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Lucas "Formula" Ratio ???

Country Mon

Active member
Hmm. So - you guys seem to be saying that a DWC system calls for less than 0-8-16 GH, or 8 ml/gal FloraNova...? Can you give me a suggested .7 conv. ppm ballpark? Surely not less than 1200...?

Just curious, because I've been running this strength in DWC buckets (recirculating) for many runs now, typically hits 1300ppm @ .7, and the results are flat-out excellent. No leaf curl, no burned tips...

I'm up for trying backing off on the strength a bit, but not much since things look so good. I'm under 1000w eye-horti's, btw.


Active member
I just finished the whole 36 page thread. If only if I would of came across it 3 years ago.. :wallbash:

One thing about him is his enormous amount of patience in dealing with people. He must of repeated himself atleast 4 times on 10 + questions. My respect for him is off the charts. And thats only on him being a good guy.

As for his knowledge.


k im done ass kissing. But I do hope he pops around again.


1350 at .7 conversion
964 at .5 conversion
my meter does .5 so do i shoot for 964?
im using pbpgrow for veg and pbpbloom for flowering, somewhere i heard 15ml/gal and 5 ml/gal of calmag plus gets me the same(there abouts) as the lucas formula. is this correct?


Active member
Do you guys know what converson does the tri meter have? Am going for what pirate e mailed his friend ppm at 760 in rockwool cube going in to a 4x4x4 block then into a 6x6x6 hugo then they hit the lava rock ph is 6.2


New member
It works, it's just overkill. Why use 8 ml per gallon when 0.25 ml per gallon will do? At that rate, for every $32 Lucas spends, I spend $1. I know I can't maintain a 32:1 price difference but, I can maintain a better than 2:1 price difference, minimum. Adds up.

I'm running 0-1.25-3.75 NOT 0-0.25-0.75. So thats a $6:$1.

The original formula Lucas received from his mentor was actually 0-7.5-15. Lucas then went on to round it up using the same 1:2 ratio, to 0-8-16, presumably because it's easier to remember. So in that respect, yes there is a tad of overkill. I didn't read this entire thread, so my apologies if that had already been mentioned.

I am well aware that a weaker solution, carrying the same 1:2 ratio, will work. I am also aware of your interest in minimizing the day-to-day swings in EC. However, it is well known that a stronger solution will have a longer useful life than a weaker one.

To get the same life span from a weaker solution would require more work & maintenance on the part of the grower to keep pH or EC within range. Failing that, it would instead require more fresh solutions to be mixed, which also takes more time & work. So, while it is possible to save some money using a weaker solution, it is also possible to save some time & work by using a stronger one.

The Lucas formula is not really overkill, as it was also meant to be a low maintenance formula and has performed that function quite well. The 1:2 ratio of the two GH Flora products is essentially the heart of the formula, and though 0-8-16 works quite well for the large majority of growers, the strength at which it is mixed really boils down to personal preference. Each grower decides for himself what is more important to him - money or time? For growers more interested in saving time, like me, that is why 8ml/gal is used even though less will do.

From my subjective point of view, I spend appx $60/year for GH nutrients using 0-8-16 mixes. Considering that I'm saving close to $10,000/year by growing my own, nutrient costs are a very small drop in a very large bucket. For me, freeing up my time from gardening chores, especially reservoir related maintenance, is much more important than the money I could save by cutting nutrient costs. And often it's not just the time it takes to actually perform a reservoir maintenance chore, but the fact that I simply have to be there to do it. A garden is somewhat like a ball & chain attached to its grower's ankle, but it's up to the grower how long he wants his chain to be.<g> I like my chain long because it gives me more freedom to do other things. Long vacations or weekends, for example, mustn't demand my presence in the garden. But that's just me YMMV.

dongle69 said:
I don't think that people are quite getting it.
The whole point of Lucas formula is NO ADDITIVES.
No need for Koolbloom or other PK boosters as it is.
Nothing wrong with additives, they just don't belong in a Lucas formula thread!

