im getting that ph strip you talked about, i tought the best test available for accuracy in the market was the ghe or the digital ones...and i even had fish for some years LOL

Just a side note, i noticed some clay deposit on the bottom of the rez.
They still burning bit time on potassium, but also a lil bit on phosphurus...

How long until they stop burning, after i change the rez?(in other words how long until i can tell im doing everything right?)

thanksa lot ppl


the damn plants are all burned up...

added h2o2 to the reservoir...the roots seemed a bit brown...

pulverized with anti fungi...

couldnt buy the ph kit you said cause cause here they only range from 5.8/9
the ones that have all the range are extremly expensive(60euros) and are for salt water aquariums with 10 tests...so i have to keep up with the ghe meter :S

water temp 23cº
room temp 26/29cº
EC1050 (lowered it)
PH 6.0 just raised it again

Can this be caused by lack of humidity or too much heat????

before i made this stupid grow room i could grow plants...since i built this shit, ive been getting this strange symptoms on my grows...i tought it was the strain, but now this plant came from seeds from the seedbank...

after i changed the reservoir, the ph droped and ec rised:

Anyone got any idea what i can do????(as you can see from last pics, the 2 biggest ones got bigger, but the burning has spread a lot...


I think you're confusing EC with PPM. How can EC be 1150? If your ppm is at 1150, you need to lower it. Those plants look young, I think they're getting nute burns. You may know this but nutes will lower your pH so if you have less nutes, your pH won't drop so low so quickly.

Btw, for what it's worth, at this stage in the plants, my ppm is usually at 800. I personally think 1150 is way to high.

Good luck with your grow.




medusa22 said:
i use microsiemens...which means like i said above... 1150 microsiemens =EC1.150


my ppms should be 550/600 as i think the conversion factor acoording to what i saw online is 0.5(http://www.sensorex.com/support/education/conductivity_education.html, the direct link for the info http://www.sensorex.com/img/support/education/CondvsPPM.JPG )

so its a fine ppm for them, or maybe small, as they had this ppm like 2 weeks ago before this hapened and they were fine.

Oh, ok. Sorry, I see now. I thought it was nute burn because I had nute burn a while back that looked like that.

Good luck with your grow.

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