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Madds Lab's


I think I mentioned it before but I love your grow room. Glad I found your grow log and look forward to watching this next cycle.

So what's the story with your Afghan beans?

Thanks. 12x12 is vegging and the lab is tight. I have to start the photo journal.

Picked up the beans traipsing around Asia Minor since the 70's, 80's and 90's. Did a lot of work in some crappy places but those places seemed to have some of the wildest greenery. I'm home for good now and this is my karma healer, growing, tending and caring for plants seems to help calm me down. I have a high tolerance, I smoke one hitters most of the day. I need to grow the wild kind that gets me up there in one or two rips. To heck with the dispensaries, I have not paid for herb in years.

40 years of growing. Outside and inside. And yet every time I walk into one of my lab's I learn something new about this plant.

Heavy harvest's and tight buds,,,,,,,




Picked up the beans traipsing around Asia Minor since the 70's, 80's and 90's. Did a lot of work in some crappy places but those places seemed to have some of the wildest greenery. I'm home for good now and this is my karma healer, growing, tending and caring for plants seems to help calm me down. I have a high tolerance, I smoke one hitters most of the day. I need to grow the wild kind that gets me up there in one or two rips. To heck with the dispensaries, I have not paid for herb in years.

40 years of growing. Outside and inside. And yet every time I walk into one of my lab's I learn something new about this plant.

Heavy harvest's and tight buds,,,,,,,



The diversity of cannabis and how it is genetically equipped to survive in some of the most extreme outdoor climates always amazes me.

I can't wait to watch the Afghani beans pop, I have some en route from the Quandahar region right now. I know nothing about them other than that they didn't come from a commercial farmer. It will be a welcome surprise and yet another learning experience no matter what they show.

Your 40 years experience shows in the way you grow, keep it up Madds, I'm here for the show.


The diversity of cannabis and how it is genetically equipped to survive in some of the most extreme outdoor climates always amazes me.

I can't wait to watch the Afghani beans pop, I have some en route from the Quandahar region right now. I know nothing about them other than that they didn't come from a commercial farmer. It will be a welcome surprise and yet another learning experience no matter what they show.

Your 40 years experience shows in the way you grow, keep it up Madds, I'm here for the show.

oh crap! Ali Ghafoor strikes again. If your getting seeds from him you scored big time! Soil or hydro? Mine did great outdoors. 9 ft high and a 7 ft girth. POUNDS came off of her. I have a couple hundred seeds from him and am planning to do some in FoxFarm and some in the tubs and see which method they prefer.




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Ali Ghafoor? Not familiar, but that is one huge bush. I have switched to coco for most grows but for the Afghani's I thought I would revert back to my "dirt bagger" days and use a fast draining organic soil mix in 5 gallon buckets.

I am all ears for any input or recommendations you might have. Thanks Madds!


I've been in Pandora's Stash and I'm thwacked,,,,,,,,,

Ali Mir Ghafoor, he was our "fixer". You wanted something, Ali would "fix it up" for you. For a price.

For my beans I picked up FF Ocean Forest and I'm not impressed. It's been a few years since I bought some and this bag seems to be a lot less darker than what it used to be. I prepped a couple of 5 gallon containers and started one girl. I'm holding off on the other two containers for a couple of days. This potting soil just don't seem right to me, and I grew outdoors for thirty years and I remember a thing or two about it.

Growing in dirt, inside my sealed lab next to my hydro set up makes me more than a little nervous. And here's why.

Bugs! The bane of all dirtbaggers! I freak the hell out if I see a bug or gnat in my rooms.
i'll just keep both eyes on the soil and spend a little more time in there. Best thing about growing outdoors was using roadkill and stripers instead of ferts. Gawd, I hate ferts in my smoke.

Ah well, all will be tight.




Suspended the screens,,,,,,

Suspended the screens,,,,,,

Getting closer to shifting some girls into the flower lab. Had to hang some screens for the scrog. Broke out the trusty Para Cord 550 and got busy. Filled two coolers and got the air stones running to de chlorinate it. I'll post some pics after I clean up my mess, I wouldn't want Redspaghetti's gardener thinking I'm a slacker with a dirty grow.:tiphat:

Time for a coupla a rips and then back to it. :dance013:




Clean yer rooms,,,,

Clean yer rooms,,,,


hang on, let me get a rip and I'll tell you a tale,,,,,,,,

Thats better.

Veg Lab is humming right along. Got the floor painted with the doors open and all fans on, no problems. 32 babies in the Big Tubs and I have 4 that are just about ready to transfer to the Flower Lab.

