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Mafia seeds e Spigolaro, tutto il mondo è mafia emm pardon è Paese


Well-known member
Good morning everyone, I haven't been in touch for a while so here I am documenting this long grow, I have no aspiration to win also because in this forum there are growers who are better than me and I actually like sharing with the Community my jobs. Well, after this introduction let's go back to our Rosy who has reached the fifteenth day since the change of photoperiod, is in the phase of almost uncontainable full elongation and has almost reached the roof of the garage.
I had to crop the highest branches but every day I'm always there to raise the LED panel and I just hope that the stretch period ends soon.
On the other hand she is very well, every 3 days I give her water and organic bloom fertilizers and this morning I started with Organic Pk and she likes it a lot.

Look at what a beast it has become, a plant that inspires fear, a true Boss of bosses ahahahaha.


Well-known member
Hi guys, now we have entered the beauty of the cultivation because it seems that the elongation period is almost over and she is concentrating on producing beautiful flowers. 24 days have passed since the change of photoperiod and she has completely changed gear and you can clearly see in the photo with the completely yellow fallen leaves now she needs to be pumped well, I think a nice harvest will come out from the way things look but only time will tell.


Well-known member
Let's continue with other photos, as written in a previous post I had to crop some lateral branches because they were too long and they reacted well but now I don't want to touch them anymore and leave them alone to flower.



As a first impression regarding the smells it reminds me a lot of Ace's Killer a5 haze, very pungent and wet forest scents, sweet or caramelized do not exist in this plant. As a first grower I wouldn't recommend it to beginners even as regards water and feeding she doesn't like frequent watering and at the beginning she's fussy about food, but now she's the exact opposite i.e. very hungry but also for the administration of water and nutrients I do it every 3 days, with the indica strains instead one day yes and the other no I always gave it a drink even in full flower every day this however is another story it is a Haze, however up to now it is a great satisfaction to raise it of course these are just my completely personal impressions regarding the cultivation in progress.


Well-known member
Happy Sunday everyone, finally the plant finally stopped stretching after 4 weeks and it was challenging because every day I had to raise the panel by 3 clicks and I didn't allow it that much. However, now all the work done and the care given with attention are repaying me with a very beautiful, healthy plant full of buds, the road is still long but it is progressing well.


Well-known member
Good evening beautiful girls and boys, how are you? Here at the gleaner everything is fine but I have a problem, my wife has become jealous because Rosy has become a beautiful pussy and I'm caught between the two fires ahahahahaha. Apart from everything, it is a really beautiful plant, busy producing flowers and taking on really bright shades and colors with shades ranging from purplish pink, in short, it is a satisfaction to see it, but without further ado, here is a first roundup of photos.


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Well-known member
Let's move on with other photos, to recap the girl turns 35 days after the change of photoperiod tomorrow and it's going great so far I like how the cultivation is going and the plant is also a great strain even if the final test will be when you light a great cannon but there is still time left.


Well-known member
Let's move on with other photos, to recap the girl turns 35 days after the change of photoperiod tomorrow and it's going great so far I like how the cultivation is going and the plant is also a great strain even if the final test will be when you light a great cannon but there is still time left.
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Damn, those are pretty flowers. I love the shape and look of those flower tops. You are doing really well with the space you have. Thanks, friend for sharing.


Well-known member
Good evening everyone, so today we have reached the forty-sixth day since the change of photoperiod and Rosy is all busy putting on weight and putting on huge tits and ass ahahahaha really a beautiful, very nice Sicilian. The ropes are bending from her weight and I'll have to do some tying, so everything's fine. The shades that the buds are taking on are spectacular, unfortunately however with the lights on they don't highlight their beauty, on the next round I will take some pics with the lights off, here you go I hope you like this beautiful New haze.


Well-known member
Let's continue with other photos, as far as the smells are concerned, as a first impression it reminds me a lot of Ace's Killer a5 haze, very marked, oily hints of leather from dad's old belt, sweetness doesn't exist here, it's like a woman putting her hand on you in the face after passing it between her thighs ahahahahaha. There is no kindness in this plant as far as scents are concerned but road smells, leaden and foggy, the smell of worn tires, in short, this kind of thing.


