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Lucid Dreaming


Sorcerer's Apprentice
hey Anti

lots of evidence of out of body experiences. light body, energy body, astral body, ... they are all trying to describe the same thing.

by def a different consciousness level... maybe there it's not so important to prove you have been there perhaps?

If they don't care to prove it, why INSIST that they're right? Seems like one of these might care to prove it just to show others the way of it.

To me, from a scientific standpoint, if I have an experience I want to prove (to myself) that it was real. I have had experiences of talking to GOD while on LSD... but until I can have repeated experiences of talking to GOD without the LSD..... I'm going to have to admit to everyone that there's a possibility that GOD was really my own mind under the influence of LSD.

That doesn't rule out the possibility that it was GOD... but Occam's Razor suggests that it was probably the LSD and my own mind.

If I had evidence that I could truly project my 'energy body' into the 'ethereal realms' I certainly would be doing something useful with it and doing my best to share this knowledge with the rest of the world.

Occam's razor suggests (to me) that these experiences are likely misremembered or mistaken LD experiences.

I am not an expert.

Thank you for your posts, everyone.

This is a fun and fascinating subject for me.


Active member
wow draco that dream library sounds really exciting, i got all tuned up about just thinking about it!

lots of weird dreams from several years ago that keep popping to my head daily for some reason, would be cool to go to my dream library and watch them over and try to figure out why i keep thinking about them :)

sounds like a really powerful experience!

i've been luciding for some years now too, got originally interested in it from castanedas art of dreaming.

some good tips in this thread, i try to pick up to that "stop to smell the flowers" thing. when i lucid i almost never can resist the will to take off and just fly around. my style of flying happens when i put my body in like a ski jumping position and focus on this feeling on my cheast. i like to do prolonged jumps and flips too, hehe just too much fun! :D

i always seem to be in a hurry when i get to luciding, have to try to slow things down. also many times i get into lucid when facing a dead end situation in a chase type of dreams, usually police or some armed forces! nothing like escaping the pics by flying the hell off! :D

i'm a daily toker but i've always had periods of remembering and not remembering my dreams, even before i started toking. but the weed definately affects the ability to remember some of the dreams and sometimes i can remember that i have been luciding but cant remember how/where etc.

now i think i'm gonna dream tonight :)
Yeah, after going into lucid mode in my dreams, longest I've spent in control, in a dream, felt like 2 hours. I was walking along this trail that runs along a river. During another dream I ripped apart a car with my bare hands. I won't lie, it feels like I'm God when I go lucid.

Ben Tokin

Years ago, I studied self hypnosis. I would relax my physical body and mind. This would lead to a sleep state. I found that I could use it to refresh my mind and body with a sleep lasting only one hour. No matter how mentally or physically tired I was, I would wake completely alert and rested within an hour.

I used this technique to sleep on a continuing basis for several weeks. One night I woke and realized I was in a state of sleep paralysis. I was mentally alert, but could not physically move. I experienced this when I was younger and panicked....then woke up confused about what I had just experienced.

I chose, this time, to allow myself to experience the situation without panic. I could see the room around me and there was a static buzzing sound around me. I could hear noise in the room outside my door. It was a TV and people talking who were in that room. I wanted to be there and immediately found myself trying to turn the door handle to go outside my room. I could not turn it. I could not feel it.

I thought of myself being in the room. As I thought it, I was there. Watching the TV and the several people I heard talking. Something was not normal. I did not walk or move. It was as if my mind was there, but my physical body was not.

I began to panic. I wanted to be back in my room. I was, and I was looking at myself sleeping in my bed. I began to panic again. It seemed as if I went through several stages of trying to wake up. Finally I did wake up. Very confused. I sat up and thought about what may have just occurred. I heard the TV and the people in the next room.

I got up and got dressed. Walked over to the door and opened it. I was looking at the same people and TV show I had just seen in what I thought was a dream. Very confusing.

I stopped the self hypnosis for a while. Later, I would realize I had opened a door to something I would never be able to close. Since that event, I have explored this a number of times and have found it to be very useful and frightening at the same time.

