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Lucas Formula & CFL's

Fresh Start

Active member
Two rubber maids flipped on top of one another. Not an uncommon setup these days. Adjustable lights, passive intake, Exhaust with dryer adapter to Carbon filter (coming Soon). 4 Gdp ladies basking in 3 42watt cfl's (red) and two 26watt Cfl's (blue). This set-up is so easy once the box is built properly. I'm using the lucas formula of 5ml Micro and 10ml bloom per gallon. My medium is Botanicare coco amended with perlite for drainage. Now onto the pictures. Tell me what you think.

This is my Rubbermaid A.K.A Lifeless lab


This is what they look like now After 2.5 weeks :biggrin:

Fresh Start

Active member
let me know if the links are working now. I think I fixed it

Thanks man. real green and healthy. The only problem I've seen so far is a little mag. deficiency. But I think that watering at least twice a day has helped to solve that problem. I never use plain water either. Just Nutes every time. Amazing.

Fresh Start

Active member
Little update

Little update

So my plants are now finishing up their first week of bloom. Wierd thing, one afternoon I get up to check on my plants as the lights flip on (they're in my closet) and I find water drops all over the plants. Like alot of water :help: So then I take um out to dry and to feed them. What else do I find? some of the bottom yellowing baby leaves have mold on them. Oh fuck. I figure that the plants are either dealing with some of the evaporated water that gets stuck in the grow box after I cut the lights, or that they perspire way too much. I think I fucked up becuase when the lights go out I also cut the fans. Can't leave them without airflow, even when the lights are out i guess. More up dates to come.


Active member
your tubs turn into a humidity dome when the lights go out, i suggest leaving thefans on for airflow during the night.

Fresh Start

Active member
What would you do??

What would you do??


The humidity dome effect has set me back. The biggest plant I had has begun to mold at the base of her trunk. I can wiggle her around and the base is slimy if not ready to give away... *sniff I had such hope for her.

she was so dense that the air flow must have not been enough to dry her out. help me make the call.. should I give up on her and give her the chop for clones then compost the rest, or should I stick it out and see if she pulls through this? As of right now she has been separated from the rest of my three plants to prevent anything. As you can tell in the pictures she still looks very healthy. dammiT! :wallbash:




Grow like nobody is watching
That's too bad man. I would clone it as I doubt you would save it, personally. I wouldn't stick it on the compost though. Cab looks great. Peace.

Fresh Start

Active member
Two weeks and Two days into 12/12

Two weeks and Two days into 12/12

So here is a little update with some shots of my current grow. I had this elaborate post typed and then firefox went AWOL so fuck it here it is short and sweet. Enjoy!



Fresh Start

Active member
Sum Thoughts.

Sum Thoughts.

Thanks for stopping by guys. Just remember to pass the popcorn:lurk:

I've been reading all night about Thunderkels' Dr. green grow. Makes me want to combine three great threads here on Icmag: Lifeless, Thegratefulh3ad and of coarse Dr.bud. Basically I would use the coco specific Nutes from head and run a perpetual staggered short flower grow like Dr.Bud whilst using the grow cab from lifeless. I'd have to build another mom/veg area for sure. I think it could work nicely. I'm just rambling right now, but I'm sure this is a great idea if no one has done this yet.

Anyway. The plants are coming along niceley. I'm still trying to decide when to chop them. (70 days, 60, or 50) I think I'll be done by late April. I still have to decide how to cure the buds. Never done that before. loll

Peace guys. Updates are usually on Mondays. :wave:

Paranoid one

No drum role sorry, but there is a violin!


So lets DOOOOOO THISSS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fresh Start

Active member
End of Week Three Update.

End of Week Three Update.

Alright cha'll, its Monday and I owe this thread an update. Being the responsible adult I am, here it is. My commitment to showing you some smoke worthy buds in the making. Everything is going great for them. Chugging right along. I'm going to start weening them off the nitrogen part of Lucas formula soon, so the yellowing of fan leaves will progress from here on out. Some of the leaves have damage on them from my internal PC fan. They get sucked in and chewed up some times.. oops. Just as long as it's not the bud right? :) I've added another fan to the bottom of the box (making 2 internal fans total) for added air flow. Working great. They're starting to smell very fruity and pungent. Least that's what my lady says. She has a great sense of smell. Now onto the pics!






:ying: Best of Luck and thanks for watching. -Fresh


These are looking real nice FS -- the double Rubber maid "cab" is getting more popular but this is definitely one of the nicer looking ones I have seen -- did you ever elaborate on what your doing for the airflow?


Nevermind, I re-read the the first post - I think I just skipped to the pictures at the start...
Love the setup and will subscribe and stay tuned

Fresh Start

Active member
Thanks Pun. I have a PC fan mid way up in the cab. And I also have a small desktop fan that is on the bottom blowing up at the plant(s) to circulate air underneath them. Things can get stuffy and moldy inside closets. Gotta keep the air moving and jiving at all times.

I'm on the move a lot. So I had to build something that could move as often as I do, and that could be stashed away in a closet. Already sounds like a Rubbermaid commercial. ha ha but for cannabis. Peace -Fresh

Fresh Start

Active member
Lucas formula is truly a proven process. I've gone through week four of bloom with little to no nitrogen in the 5-10 ratio of nutes. After the end of week 5 all of the plants will go through the last three weeks with just RO water. Let me say that the plants have a wonderful ripening melon aroma that is lovely to come home to. My update will be on Monday with the official pictures, but they will be worth the wait. The cola's look great for the end of week 4 imo and grand daddy purple really packs on the weight late in the bloom cycle. I can't wait for the last week to roll around so I can actually see! Thanks for watching and reading. -Fresh