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LSWM's 3k Vert Donut's @ 7000ft!

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Not to mention that the I mid will slow your plants for about a week and cause some kind of lockout. Making your plant lose some leaves.


Active member
Don't use bayer tree and shrub or any imid product as a preventative. Two reasons, first it stays in your plants for months (8-12 of them, yes up to a year), and second it has a tendency to cause reveg like growth in otherwise healthy plants. Imid is some big gun absolute last resort type of shit, not a preventative measure. SM90 on the other hand is a great preventive measure. 5ml per gal. with every watering will stop most instances of root born pests before they have a chance to take hold :biggrin:. It's great shit, and bet you can guess who told me about it ;). Though I must respectfully disagree on it's ability to wipe out an established population of gnats. I've seen it completely eliminate two bad infestations in different gardens. Took 2-2 1/2 weeks to get them all in both cases, but it worked and both gardens (neither are mine) are gnat free to this day. It also eliminates the small population uprisings generally found in new coco and bagged soil. I'll admit two instances of success (three counting my garden) isn't enough evidence to say for certain it will work in every case, but the results I've seen first hand are encouraging to say the least :tiphat:

Edit: I missed a whole page so this is a lil out of place.

Not to mention that the I mid will slow your plants for about a week and cause some kind of lockout. Making your plant lose some leaves.

You guys think that it's a problem to use even on freshly rooted cuts? I just don't see there being enough plant material for the concentration to be a problem a month later once the plant has grown 10x in size. In fact it's probably closer to 100x the size or more. My clone game in not on point, but I make sure to take plenty of cuts long before I need them, I then just over veg in tiny pots and as I prepare to flower them then I transplant and do my final veg. So I'm not all that worried about stunting growth.

I was pretty set on using it as described above to ensure this next round of plants is gnat free, but now you guys have me rethinking it. I may just order some essential oils, neem, and Dr. Bronner's, or SM90 and add my own essential oils to that, maybe even add some neem.

I'm still a little low on funds and in between harvests so I need to do some more calculations and figure out what I have to spend RIGHT NOW.

I meant to grab some pictures this morning as lights went out but grabbed a cup of coffee and by the time I remembered they had already been out for an hour. Hopefully I can get some this evening.


Active member
Oh, and the final weights from the Haze tray are in... I kinda lost track so I may be off an oz or two one way or the other but...

I yielded ~28 zips of nug, and another 12 zips of sugar trim and small larfy bullshit. I think had I waited the extra week or two those 12 zips may have been only 8 and I actually would have pulled 2#'s of nug.

I anticipate these next two trays to do even better, and everything else I have going is looking absolutely killer.


Active member
I just watched Imid cure a friends RA problem he'd been battling for 6 months through multiple crops. He had tried everything to cure them. Plants went from slow growth and deficiencies to nice bushy vigorous growth within a week.

...so it was kinda on my mind. He didn't seem to have problems with it stunting them or giving weird growth, but the plants were already having problems to begin with.

I guess I'll just avoid it unless I get a serious issue with RA or something else that is resistant to everything else.


Well-known member
Well Dbro , the only reason I said SM-90 won`t stop a full blown infestation was because I got fungus gnats once from a severely larvae infested pallet of coco , that as you fully well know I innoculated ALL my media with 5ml per gal after washing/pre-charges and before EVER runnin plants in said media....and....

It took every damn skeeter dunk I could still find packs of where I live at every Home Depot and Lowes at the time cuz it was off season in Jan , and after crumbling bits up on top of each of 512 muthafuckin containers and waterin the shit in for a solid month , they were gone never to be seen again.....but....

I attribute never seein em again to of course the SM-90 , but I also switched to boilin ass hot water washes of all "new" media after that for added insurance , plus by that time.....

I`d already gathered enough coco chunks and stringy fibers to just chop mainstems and throw rootballs and all including #5 smartpots into Rubbermaid cattle troughs full of pond zymes to dissolve ALL decaying matter AND any bug larvae of any shape form or fashion.....then.....

I bought no more medium for the duration till retirement/shutdown....anyways....Good call on the DE Icky...I use a grass seed spreader for my surrounding yard and redo it after every rain , but the garlic oil spray shit I`ve been usin for yrs really knocks em out all over the rest of the cowpasture when I spray , but it takes once a month applications for that shit and it`s high as a cat`s ass.....

