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Lucid Dreaming

bens lab

Smoking doesn't seem to effect my dreaming too much anymore, i tend to dream alot anyway. I find it's whether I get hot in bed, if i keep a t-shirt on I always dream. I do lucid dream now and again, its rare though, i'll notice something that isnt right and then i'll remember im only dreaming, then i try to find some ladies... :chin:

I tend to wake up shortly after recognizing im dreaming which is a shame as i'd love to explore it more.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I tend to wake up shortly after recognizing im dreaming which is a shame as i'd love to explore it more.

A technique that I have used with some success in regards to this issue is to close your eyes and spin in place when you feel like you're going to wake up. Often, this will keep you in the dream or cause you to switch to a new dream, but often staying lucid.


Nice thread! its a subject that i find highly intriguing.
I lucid dream pretty often....some being extremely intense. I dont know much about the subject matter, but i do believe its communicating one way or another on a different level of consciousness. I too used to often have the flying upright dream...kind of by using my arms in a breast stroke like movement, sometimes having difficulty stopping where i want to and floating a little past it....
Dreaming is us being able to link up to some sort of cosmic parallel.
Quit smokin for a few days, you'll dream.
It'll be Techno Vision Multi-Colored Surround Sound 3d Dolby Digital Blue Ray kind of dream.

Haha i know right, i have a friend that is all about lucid dreaming. He always tells me "you get too high to even remeber your dreams in the first place". Ill have to slow my roll and give it a try
Easy steps for the uninitiated:

Step 1 : Put a notebook and a pen next to your bed.

Step 2: Before going to bed, tell yourself, "tonight or one night very soon, I will have and remember having a lucid dream."

Step 3: Write down anything you can remember about your dreams the moment you wake up. If you have trouble remembering your dreams, write down any feelings or ideas you have the moment you wake up.

Step 4: Throughout your waking day, do "state" checks (try to verify whether or not you are awake) on a daily basis. This increases the probability that you will do this sort of thing in dreams, because it will be a regular habit of yours.

There are also exercises that are supposed to aid in your ability to do this, but I find that if I do the stuff above for a few days, I will have at least one lucid dream that I remember within a few days time.

Thanks, im going to give that a try this week. By the giving myself a "state" check, do you mean times during the day when my memory goes off on its own(daydreamin so to speak) and i have to make myself focus?


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Thanks, im going to give that a try this week. By the giving myself a "state" check, do you mean times during the day when my memory goes off on its own(daydreamin so to speak) and i have to make myself focus?

A state check is to do something which will confirm or deny that you are awake. One thing that has been suggested, is to check your watch or a clock. Numbers and letters don't always mean the same things in dreams as they do in real life.

So if you look at a clock and then glance away from it and look back... if it looks the same, you're probably awake. If you glance at the clock and it says 12:45 and then you glance away and it says 08:99, you're probably dreaming.

Another thing you could do is grab a newspaper, magazine or book and flip to a random page and start reading. Often times, writing in our dreams is just a collection of random words. (It's more of a symbol for a book than a real book.) If you look at a book, read a page, close the book, reopen to same page and read again... does the info stay the same? If so, you're probably awake. If not, you're probably asleep.

If you do things like this while you are definitely awake, the time will come that you will do something like this when you are asleep... and then you'll KNOW it.

That's what state-check means.


What's up South!?

Ah the old Lucid dream..

I have to visit a town I never been to because a dream. Now imagine a dream so real that you can remember the details of places and people not to mention what the dream was.

Jump ahead many years and I revisit that dream-place and they interact with me in a different way.

The first time the man hired me this time he wouldn't and replied to my question of where should I go look with a specific place I have never been to nor do I recall knowing about but it's there and it's real.

Is that Lucid? I think so!


Andinismo Hierbatero
a book called 'the art of dreaming' by castaneda is pretty interesting.

they say the 'dream body' is actually one's real body, which is actually dreaming what you think is you.

this is akin to what I'm gonna call in this post 'lucid living' :D where while awake, you are aware of your Soul's primal nature, and hence act accordingly within this realm.



ICMag Donor
I have a question about this topic...I have always dreamt about being shot in the back by someone. All my life i have had this. But only recently i have been able to recognize this as a dream while i am dreaming and i can wake my self up now b4 it gets too intense...is this lucid dreaming?


Active member
Quit smokin for a few days, you'll dream.
It'll be Techno Vision Multi-Colored Surround Sound 3d Dolby Digital Blue Ray kind of dream.

When I quit smoking (once every few years), I get the most incredibly vivid and non-stop dreams. Even a cat nap, or falling asleep in a chair, and the vivid dreams start immediately. These include "lucid" and other crazy dreams.


I have a question about this topic...I have always dreamt about being shot in the back by someone. All my life i have had this. But only recently i have been able to recognize this as a dream while i am dreaming and i can wake my self up now b4 it gets too intense...is this lucid dreaming?

I'd say so..

I include being awake and able to see places and things as if you are "there" but standing "here" with your eyes closed.

Has anyone ever been able to see places and people as if you were standing and looking around some other place? Not on a Mescaline trip or other that is.. Just regular normal mode...



Whenever I realize I'm having a dream, I get so excited that all I end up doing is flying. I gotta remember to do some more fun shit when having a lucid dream.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I have a question about this topic...I have always dreamt about being shot in the back by someone. All my life i have had this. But only recently i have been able to recognize this as a dream while i am dreaming and i can wake my self up now b4 it gets too intense...is this lucid dreaming?

I'd say the moment that you realize it's a dream until you wake up ... that part is lucid.

Since it's a recurring dream, I suggest you do this next time you have it:

Turn around and ask the person why they want to shoot you. And then ask them who they are. "Who do you represent?"

The answer may be very enlightening.

And the direct confrontation may keep you from ever having to have this dream again.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Has anyone ever been able to see places and people as if you were standing and looking around some other place? Not on a Mescaline trip or other that is.. Just regular normal mode...

Can't say I've had that experience, though my friend claims to have had a similar experience many times on Kava.

Closest to that I've gotten is that when looking into a mirror and allowing my eyes to relax, I can see the person in the mirror morph into other people. The eyes also seem to lose their "looking into a reflection" quality and gain their own independent intelligence.

First time I remember this was on LSD, but since then I can do it pretty much anytime, just by thinking about it and then letting go.


Well we build neural nets.. We can develop our minds. I have seen these movie moments and I don't think I was under the influence of anything..

I am no teacher so take my words as mere chat..

Try it.. Sit in a quiet place and focus on breathing. Nothing else.. When you feel your mind wander gently bring it back to the task of watching your breathing.. In out in out.

Be kind to your mind and just bring it back to the focus.

When you are ready and can focus your mind without distraction you may choose to imagine and will have the skills to focus on what you see in your mind.

We have a lot of mental noise all the time.. It stops us from using more mind to perceive other things because the noise demands our attention. IMO.


Whenever I realize I'm having a dream, I get so excited that all I end up doing is flying. I gotta remember to do some more fun shit when having a lucid dream.

I remember someone saying that flying is sexual thinking in our dreams...

Who knows.. I have had a few flying dreams. I like the one where it's like a rocket ship and I zoom over topography.

I had one where I didn't want to walk so I floated over, not too long ago.. If flying is sex what is floating as a choice of moving instead of walking. I also was told where I would find a job in that dream.. It ain't local but the place is real.. I don't remember knowing about the place before but i could have had some information on it in the old noodle.

So Lucid? I so believe in the Mind's abilities.. All Mind even the animals..



I don't recall ever having a lucid dream, though I wish I have. I may try some of those techniques coupled with bud to see if I get an effect.