I totally agree. No additives needed under normal conditions. Abnormal conditions, on the other hand, are something the grower has to discover for himself and in many cases adjust for. I think it's in cases that depart from the norm where a grower is most likely to use an additive. Sometimes additives are used to treat a symptom, even though the cause may not be known with any certainty. So you see a lot of theory-bending as to why the formula "needs" this or that additive.

People don't get it because there are so many posts, on so many different forums, and most of them are subjective interpretations of the formula. For instance, a guy with piss poor well water makes a post about what he thinks the Lucas formula should be, but never dreamed that his source water made his case different so he never mentions it in his post. Then another reads his post, and another reads his, and so on and so on. Forums are by their nature subjective, and while many experienced growers have eventually "gotten it", many NEW people will not get it as long as they can read misleading posts about the formula from other people who are also not quite getting it. I'm afraid that will never go away!<g>


Lucas is meant for ebb&flow and high wattage lighting.
You may have to adjust if you are using a different method.
For instance, hand watering soil would require a couple of plain waterings between full strength feedings.

So you cant use the lucas formula in say..a waterfarm pack ?? also what bout a lil molasses, i know it is not lucas with additives but jw.


GMax, yes and yes

Lucas formula can be used in any system.
Lucas's "method" was ebb&flo. Its his personal perferred system for various reasons.

The main reason is that its easy. Nothing is easier then flooding stones...eliminate the need to worry about hot reservoir temps.

..dont know much about molasses.. a lot of people swear by it. I personally dont think sugar has any place near a hydroponic reservoir...just my opinion though.

follow the ratio 1:2 ... and do whatever else you want. no additives will produce great results..so will additives.



I use floranova so the ratio is exactly 8ml per gallon ? is that for veg to ? i am under the assumption that you use 8ml FNB throughout growth even in veg or is it 5ml FNB since i will be vegging under 400w and blooming under 800. or am i understanding wrong and it is 5ml/8ml FLoranova GRow then switch to 8ml bloom. I wish i would have got into the lucas formula a long time ago cause i feel like I am asking questions after the fact. I am going to be growing paradise Nebula from seed if that helps. I have always wanted to experiment with bllom nutes during veg because the whole reason i got into hydro was because you can tailormade your nutes to grow more bud less leaf but mine still look the same. any input would be much appreciated


..dont know much about molasses.. a lot of people swear by it. I personally dont think sugar has any place near a hydroponic reservoir...just my opinion though.


I have done side by side test and seen a 22% harvest increase !!!! So i am one more who swears by it


I've had some friends ask me about this subject and the following is what I sent them.

The mathematical formula for HID lights over 400 watts is this.
Target PPMs (minus) Current PPMs (divided by) Target PPMs (times) 8mills (times) Rez size = Amount to add of MICRO.........Multiply that amount times 2 and that's how much Bloom you will add.

Here is a hypothetical situation[/B].
Lets say I have a table under 1000 watts in bloom. My rez is 40 gallons. I want a PPM target of 1350 (Lucas suggestion for bloom) I fill my rez with tap water and test the PPMs. Its at 175. (you can get by without an RO filter system if your tap water is 300 or below).

Here is the formula based on that info.
1350ppm - 175 / 1350 x 40 x 8 = 278 mills of Micro x 2 = 557 mills of bloom.

Now I round off to keep it easy so I would add:
275 Micro & 550 of Bloom. ALWAYS double the amount of MICRO to get the amount for BLOOM. Once I added this and retest the rez.........I will be almost dead on the target ppms and PH will be dead nuts 6.0 --- 90% of the time. The whole thing is self adjusting. I use very little PH up or down now. GH Nutes are PH stable but most people don't use them right so they never get the full benefit. The Lucas Formula uses the nutrients right.

Now.....Top off your tank every couple days as the solution is being used up .........fill the rez to its full level and test the PPMs....and redo the formula...You will use FAR less nutrient at the TOP OFF than when you first start it up because there will still be nutrients in the rez. Understand?


