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Lying on job applications and resumes


Curious about what you all do when going through the pre-employment hurdles. Specifically, do you lie about previous terminations? have relatives and friends posing as "professional" references? Cover up periods of no work with bogus start and stop dates of previous employers?

I just read an article on yahoo the other day stating how people are making a concerted effort to downplay previous work experience as well. Employers and HR are being overly picky. They claim joe is overqualified and is just using us for a temporary job, blah blah blah. Doesnt the head of this hr realize what its like to be jobless? If someone is apping they want the fucking job.... How about if head of HR lost her job how would she feel only being able to apply to other companies hrs...gets pretty restrictive all the sudden yes?

Seeing how I havent worked in a factory or pushed a mop or been in anything related to food for well over a decade and employers are now demanding RECENT experience in those fields and these are the only jobs offered right now with 300 people apping to each job what the fuck can you do? I dread seeing fax resume to [email protected] because they go overboard finding out which side of the bed you like to get out of in the morning. I was turned down in a crap warehouse job, which I did before for a major company but that was a long time ago. They needed recent experience. I wanted to tell the bitch "RECENT, you need an iq of 50 to do that shit are you fucking kidding me? you could do it drunk!"

Anyway partly curious partly venting. Ive been told honesty is the best policy yet ive also been told truth will get you nowhere...


Honesty is the best policy.
LMAO! That's a good one.

Seriously, I don't get the whole "reference" thing. All my friends list me as a reference for employment and housing apps (I actually have a house painting business) and I say they work for me and make whatever amount per month. I don't see how landlords take this as truth, you can so easily list a name and number of a friend and have them BS for you. The smart ones require pay stubs, then at least you have to do a little fraud as well.

I'd just lie and say my experience was more recent, get a friend to pose as an old boss.


cant stop wont stop
to be totally honest i've lied both to GET jobs and to NOT get jobs.

depends on the calibur of the job and how bad you need one.
i'd say LIE YO MOTHAFUCKIN ASS OFF!!!! hahaha to an extent that is.
goood luck with your employment search.


I know how you feel, But im too high to say anything else right now


Active member
Have found luck with flipping the situation around a bit...go into the attitude like you are interviewing the job for you not the other way around, bring a nice notebook with prepared questions. The bullshit economy crap crawls like fear into into minds...fear stinks...

I just got a new yob. fuck....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I'd found a sweet job that I was well qualified for, kitchen supervisor @ a local casino, aside from a small catering business I ran part time (summers only) w/a partner all of my recent work experience was out of the food industry. I asked my cousin to cover me for several years as working @ one of his restaurants. I not only got the job but this tribe has 3 casinos & two of them wanted me as supervisor.......

it had nothing to do w/fudging my recent experience but I impressed them at the interview when the four interviwers started rapid firing quick kitchen questions at me in an effort to see if I could think clearly under fire.

if you don't give new employers reason to question your abilities they often never bother checking references.



Have found luck with flipping the situation around a bit...go into the attitude like you are interviewing the job for you not the other way around, bring a nice notebook with prepared questions. The bullshit economy crap crawls like fear into into minds...fear stinks...

very well said. confidence is a must in upselling yourself. remember, it's a 2 way interview. when they sense that, they place higher value on you.

I've had to lie to get a job in the past, so I did; and got the job. screw it, I wasnt missing out on that kinda pay increase over some petty nonsense from the past. By the way, working for an asshole is a lose lose, because it sucks while you're there, and then when you walk out without notice you dont have a reference.

I gave one friend the run down on what to say and my card cell i never use, as a past employer and another friend the same run down. Its harder than telling the truth, because it can blow up in your face, but if you have to you have to. as long as you're qualified, take care of #1


I applied for a job one time, Was for sure i had it then they told me they couldent employ me.

I was positive the reason for that is because they thought i would work for them as a 3 month stepping stone. Or the little nervous dude that interviewed me thought i was intimidating or something.

Either way, it doesent matter, you just have to keep applying.

Chances are if you lie on a resume, you will have to at least come up with a good bullshit excuse for whatever the lie is. So be prepared for that....



I lied my ass off and just got a job. remember you have to fit what they are looking for. they want someone with just enough education, experience, etc.

do not try to lie for a job where they actually check every last detail, like a government job. you will get caught.


Domesticator of Cannabis
I was living in a buddies shop which I gave the # for a reference, I answered the phone just to help out, handed it to my buddy & he gave my reference. These days with a cell (if I had one) I'd give them that # & use your home phone as Joes Warehouse or whatever business you want a reference from. How can I help you, Dave, he's a great worker unfortunately we had to let him go with the cutbacks....

The secretary phoned me not the boss. She later called me back at the same # which I used both for the shop & my home asking for me, she said I had the job. She should have her references checked. hehehe


The Hopeful Protagonist
Over-qualified is code for I'm scared you'll take my job in my world.

The perception of this down-turned economy is worse then the actual down-turn and they're (employers) using it to their advantage in their hiring practices.

Background checks, reference verification and in some instances credit pulls.They fall just short of crawling up your ass with a microscope.


Active member
i just tell the facts i don't lie on job applications cuz those things can fuck you over later


My mother is recently turning down people with Law Degrees in a local retail shop.
It really shows the extent of the recession when things like this happen.
Luckilly I've recently been made permanent and have quite a good and stable job.
My top tip is to find work in a field where regardless of economic downturn, people still need your product or service. I myself work in the medical device industry specializing in
cardio vascular devices. People cant go without our products, therefore I will have better job security. But hell do I work hard.