Well-known member
But this stuff is amazing..
You're good, you're good!
Hi, thanks for your visit and yes, so far I'm satisfied with how the cultivation is going even though there's still a long way to go before the day of decapitation ahahahaha.
So here the Rosy has 55 days since the change of photoperiod, the plant has literally collapsed from the weight of the flowers but I think it still has a lot to give, in short it's not finished.
The smells have now become very strong, almost oppressive, oily and with an organic background of decomposing material. There is no sweetness in this strain, if you like donuts, muffins and biscuits don't even consider growing it because you will be disappointed. It doesn't bother me at all, in fact I love this kind of scent.


Too old Senior Member
Buona serata a tutti voi, oggi è un bel giorno si perché è finita la settimana lavorativa e allora ci si può dedicare di più ai miei hobby, io ne ho 3 : la pesca in apnea, andare a funghi e naturalmente coltivare la mia pianta preferita madame Weeda ahahahaha.
Allora oggi Rosy festeggia il suo ventesimo giorno di vita, è maggiorenne e può fare sesso con chi vuole ahahahaha scherzi a parte, ora comincia il lavoro vero per adattare e modellare la pianta a mio piacimento. Il primo taglio l'ho fatto in corrispondenza del bocciolo apicale, in futuro ne farò altri per riempire la mia scatolina e quindi sfruttare al massimo tutta la luce del pannello LED ed avere un tappeto di boccioli uniforme. Devo dire che ha reagito molto bene al taglio che non ha minimamente rallentato la sua crescita, ho notato che non tutti i ceppi reagiscono bene al taglio e rimangono un po' bloccati per qualche giorno in questi casi li lascio stare e non dare affatto acqua. Qui invece non ce n'era bisogno, ieri l'ho rattoppato e oggi è già lì con le foglie belle e dritte e abbastanza assetato visto che il vaso è più leggero di ieri quando gliel'ho dato da bere.
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Apnea finita 😩 adesso andiamo di canne🤣
Sia quelli in fibra di carbonio sia quelle in “ fibra di canapa”🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lavoro impeccabile!


Well-known member
Apnea finita 😩 adesso andiamo di canne🤣
Sia quelli in fibra di carbonio sia quelle in “ fibra di canapa”🤣🤣🤣🤣
Lavoro impeccabile!
Ciao fra, grazie mille per il tuo tempo dedicato a guardare il mio modesto coltivo e sai ti dirò ogni volta che esco dall'acqua a fine pescata un bel cannone me lo fumo tutto ed è una grande soddisfazione specialmente se ho fatto una bella pescata. Ho 49 anni e pesco in apnea sin da quando ero piccolo, mi faccio le canne si ma questo non mi impedisce assolutamente di andare per mare.


Well-known member
Damn, those are pretty flowers. I love the shape and look of those flower tops. You are doing really well with the space you have. Thanks, friend for sharing.
Thanks to you dear also because you are the only user who has been following me since the beginning and I am honored especially because here on the forum there are growers and breeders with counter dicks while instead I am just a small drop in middle of the ocean.


Well-known member

These photos, obviously, have nothing to do with farming, they are just to share with you my other great passion, for me it is a lifestyle with all due respect to those who are against hunting and fishing.


Well-known member
Here's another roundup of photos, these were taken around the last week of November. I spent a lovely afternoon which at the end of the catch was sanctified with a very tasty joint of Creme Caramel, et voilà les jeux son fait.

Yes, I know I'm off topic but that's how I am, I like to show some photos of my catches, ummm to tell the truth I have a third passion which is mushrooms I love wandering around the woods with my dog in search of delicious porcini mushrooms, this& #39;year I brought my father with me and he also liked to go looking for mushrooms. I spent some good moments with him also because I'm basically starting to get to know him better and establishing a relationship between father and son. He has been retired for a few years now, his job was as a truck driver and he was always travelling, he was practically never at home so there was very little time to spend time together. My mother raised 3 children alone and my father worked hard to support the family, I respect him very much emm yes I went on too long okay come on as they say life goes on and the years pass the important thing is to be good people and above all humble because in this world you never stop learning, I send you all a virtual hug wishing you happy holidays in peace and serenity with your loved ones.