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Lucas VS. Advanced Nutrients


cant re Member
Why arent other nute lines being bashed?

its their marketing which i think draws negative attention to them. tribal you have seen some of my plants ive got plenty of pics of my AN grows.

even i look on their website and see their really rediculous way of advertising . its like your dad dancing at your party when your 16 years old. you kinda feel embarrassed for them...

on the other hand, there are really far worse nutrient lines which i wouldnt touch if someone paid me. but AN like i said. some good products, some shit ones too.

shame they cant let the products speak for themselves and keep silent.


Active member
I have never used AN seems like a decent product again getting into the hydroponic, / plant food industry it is like any other business that can become corrupt after time i think AN had issues with there ingredients / labeling far as i am concerned if your trying to sell a product then it better be ther percentages as indicated in the label of any product other wise it can be taken as fraudulence
Specially dealing with Dangerious goods if i want to buy some product it dam well better be the product i want lol
Lmao your going to use lucas cuz the learning curve on the An is to much for you and your not use to it i use to use basic lucas then kiss then went to An wich i hated at the time from all the hearsay and shit tbh the first batch didt go so well i burnt the shit out of them with a little time my dry erase board filld with ec readings ect i was able to find out what workd for me and my plants and now my hard work is really paying off but each there own you stay with lucas one day when you have more exp with nuets you might give it a try im still trying to perfect my an line it never ends but is always fun and rewarding!

Im useing the An ph perfect sensi grow conny bloom bigbud overdrive rhinoskin nirvana now i stabalized those im trying sensizyme if your gonna try this stuff dont go crazy like the first poster buys the base and the bigbud and overdrive work it up from there the stuff is very concentrated start low low low my ladies in flower atm are a .7 Ec anything over they will burn start low work up and dont try to buy a ton of the products!


Veg & Flower Station keeper
its their marketing which i think draws negative attention to them. tribal you have seen some of my plants ive got plenty of pics of my AN grows.

even i look on their website and see their really rediculous way of advertising . its like your dad dancing at your party when your 16 years old. you kinda feel embarrassed for them...

on the other hand, there are really far worse nutrient lines which i wouldnt touch if someone paid me. but AN like i said. some good products, some shit ones too.

shame they cant let the products speak for themselves and keep silent.
They're like Apple, overpriced and overhyped:


Someone's definitely gonna try and knock that big log off AN's shoulder they go prancing around with.


They're like Apple, overpriced and overhyped:

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Someone's definitely gonna try and knock that big log off AN's shoulder they go prancing around with.

I remember when Protools was the shit and everyone said you needed a mac. I was using Nuendo and my own PC build for less than half the cost.
Those same people are all using PCs or macs with Intel processors now!
Is just like to say "I told you so biatches!" to all the haters...


Veg & Flower Station keeper
I remember when Protools was the shit and everyone said you needed a mac. I was using Nuendo and my own PC build for less than half the cost.
Those same people are all using PCs or macs with Intel processors now!
Is just like to say "I told you so biatches!" to all the haters...
Don't want to get too OT, but talking about ad hype... Apple's logo should say "I don't want it, YOU eat it!". Yes they've had some amazing innovations (mainly from borrowing other's technologies), but they're basically road apples in today's market.


cant re Member
there are more overpriced nutrients than AN. if they were too expensive i wouldnt use them. simple as this buy their cheaper products or buy something else.


Active member
I dont understand this N from one brand is somehow better than N from another...

Calculating nutrient profiles negates the issue of "who" makes it.

Now if you were comparing non chelated organic nutrients (earth juice) with say advanced or GH, I could see why one would be perceived as better than the other..

No seasoned grower pays attention to nutrient manufacturers, and certainly doesnt drop a g on advanced, just saying..


New member
AN is made for Canna tho right?...so Id consider that as well.

That's right. Not only is Advanced Nutrients designed specifically for MMJ, they're one of the only (maybe THE only) nute companies fighting for legalization.

There's plenty of bashers out there who, for whatever reason, have their panties all in a wad over Advanced Nutrients but they can't deny that AN does more for our community than any other company.

To me, it's worth supporting them in return. You have my back, I have yours.