Whoever can find me gallons of pure garlic oil in concentrate at a decent price , PLEASE holler atcha boy Freds.....cost me 100 bucks a month to keep ticks and fleas away from all my critters on 52 acres....now....

Back to work LWSM...:biggrin:.....


Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I never had any probs using imid. If ur going to use it I would suggest doing so before they become a serious problem, cause by that time ur plants are screwed. If u know u have RA I would use it in a heart beat if not in flower. If u have any that are in flower just get rid of the medium and sanitize and clean good after u harvest.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Don't get me wrong on the I mid. I use it as a last resort. It will get rid of your bugs but will slow your plants some. It will get rid of them for good as long as you don't have a place for them to go till it wears off.

I also dunk the entire media in a solution till it stops bubbling. Then take it out and set it in a bucket with a up side down net pot in the bottom to drain. I use a 27 gallon tote to dunk in.

I tried to top water with I mid but like I said earlier with the dunks it did not get to the bottom of the pot. So they hung out there. The dunk solved that problem.

After using it is best to let it set in the pot for a few hours then water the hell out of it to flush it out as much ad possible. This will make sure they ate dead and your media gets back to were it should be to minimize the plants stress.

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Oh and after treating them get a small white container. Something like aquart cottage cheese container. Fill it 1/3-1/2 with water and place under your light. The bugs fly in bounce of the side and drown in the water. It is a good way to see if they are flying around.


Active member
I never had any probs using imid. If ur going to use it I would suggest doing so before they become a serious problem, cause by that time ur plants are screwed. If u know u have RA I would use it in a heart beat if not in flower. If u have any that are in flower just get rid of the medium and sanitize and clean good after u harvest.

I dealt with RA once in the past, but that was at the old spot. I was able to eradicate them without using Imid, but it included trashing almost everything, hitting the new plants hard with Pyrethrum, Azamax, OG Biowar, some hot shot no pest strips and starting new like you said.

I managed to get rid of them before I moved to my new spot, and haven't seen any signs of them since.


Well-known member
Feeds seems like you should have some guinea fowl for the ticks. If you don't mind the noise. You already have a farm.
Got geese and uggggggly ass ducks down at the lake to keep the snakes down Icky , and some NUTHIN ASS displaced lost fuckin yankee ass loons that scream like a woman gettin raped and sodomized that won`t leave fer shit , so I guess a few loud ass guinea hens wouldn`t hurt anything.......still....

The mosquito and tick barrier garlic oil knocks em down to a bare minimum if the shit wasn`t so expensive.....I`ve got all kinds of chemical shit in the barn that`ll bust their ass too , but I`m tryin ta be more green in my old age dontcha know......anyways...

Thanks bro.....I can always cook their yelling ass if they get on my nerves too much.....guinea hens.....who`da thunk it....



Well-known member
Pore `ol # 1 son.....All my interior walls are insulated and sound-proofed with rockwool slabs , and my bed`s in the very back so I don`t hear much of shit after I close the door at night , but them fuckin loons gotta go ....and...I can just see my boy out on da front porch with his 7 mm mag tryin ta shut them fuckers up after I move back to the beach when the weather breaks...hell...

Might as well get him some guineas ta listen to after I`m gone huh ?...property management co.`s got my lil beach shack rented till next week and it`s finally coolin off , so me , the gf , and the dawg`s headin south in a couple weeks till the holidays....fuckabuncha coldass weather....flyin south I am...

Didn`t mean ta jack yer thread LWSM....


Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
Guinea fowl will get rid of ticks and you just give them some grain to keep them around. And if you kill them they are full of meat. I shit you not meat.


Well-known member
They can hang out and peck with my yardbirds if they`ll eat ticks instead of all chicken feed.....and yeah....

I`ve heard they eat purdy good as long as they`re not too old , but I brine my birds in 5 gal buckets full of ice and marinade couple days before goin on da smoker , so I`m sure I`ll never meet a guinea hen I don`t like....ta eat that is....so....

Ya`ll call em guinea fowl huh.....They`ve always been called a damn nuisance down here with that loud ass mouth.....anyways....Gonna grab a couple or a dozen at the co-op before I go south and wait ta see how long it takes before my boy calls bitchin and cussin...:moon:.....

I hate ticks......Grrrr.....He`ll get used to em......or not....