I won't go into any detail, but I would not recommend this experience to anyone.


Friend of mine claims the reason he stopped smoking because he couldn't dream anymore....I honestly had never thought about it but I do seem to dream alot less since becoming a full time smoker.

Zen Master

I have been smoking daily for a few years now, before that it was lighter, just a weekend thing or so.

the ONLY times I have vivid dreams (or any other ones for that matter) that I can remember are on my lighter smoking days..

perhaps its just been YEARS since a lucid dream, however I cannot recall being 'in control' of the dream. It feels as if I'm along for the ride, knowing well its a dream, but whatever happens happens.

I haven't ever had a dream where I can look down at my hands, see nothing, but then consciously (in the dream at least) imagine a big fat triple-triple with onion (in-n-out for those unlucky ones out there) and voila, there it is.

very cool topic though as dreams are just one of those things you cant fully explain, ya just gotta be there.


Old School Cottonmouth
You definitely dream less when you smoke enough pot. Not necessarily a bad thing though. Much of my life hasn't been particularly worth remembering and it helps keep the nightmares down.

I do try lucid dreaming especially right when I'm falling asleep. Helps guide my dreams into happier places. Usually I try to stare straight down at my bare feet (in my dream). At first I can only see flashes of my feet in my dreams. As a begin to fall deeper asleep my brain will hold the images longer and longer until I'm pretty much in a dream staring at my bare feet. From there I begin to walk. I try to keep in my mind that I am holding my longbow, but I don't try to envision it. Eventually my brain fills in what kind of trail I'm walking on, and what type of environment I'm in.

From that point I pretty much don't have control over the dream but I am aware I'm in it. Without question the most beautiful landscapes I've ever seen have been in my dreams. Avatar, or lord of the rings type stuff. Beyond what this world would usually allow. Usually its jungles, but sometimes swamps or mountains. Very rarely are other people there, or signs of civilization.

I usually just wander around forests, often getting sidetracked and pursuing game trails and hoof prints through the brush. Thats about it though, eventually I lose memory of where my dreams go from there.

I'm not a believer in the afterlife, or souls, astral projection, etc. But I do believe if heaven was a place it would look like whats in my dreams. Oak trees the size of california redwoods, the twilight of sunrise, deer sneaking through the fog under the canopy of trees.


Active member
I used to have a cellphone that wouldn't charge properly and would make a low battery noise. Every 10 mins or so this thing would go off.

I used to hear the low battery tone while I was dreaming and suddenly catch on I was dreaming.

Had that phone for about 6 months before it finally died on me. Maybe I accidentally stumbled upon a lucid dreaming device lol


Sorcerer's Apprentice
speaking of LD devices... there are directions for making your own dreammasks online. Let me find it. (goes and finds it.) Here it is:

Steven LaBerge sells one but this is one you can make really cheap. Basically you're wiring a set of LEDs into a regular sleeping "blackout" mask and the LEDs are set to come on in a certain pattern throughout the night, or at a specific time that you could specify.

People who use them see the world pulsing red in their dreams as a dreamsign that it's time to go lucid.

I've always thought about building one but it's not a top priority. If I could find one on ebay for $10 i'd definitely get one.


speaking of LD devices... there are directions for making your own dreammasks online. Let me find it. (goes and finds it.) Here it is:

Steven LaBerge sells one but this is one you can make really cheap. Basically you're wiring a set of LEDs into a regular sleeping "blackout" mask and the LEDs are set to come on in a certain pattern throughout the night, or at a specific time that you could specify.

People who use them see the world pulsing red in their dreams as a dreamsign that it's time to go lucid.

I've always thought about building one but it's not a top priority. If I could find one on ebay for $10 i'd definitely get one.

maybe... but i think i would tear it off and throw it on the floor before it would do any good. the only reason the c pap mask stays on at night is that i asphyxiate w/o it...

perhaps a few nights without the ganja are in order... might be interesting. hard tho, with full jars of de dank close by he he

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