Veg & Flower Station keeper
No seasoned grower pays attention to nutrient manufacturers, and certainly doesnt drop a g on advanced, just saying..
Bingo! Main factors I categorize are light, water, nutes, climate, location, times and strain. It's more how you use 'em, not what you're using brand wise w/nutes.


Active member
That's right. Not only is Advanced Nutrients designed specifically for MMJ, they're one of the only (maybe THE only) nute companies fighting for legalization.

There's plenty of bashers out there who, for whatever reason, have their panties all in a wad over Advanced Nutrients but they can't deny that AN does more for our community than any other company.

To me, it's worth supporting them in return. You have my back, I have yours.

This is the perception AN is good at selling you. As they should, and any good company would do the same, but remember, it, like any other company is designed for one thing, to generate capital. Now, from a quality of nutrient aspect, AN is the same as GH, Ive used em both with identical results, AN has a few more additives, and they are fine to use, but telling a grower he needs to drop a grand on products to grow pot with is not only dishonest, but confusing to new growers, because, as Ive said, NO veteran greenthumbs is dropping stacks on AN, and certainly not mixing more than 2-3 bottles of anything. As for being made strictly for cannabis? Its marketed strictly to growers, so I see the illusion here, problem is, they would essentially have to create the equivalent of the Lucas formula in a bottle or two and tell you exactly what to feed with. Greenfists know that every plant is different, and no one single nutrient works for everything. **Should be noted that Ive used jungle juice, and it says on the bottle "lucas formula". But that stuff is literally garbage, my ph in ro/di water fluctuated unbelievably, never had that prob with AN standard 2 part or GH's three part..**

Remo is cool guy, but sorry homie, we been getting closer to 2.5lbs with maxibloom. I could do that with AN too, I dont care, but Im not droppin that kinda cash, its arbitrary and pointless.

Experience is everything, nutrient manufacturers are no more important to me than the color of my ballast..

Want my opinion on the best company making nutes? Easy.

Whatever company sells you better..

Again, Im not biased towards either company, GH just has the advantageous price point in their favor, results come from the growers intellect, certainly not the nutes, lol...


LOL @ AN is made for cannabis!
Havent you looked at the feed charts?
You see all these people burning their plants following that chart specifically made for cannabis?
Get a grip!


cant re Member
This is the perception AN is good at selling you. As they should, and any good company would do the same, but remember, it, like any other company is designed for one thing, to generate capital. Now, from a quality of nutrient aspect, AN is the same as GH, Ive used em both with identical results, AN has a few more additives, and they are fine to use, but telling a grower he needs to drop a grand on products to grow pot with is not only dishonest, but confusing to new growers, because, as Ive said, NO veteran greenthumbs is dropping stacks on AN, and certainly not mixing more than 2-3 bottles of anything. As for being made strictly for cannabis? Its marketed strictly to growers, so I see the illusion here, problem is, they would essentially have to create the equivalent of the Lucas formula in a bottle or two and tell you exactly what to feed with. Greenfists know that every plant is different, and no one single nutrient works for everything. **Should be noted that Ive used jungle juice, and it says on the bottle "lucas formula". But that stuff is literally garbage, my ph in ro/di water fluctuated unbelievably, never had that prob with AN standard 2 part or GH's three part..**

Remo is cool guy, but sorry homie, we been getting closer to 2.5lbs with maxibloom. I could do that with AN too, I dont care, but Im not droppin that kinda cash, its arbitrary and pointless.

Experience is everything, nutrient manufacturers are no more important to me than the color of my ballast..

Want my opinion on the best company making nutes? Easy.

Whatever company sells you better..

Again, Im not biased towards either company, GH just has the advantageous price point in their favor, results come from the growers intellect, certainly not the nutes, lol...

well said man


That's like saying all gas is the same.
Why buy the good shit? Just because it all looks and smells the same. Pretty much do the same thing. Car gets from a to b.
Use what your comfortable with.


New member
Just wanted to chime in....I support a variety of nutrient companies as I find what works for certain strains I have.

1. Not all nutrients are created equal - starting and raw material is different from company to company. Some say rock is rock but not true, gold is gold but different qualities, features, etc, just as the minerals in the nutrients. This can be reflected in the price most of the time. Higher price usually means higher cost on starting materials, and/or processing procedures. Each has its advantages and disadvantages that the grower should research.

