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Lucas VS. Advanced Nutrients


Veg & Flower Station keeper
That is such a good comparison.

"But the Gold Platinum Deluxe super Monster Alien Cables are the ones that work for me.... why does everyone jump all over me for using them, I should be able to use whatever I want... I have the money, and I like the sound they produce. Besides I don't buy all of their products, just the cheap one."

If a friend was contemplating buying Thousand Dollar plus stereo cables I would have to show him the facts.
So true, and to drive home the point no $1,000+ RCA home audio interconnecting cables will sound as good as pro audio balanced connects that are WAY cheaper. This can be measured electronically (noise interference). If you want "super" sounding cables, just buy a pro (eg Crown) or other brand audio amp with proper balanced input connects and a good line balancing transformer/adapter for the RCA connects on your equipment (eg Blue-ray player) where you can remove most any low level noise before it even goes to your amp and speaker cables. Maybe not exactly a cheap option but certainly a lot cheaper and better option than those super expensive cables.


Veg & Flower Station keeper
gold... its the new mineral on the block.. increases yields 200%...
LOL with special miracle holy water blessed by priests on a blue moon after it was magnetized in a platinum pyramid. It's all about the Barnum effect (sucker born every minute).


Veg & Flower Station keeper
Found It!!!



Electrochemically treated cathode solution, stabilized with trace amount of potassium, magnesium and nano partials of gold and silver.

This is too funny.

$54.00 for 1 Gallon of water.... LMFAO
The cathode solution in a battery has low pH (acids are recipients of electrodes meaning it's negatively charged, thus a cathode), so basically it's some pH down with trace amounts of precious metals. Seawater has precious metals in it. Basically what they're selling is hyped up pH down, but I see it's been stabilized. :laughing:


Veg & Flower Station keeper
Ph up! Not down.

The higher ORP comes at near 9.5 ph
Sorry got confused, batteries are based on cathode, anode and electrolyte not a "cathode solution". Thought solution was acid from here - http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20120418230025AAzEnoz You can have an air cathode (zinc-air battery). The cathode/anode solution in a lead acid battery is sulfuric acid but can also be alkaline (potassium hydroxide) as in a NiMH or NiCAD battery. Barnum's got me bumbling...
I agree, and I really feel that most growers have such a jaded view of "soil" because of all the bullshit bagged soil out there. I remember when growing in soil for the first time, when reading the people say that foxfarm was "hot" and not to feed for a few weeks... I couldn't believe it.

I wanted to feed them so bad.... all those shiny bottles, I just had to do it, I didn't see how they could live without them. So I fed at low doses and caused some burn... but back then, if they weren't burned and clawing from over fertilizing I would have thought they weren't being "pushed" hard enough and could probably do a little better.... after all, we are growing buds and not leaves right?!

Anyways, I really don't expect anyone who has invested serious money in their current setup to jump ship and go organic but I hope to make them think and maybe research.

The number one laugh I get from recent organic converts it this... "well I don't want to just throw all these nutrients away... so I'm going to mix up this bad ass organic soil... and hit them with the nutrients for a super boost!" haha

One day, we will all look back at most of the Cannabis specific marketing bullshit that caused so many of the backwards growing information and say.... WTF were we thinking?! We put sugar, and "flavor enhancers" in our reservoir because we actually thought it would taste better? haha Our whole scene is almost laughable to many of the bigger industry growers.... I remember seeing all the sphagnum peatmoss and the nursery and saying, wow... what idiots. Coco is better for the environment and would grow way better plants... probably cheaper too.... if only they knew. Turns out they do know.... and They also are backed by a very long history of successful growing with all types of plants.

Anddddddd.... I'm done ranting. Hope that post made sense I'm high as Fuck!


So much truth in this.


Jacks Classic does just as good as anything I've tried when I first started indoors I bought the whole line of technaflora, then I gave AN a shot, then Lucas I'm like shit this is just as good then I see a few guys using Jacks Classic shits cheap almost like miracle grow. but the nutrients are the same it has everything you need and does just as good if not better then them bullshit cannabis specific nutes.


Active member
Jacks Classic does just as good as anything I've tried when I first started indoors I bought the whole line of technaflora, then I gave AN a shot, then Lucas I'm like shit this is just as good then I see a few guys using Jacks Classic shits cheap almost like miracle grow. but the nutrients are the same it has everything you need and does just as good if not better then them bullshit cannabis specific nutes.

Jacks is also some of the cleanest plant food on the planet.
Jacks is also some of the cleanest plant food on the planet.

How so? Can you provide evidence? I had no clue you were on these forums. I'm really not a fan of your posts on rollitup so I apologize if I seem demanding but I'm going to call you out for thorough discussions on any posts of yours I come across. At the very least it will add to the threads and ensure nobody is being mislead.


Active member
How so? Can you provide evidence? I had no clue you were on these forums. I'm really not a fan of your posts on rollitup so I apologize if I seem demanding but I'm going to call you out for thorough discussions on any posts of yours I come across. At the very least it will add to the threads and ensure nobody is being mislead.

Yes, I can provide evidence but with that piss-poor attitude of yours I'm going to let you find it yourself. Good luck!
Yes, I can provide evidence but with that piss-poor attitude of yours I'm going to let you find it yourself. Good luck!

I don't plan to use Jacks anyway so I take your claim as invalid since no evidence was provided. I was curious to know how fertilizers can be "clean" and what kind of a claim that even is. Like I said, if you're going to make comments you best be ready to support them. The last thing this forum needs is to be just like all the others, full of pricks who intentionally mislead inexperienced growers.


Active member
I don't plan to use Jacks anyway so I take your claim as invalid since no evidence was provided. I was curious to know how fertilizers can be "clean" and what kind of a claim that even is. Like I said, if you're going to make comments you best be ready to support them. The last thing this forum needs is to be just like all the others, full of pricks who intentionally mislead inexperienced growers.

Do you know what heavy metals are? I'd suggest Google.
Do you know what heavy metals are? I'd suggest Google.

I'll assume you're referring to arsenic which is the most common heavy metal I've heard of that is sometimes present in nutrients we buy and feed our plants. Iron wouldn't make sense simply because plants utilize it as long as it isn't excessive. If you are referring to arsenic or other toxic metals (aluminum, mercury, etc.) than it would only be right that you had a source of the full blown chemical analysis of Jack's tested in a laboratory setting, or a governmental website with the guaranteed analysis that accounts for the heavy metals aforementioned. In either case, feel free to post your source proving that Jack's is a "clean" product as you put it. Otherwise, no sane person should take that claim as anything other than hogwash.
Ladies and gentleman, and the one person that didn't find my previous comment helpful, I'd like to expose homebrewer for who he really is. First he insults my intelligence by mocking me about learning what heavy metals are, then he fails to provide any sources for his erroneous claim. Well, I took the liberty of getting the source myself just to prove a point of why I went at this guy so hard. Here you go community:


Please pay attention to the heavy metal analysis.

Homebrewer, you will not ruin these forums with misinformation for as long as I'm around.
I can see that the link I provided doesn't go to it directly. Under "firm name" you must select "J R PETERS INC" and click next. When the page comes up scroll to the bottom to find the Jack's Classic All-Purpose Fertilizer 20-20-20 and click on it.