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LSt a lowryder?

Hello, I was just wondering if its alright to lst a lowryder #2. I read some where that your not supposed to because the plant wouldn't have time to heal and would decrease your yield. Is this true?


ak47 has the genetics to be tall. I wouldn't lst a AF hindu kush (what I've got now) since they're only supposed to get 14" tall

Master Chief

New member
I know that someone recently used SCROG on a lowryder and still got a decent yield, I think it was a little over an O. I would go for it if your confined to little space.


Active member
ALWAYS had better yields with lst. These are WEEDS. When you're talking about "time to heal" you're really talking about a fairly negligible period of time due to incredibly fast metabolism, and even then, the plants are always more vigorous afterward, so who cares about the healing time? Original lowryder LST'd (count the tops):



Active member
Day 20 or so I started tie down... i cheated... that's actually two plants in one tub, but one plants did have ten tops.


krazycure.. nice work on that lst man.. were those plants trimmed square or am I trippin lol? It looks bitchen either way man and I'll bet it smelt pretty good too, nice work.

Here's that AKxBB lst after flush and right before harvest.. this bad biatch had like 14 tops!


Doing what we do because we are who we are
what were the dry weights from the lst style grow guys ?

i have been tpying with this idea in mt head for quite some time and what size pot ypu use for the lst ?


It's going to totally boil down to genetics. Give it a try, but focus on timing.. And don't experiment on the whole crop.


what were the dry weights from the lst style grow guys ?

i have been tpying with this idea in mt head for quite some time and what size pot ypu use for the lst ?

bummer I don't have a scale, but visually in jars, there was a lot more product from the lst'd plant versus the non-lst'd plant..