Hung the screens, filled the coolers and dropped in 8, 6 inch air stones to start the degassing. Auto drain and fill on the coolers makes it easy to fill and drain. Hoses are hidden under the floor with access through the floor vents. Should have the first 4 girls in place in 2 or 3 days.

Wish I had me a gardener like that redspaghetti. I could be sitting back with bong and a platter of bud, a Weber and maybe even a smoker going and feasting on smoked hard boiled eggs, a jar of herring, some crackers and a couple of warm newcastles.

I tell you what RedS, you be living the life!





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Starboard side is prepped and ready. Portside is running 1000 watts on a inteli drive. with two coolers for now. Spose I better snap a pic or two.




Just about finished,,,,,,

1000 watt on inteli drive. Hang a screen and I'm ready.

The other night I had to have some beef and taters. I like mine smoked with some of the leftover branches from the girls.

Man's gotta have a good Spencer steak once in a while.




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So close,,,,,,,,

So close,,,,,,,,

Ran out of floor paint,,,,,,,,,,

Well now. Here she is all purdy and clean and waiting for the first
batch of babes. Now I'm off to the Hydro Store for another ballast.:dance013:

Give me 30 more days and this lab will be GREEN.




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love machine
ICMag Donor
very nice my friend, damn i cant give you rep yet but i will once i can, nice and clean! just the way i like it ~



love machine
ICMag Donor

hang on, let me get a rip and I'll tell you a tale,,,,,,,,

Thats better.

Veg Lab is humming right along. Got the floor painted with the doors open and all fans on, no problems. 32 babies in the Big Tubs and I have 4 that are just about ready to transfer to the Flower Lab.

Hung the screens, filled the coolers and dropped in 8, 6 inch air stones to start the degassing. Auto drain and fill on the coolers makes it easy to fill and drain. Hoses are hidden under the floor with access through the floor vents. Should have the first 4 girls in place in 2 or 3 days.

Wish I had me a gardener like that redspaghetti. I could be sitting back with bong and a platter of bud, a Weber and maybe even a smoker going and feasting on smoked hard boiled eggs, a jar of herring, some crackers and a couple of warm newcastles.

I tell you what RedS, you be living the life!




lol my friend, i wish it was that easy like you said it haha, i set up everything in that damn house, but because of the short time i just threw a bunch of stuff together and have the garner to make em look pretty and tidy,

I do wish when i visit that place i dont have to do nothing beside take pictures of pretty ladies, burn a cpl doobies and cook me up some fine canafood

anyways, i love what you're doing here madd, got this one tagged and ill be checking it regularly ;)

more update ?? lol jk :) i always like to see pics/ especially nice and clean one like yoours



Thanks Redspaghetts.


I keep the labs as clean as I can, heck I'm gonna smoke what comes out of here and I don't like dirty smoke. But hey, I drink the water right out of the coolers so yeah, I am a bit "off" the wall.

Running out to the Hydro shop for a new ballast then I'm taking a day off. Need to hustle a game of 9 ball or two and see if they have changed the recipe on the Newcastle.

Yehaw! Madds get a day to play!




love machine
ICMag Donor
Hey!! No play until all jabs are done m8!!!!! just kidding :)

When do you think you're going to get the ladies in and start going ??



Yo Redspaghetts,

Don't be a slave driver,,,,,,,,

I'm planning on dropping 2 in a day or two then 2 more every two weeks.
Gotta get my bi-monthly thinga ma jig going,,,,,




It never fails,,,,,,,

It never fails,,,,,,,

Easy? Growing outside was easy. This takes so much of my time that I have yet to launch the boat or even buy a fishing license. Truly sad.

I've been working non stop on this dang deal and told myself it was time for a break. Yeah, well, in walks Uncle Murphy. Takes a look see and says to me, hey, where is the screen for the portside?

Dang it all. No day off. So I'm gonna sit here for a bit and rip this baby bong til my eyes pop. then I'll do the damn screen.

I may piss and moan from time to time but all I have to do is fire up some sweet Pandora's Stash,,,,,,,,

and that's when I realize it's worth every second of my time and then some.




love machine
ICMag Donor
Hey welcome to the worlds of indoor op my friend, i have not taken a vacation since i could remember lol, i love to finish and i have not touch my rod in a few years, sold my boat too ,,,,

But soon, its all going to come back to me if everything run smoothly, nothing better then being out in the big ocean, pop a cold one and spark up a doob,,, ahh what a life ...




Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
great thread, great grow :)

hehe, thats one thing people dont understand about being a grower... no sick days, no holidays, the ladies dont give a f*ck.. they want feeding ;)


The only time I really unwind and get happy is when the shoreline disappears behind me and it's wide open ocean in front of me.
That puts a smile on this old mans face. :dance013:




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