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Lung pain after smoking?



I've been smoking for almost everyday for around 12 years and a couple years ago i began having chest pains after I would smoke...so I invested in a vape but still having sharp, stabbing pains after smoking and laying down. It feels like someone is impaling me with daggar on the right side of my chest. It's one of the worst pains I think i've ever experienced....I went to the doctor and they cant' find anything or maybe it's beyond their scope of vision...this pain is a HUGE distraction and ant enjoy life at all....I had chest surgery a around the age I started smoking beloved herb but didn''t began having the pains until around my fourth year of smoking which makes me think it had nothing to do with the surgery at all. ive seen pulmonologist and they've done all sorts of tests CTS scans and bone scans no one knows whats causing the pain..any feedback is welcome




I cough up honey oil
I get that pain from time to time. for me it lasts for about a month or two then just goes away. sometimes for months and sometimes only for a couple days. I too have gone to the docs and all test have come up with nothing. I use a bong mostly and am in the habit of snappin every bowl. even bowls that don't want to be snapped. I think the pains I feel are from straining muscles or something between my ribs and lungs. it hurts like a motha!


Is there anything you do that helps the pains? Sometimes I find a warm towel wrapped around my chest helps releive some of the pains


ICMag Donor
Sounds serious Cheese. Have you tried takin any time off from smoking to see if the pain would go away? Give it a week or 2, and see if you feel any better.
Try some edibles for a while. Works for me when my asthma acts up.
Hope you feel better bro.



Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Marlo, Drugcheese and everyone...sad to hear of your discomforts. I have some issues I have been researching much like yours. I found an interesting link between latex, fruit, and cannabis and was thinking of doing a story on this, one link to some research is here: http://dmd.nihs.go.jp/latex/cross-e.html at the bottom of the page cannabis is listed. Although I have found no symptoms listed similar to the pain, muscular, that I experience there is scientific evidence of some issues. Drugcheese may I suggest you ask to move this thread to the Med MJ forum it may get more response there..DD
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I cough up honey oil
yeah... I can see a warm towel helping. My pain isn't constant. It's at like 3/4 to full breath where it gets bad. I tend to breath shallower when its bad. Sometimes I get tired of it and take a giant breath and hold it till I can't take the pain but I gotta say.... DON"T DO THAT! it never helps! Sadly the only thing that seems to help is muscle relaxers or pain killers. I might take Marlo's advice and start eating it for a while.


Pleasantly dissociated
sounds like ya got a case of resin lung,
i used to get sharp pains but i was smoking out of metal bowl, i dont hurt now, i have a nice sized spoon glass pipe, i take tiny hits to enjoy the tatse of the weed and i dont cough, i conserve weed, i dont hurt , best 23 bucks i e3ver spent on a pipe, joints still hurt me too, spoon it is, baby hits
Blame it on a server hiccup, maybe? Begging is so common on these sites, as well as claims of illness (and how do you disprove them?), that I'm gonna need some more info before I write this guy off as anything other than your typical whiner with his hands out...


Original Editor of ICMagazine
Howdy Drugcheese... sounds like you need a smoking "holiday" to get rid of those stabbing pains...after all smoking ANYTHING is BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH. I don't care how much you have heard about cannabis being a wonder drug (yes it is true), but the delivery method is a problem...

I myself have tried vaporizing, but found no happiness with that device - it made me cough all the harder. Something about microfine particles in the lungs...which water filters out.

The best thing I could find for smoking ease is a bubbler, taking small hits only. I still cough, but no where nearly as bad as I do from a joint or vaporizer.

Eating cannabis is the only truly safe method of delivery.

Save your life and quit smoking if it makes you feel bad. Your body is giving you a very clear message that you had best listen to!

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Bongs kill me, even when I try to just light the corner, or 'smoulder hit' it without flame. I prefer joints and then I hit them very, very slowly. I think slow hitting or smoulder hitting makes the resin literally vaporize ahead of the ember as opposed to burning. Not only easier on the lungs, but you get more buzzed from the same amount of bud.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Sounds like a rib out. Hundreds of people end up in the E.R. every year thinking they've gotten a heart attack....in essence, they've got some irritation of the soft tissue or joints where the ribs articulate with the spine. There are a variety of conditions that arise: Costochondritis being the primary one, Tietze syndrome is another (they're pretty similar however).
The classic symptom is a feeling like a 'spear' is going right through the body. It's provoked by position, activity and breathing. There are two types of motion the ribs have when breathing: 1) Pump handle motion. This is an expansion of the ribcage in a front to back motion akin to an old water pump handle. 2) Bucket handle motion: this is the same type of motion arc that a bucket handle enjoys. Expansion of the rib cage in either direction can create discomfort. Pain that is involved can be created by: tight/spasmodic musculature, inflammation/irritation of the involved joints and/or nerve between the ribs.
Alot of coughing can sometimes kick this condition off...essentially coughing can create extreme myospasm that results in almost a pseudo dislocation of the rib from it's normal position. Typically the condition is self-limiting and does not require more than time to heal itself. The healing process can be hastened by the use of superficial heat, physiotherapy and therapeutic mobilization of the affected tissues. You may want to back off the smoking for a bit, and work on edibles. A vaporizer will cut down your proclivity to develop this issue in general.
Take two bong hits and call me in the morning.


Freedom Fighter
Sounds like either a rib, like accessndx said...in which case a Chiropractor can have you fixed in a jiffy (Happens to me a couple times a year)--
Or it is Bronchitis...which will come and go--
Both give the same symptoms you described--


I as well have experianced the exact same thing. Hurts like a mother fuc*er. I just smoked way to much sticky shit. I layed off it for a while and made some budder cookies for a while and it went away. Some people can smoke all day every day and some cant. Your symptoms were exactly the same as mine. Take a break bro.