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Lurker starting to participate... photo questions


hi everyone Ive been reading threads and learning a ton of great info here for a while.

I have one question to start

How do you guys go about posting pics safely? do you keep your images stored on your pc? do i need to host them somewhere?


Active member
you can upload them to icmag, you can upload them to a hosting service like imageshack or you could upload them to a blogging service like blogger and just paste the links to the images themselves into icmag

it is recommended to use a camera that does not have a gps built in, you could also use an exif cleaning utility if you like to make sure there is no gps coordinates, i use exiftool for this purpose but it might be a little bit complicated, i am sure there are more user friendly utilities out there that do the same thing but here is the link for exiftool:

as far as keeping them stored on your pc, that is up to you and your discretion, i could understand why some folks would not want to keep anything like that on their computer


icmag is a hosting service for yr pics altho I keep my pics on my pc. as far as I can tell even if pics are seen by her majesty's police this is not a bust. of course you will not be believable to the police when you protest your innocence, but there's nothing they can do about pictures except say to the beak just to make you look more of a bad bastard: ... and images of prohibited plants were found on his pc, yr honour.
otherwise ... don't worry!

Mr Apricot

hey! its sometimes hard to get involved with the community when you spend so much time learning from this massive forum of info...i have also been lurking around for awhile, and this is a cool place.


Natalie J. Puffington
Warmest of welcomes, Lollipops and Mr. Apricot! :)
So glad you both found us!

As far as getting more involved, it's easy: give some advice to other growers, if you're able; or get involved in some of the many nutty discussions...
I think you'll both find that people are quite friendly and welcoming to new comers; I hope that is your experience! :eek::

And when you've worked your way to 50 posts, pop on into the chat room! :groupwave:
Just be prepared to puff............................tuffly!!! :smoke out:

You've been warned!


Autos are for pussies!
I upload pics to my icmag albums, and usually delete the pics off my computer when im done uploading them. :tiphat:



check out my bloom room ! all ssh far left is at 61 days a few more to go the middle 2 are both at 6 weeks back right is 4 weeks and front right is 2 weeks


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
Welcome aboard Lollipops!
Nice bloom room you have.
Nice work and thanks for sharing it!


Nice Lollipops, you have taken it one step further than me (no pics here, yet)....

It's very funny that your grow room looks like my first...well actually, my first two in the emerald rectangle had wood panels with small slabs of mylar attached.

I love the bushes in tomato cages...unfortuately, I have been able to frow that size plant in years....
Start a grow thread...I'll come lurk
Keep it growing


just occurred to me Lollipop that pictures of yr dope plants ARE NOT in the same league with the courts as child porn! so don't worry!!!