2. The myth that Advanced Nutrients is expensive because they advertise and market products. Actually they are not allowed to advertise in most hydroponic magazines, websites, etc. Yes they have a big booth at events but I never see full page ads for them in any magazines or online in anything not cannabis related. In Europe they don't advertise at all in print and they are very popular in Europe.

3. Research is key, and yes all the companies research. Advanced Nutrients does do research with cannabis plants but doesn't mean its better then anything else. What it should mean is they can ensure the products they create work as expected. Advanced Nutrients is even giving out the white papers on some research they have done with cannabis which is great to see. Of course other companies do research and provide white papers. Many universities use GH, etc and release a ton of good info.

4. Results come from experience regardless of the nutrients - yes and no. I should have the knowledge to know that I purchased bad nutes (eg. home brew from buddy at the hydro store or down the street) Regardless of the experience I have if I buy nutrients that have gone bad, or from an unreliable source, etc the plants will not do well. I should also have the knowledge to know better but hey thats why you need to try everything at least once! The experience and knowledge growing good cannabis comes from trying everything under the sun. If you have not tried all the nutes how can you even start to say what is good and bad, plus you have all the strains that react different to different kind of nutes, regardless if they are organic or synthetic, hydro organic, etc, etc.
Every strain, environment, nutrient, etc will be different and work different depending on so many factors.

Currently I use the mixture of organics (guano, earth worm castings), Botanicare, Canna, Advanced Nutrients and General Hydroponics. I like being able to take the best out of each brand depending on what has worked for certain strains and I am always tweaking what I do and how I do it. Continued improvement over the past 30+ years growing cannabis and I will continue to try new products as they come out. Hopefully we will see more companies doing research with cannabis plants in the future as this is needed with the current medical marijuana laws becoming more and more acceptable.


New member
This is the perception AN is good at selling you. As they should, and any good company would do the same, but remember, it, like any other company is designed for one thing, to generate capital.

True, but you have to think about how they make their money. They make money by selling products that grow good cannabis. If their products don't work, and work well, people don't buy them. So in essence, my interests (at least in part) are in line with their interests.

I don't expect altruism out of anybody. I just look for situations where mutual self-interest serves both parties. They want to sell me nutrients. I want to buy nutrients. We both want the nutrients to be awesome so I will grow good plants and want to buy more nutrients in the future.

The idea that any company "pads" their price tag as a way of increasing profit is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of how business works. Unless you have a monopoly or are involved in price-fixing with your "competitors", you don't get to arbitrarily raise your prices to increase your profits. The more you raise the price, the fewer units you sell. The more you lower your price, the more units you sell. Businesses always look to set their price where the profit per unit, multiplied by total units sold, is the biggest total number.

If I can sell a thousand widgets for $5 profit each, that makes me $5000. If I lower the price and make only $1 profit each and sell three times as many - 3000 total widgets - I make $3000. If I decide I want to make more money and raise the price so I'm making $10 profit per widget but now I only sell 300 widgets I'm still only making $3000. The goal of any business is to find the best point on the curve for total sales times per unit profit.

That's what sets prices. And yes, it's greed. But greed doesn't raise the price any more than altruism lowers it. It's set by supply and demand.

LOL @ AN is made for cannabis!
Havent you looked at the feed charts?
You see all these people burning their plants following that chart specifically made for cannabis?
Get a grip!

Seriously? That's proof in your mind?

Every single feeding chart made by any manufacturer is going to burn someone's plants. They're all too high for someone.

Bitching about a feeding chart being too hot is like bitching about your plants not mixing their own nutrients. We're the growers, we're the ones responsible if our plants get burned. They make the nutes, they print the guidelines, but it's up to us to know what our plants need. They can't write dosing instructions for every possible combination of light, environment, strain, and so on.

We have to do the work.

You can't just say "Well I blindly followed the instructions and my plants got burned because I couldn't be bothered to read the damn plants and exercise a little common sense!" If you want to grow your own weed without having to do any of the work of growing your own weed... well I don't know what to tell ya.

The new pH Perfect stuff Advanced Nutrients has is the closest you're going to get to being able to just pour nutrients into a reservoir without firing up any brain cells, and even then there's some common sense involved.

Blaming nutrients for burning your plants is like blaming the hammer for hitting your thumb.

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