So in my situation I am using a waterfarm 8 pack. the rez size is only bout 8 gallons total but including the 2 gallons in each bucket that is another 16 gallons TOTAL..when using all 8. So my question is.. If I was to use the addback formula, do I only use the amount of gallons in my rez (8) or the amount of gallons TOTAL in the system (16+8=24)

so would my equation be

A. Target PPMs (minus) Current PPMs (divided by) Target PPMs (times) 8mills (times) Rez size (8)= Amount to add
B. Target PPMs (minus) Current PPMs (divided by) Target PPMs (times) 8mills (times) Rez size (24) = Amount to add

hope this makes sense. PS i use FloraNOVA

Country Mon

Active member
Hmm. So - you guys seem to be saying that a DWC system calls for less than 0-8-16 GH, or 8 ml/gal FloraNova...? Can you give me a suggested .7 conv. ppm ballpark? Surely not less than 1200...?

Just curious, because I've been running this strength in DWC buckets (recirculating) for many runs now, typically hits 1300ppm @ .7, and the results are flat-out excellent. No leaf curl, no burned tips...

I'm up for trying backing off on the strength a bit, but not much since things look so good. I'm under 1000w eye-horti's, btw.

Just a quick follow-up note ftw: my girls did very well bouncing between 1250 and 1400 ppm (.7 conv.) with the FloraNova in a recirculating DWC system. That amounts to roughly 8 ml/gallon, as everyone else seems to agree. My water is about 20 ppm. I don't do the r.o. water because our water quality here in the PNW is great. (I've done side-by-side comparisons for a couple of full flower cycles with the filtered water and straight tap and seen no weight or quality difference at all. Guess I'm lucky.)

I got incredible vigor and great smell/flavor with the FLN with my Ruby Slipper strain, compared with other methods like GH 3 part and soil/PBP. I also had massive healthy root balls using the Excelurator. That stuff is beyond belief. Well worth the money.

Anyhoo. Just thought I'd mention it.
hey community wanted to get some thoughts from you im running a modified lucas formula coco drain to waste gdp so week 5 of flower doing a .25 1 2 ratio with one at 8ml gallon...also been adding calmag 5ml gal and diamond nectar around 7 ml... so my question is should i knock out the grow now? and waht about the calmag and diamond nectar...?i do have access to big bug the powder is too too late for that? unfortunately i need to buy two new bulbs tommorrow 600s because one tray is definitely not as big growth wise....would love your guys thoughts on this....right now im running about 1150 or so ppms thanks


Active member
hey community wanted to get some thoughts from you im running a modified lucas formula coco drain to waste gdp so week 5 of flower doing a .25 1 2 ratio with one at 8ml gallon...also been adding calmag 5ml gal and diamond nectar around 7 ml...
This question doesn't belong in the Lucas Thread.

Look in Calmag and Diamond Nectar threads for the info you want.

I know you can skip the calmag completely by upping your pH during days 20-30 of flower (depending on strain). Around 6.0-6.1 normally, dunno if coco would make a difference with that.

The Diamond nectar I would look in Diamond Nectar threads for people that are running the straight lucas method. (Meaning NO ADDITIVES) They'll be able to give you the best info on what to expect. (I know that's a contradiction in terms but you'll definitely find growers that have run their setup so often they're using something like Diamond Nectar because they're pros in that setup.)

I only read three pages so forgive me if someone already pointed this out.

900 - 145 = 755 / 900 = .838 x 8 = 6.7 x 20 = 134 Micro x 2 = 268 Bloom = 900PPM

Maybe I'm a little slow, but this formula is wrong. 900 - 0 (for ease of explanation)/900 = 2000 - 0/2000 = 1 so your equation comes out more or less the same no matter what your target ppm. The only thing that changes slightly is the ration when you subtract your tap ppm. If I use RO water at 0 ppm this formula is useless as it is useless anyway.


Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death !!
LOL !! Useless??

You are correct. This method only works with tap water and/or previously used RO water.

But I would hardly consider the Lucas formula "Useless". If there is ONE factor I would consider to have the biggest impact on the quality of my grows would be this formula.

Not to mention the simplicity of the method as well as a SHIT LOAD of money saved from having to buy...........USELESS additives.