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LR2 outdoor grow


New member
Hello fellow growers out there. Decided to make a thread for these 4 lr2 seedlings, im hoping to get at least one plant from every sex as this is just a seedrun. The germ rate for these was great and it looks like their off to a good start. This spot is a little risky but i guess its not too big of a loss if shit happens. The medium im using is 100% coco which worked great for my last run.
Here they are..how cute:D


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Hey Oz those little guys (and hopefully girl/s?) are looking good, I've got a few LR2 seeds that I want to grow. I haven't got space in the PC case for them and was thinking about germing them and sticking them outdoors and do a seed run but I think it may be a bit late in the year for me. What country are you in? I'm in England and the weather has turned for the worst, you guys think it would be worthwhile putting them out if I vegged inside for a week or two? Keep us updated!



they are both in australia so you cant really compare outdoor grow conditions lol. growing here in uk now outdoors would be suicidal now, its starting to get cold and damp in the evenings so bud rot will never be far away. if you can grow indoors for the first couple of weeks why not finish them indoors? indoors is the only way you will get bud from now onwards till feb/march imo. obviously you're welcome to try and prove me wrong ;)


Doing what we do because we are who we are
they are both in australia so you cant really compare outdoor grow conditions lol. growing here in uk now outdoors would be suicidal now, its starting to get cold and damp in the evenings so bud rot will never be far away. if you can grow indoors for the first couple of weeks why not finish them indoors? indoors is the only way you will get bud from now onwards till feb/march imo. obviously you're welcome to try and prove me wrong ;)

this is one my mine and my partners projects we are working on... an auto that grows just as well in winter as it does in the warmer months... and the mold issue is not so bad with with the more sativa dom autos... the indica dom ones on the other hand... all you have to do is think about mold and they are covered in it


this is one my mine and my partners projects we are working on... an auto that grows just as well in winter as it does in the warmer months... and the mold issue is not so bad with with the more sativa dom autos... the indica dom ones on the other hand... all you have to do is think about mold and they are covered in it

for the ultimate mold test we'll have to try them over here ;)


Yeah the weather has really changed in the last week! I was thinking about using a mini greenhouse, I've seen them about and are quite cheap. The only thing that would bother me is the amount of sunlight they would get, I mean it's bout to be overcast almost everyday now untill march lol

sorry to steal the thred Oz, keep up the good work!


New member
no problem seany, it seems that lowrydr has already answered your question and I dont have anything to add but deffinately go for indoors. I mean growing outdoors is hard enough especially guerilla so your chances are slim, but like shroomy said you could have a good chance at success with a more sativa dominant auto. This is my first time growing autos so its all new to me..how exciting:D
you guys reckon ill need to change the pots sometime..i mean its doable but it would be a bitch, and i dont have that much coco left:1help: just wondering how wide and tall these autos actually get


Doing what we do because we are who we are
they will be fine oz :D
they dont need to be changed

its a seed run not a bud show bro ;)


ozgrower90..Good to see you posting M8..
More canna porn to look forward to..:yummy:

Speed and Safety for your project. :yes:

:listen2: Any Friend of shroomy is an Automatic Friend of mine..


they are both in australia so you cant really compare outdoor grow conditions lol. growing here in uk now outdoors would be suicidal now, its starting to get cold and damp in the evenings so bud rot will never be far away. if you can grow indoors for the first couple of weeks why not finish them indoors? indoors is the only way you will get bud from now onwards till feb/march imo. obviously you're welcome to try and prove me wrong ;)

I just planted a auto white russian fem seed I germinated 3 days ago, its in the greenhouse so hopefully that will give it a bit of extra time (im in the west midlands, uk) the plant popped its head out the soil in under 24 hours so its going well so far. only problem is as you said the weather is changing now, its getting wetter and colder (which the greenhouse can help protect against) but what it cant help with is the shortening of the days which i think will be one of the biggest problems. I have 4 other plants in the greenhouse, I cant see them finishing untill atleast another 7 weeks so hopefully the auto white russian will be finishing at the same time. last year a couple of my plants didnt finish untill mid november! we had already had plenty of frosts and snow by then, greenhouse heater was on full 24/7 for about 4 weeks though!


New member
I just planted a auto white russian fem seed I germinated 3 days ago, its in the greenhouse so hopefully that will give it a bit of extra time (im in the west midlands, uk) the plant popped its head out the soil in under 24 hours so its going well so far. only problem is as you said the weather is changing now, its getting wetter and colder (which the greenhouse can help protect against) but what it cant help with is the shortening of the days which i think will be one of the biggest problems. I have 4 other plants in the greenhouse, I cant see them finishing untill atleast another 7 weeks so hopefully the auto white russian will be finishing at the same time. last year a couple of my plants didnt finish untill mid november! we had already had plenty of frosts and snow by then, greenhouse heater was on full 24/7 for about 4 weeks though!

im a bit confused by your post but autos couldnt care less about the days getting shorter or anything..not sure if thats what you were asking? hope i helped im very:joint:


im a bit confused by your post but autos couldnt care less about the days getting shorter or anything..not sure if thats what you were asking? hope i helped im very:joint:

I ment the yeild will be reduced because its getting far less light. if it sucsesfully finishs I doubt i will get more than a couple of grams off it due to the cold and lack of light


dargo I have grown AF's down to air frost and experienced no probs.
I suspect that they would even tollerate a few days ground frost..but we haven't had them here yet.
Lack of Light is the Big problem.
You have to watch them for hermies if you drop below 10 hours of light.

Transpiration slows up..so..it will take longer to yield..with less return..
but you should still harvest
If you hit a period of dank..cut the ferts..
in my experience..dank plus ferts lead to mold.

I am ex North East UK..so I know the grow conditions and I would say anything that you can finish a tomato in..your AF's will probably take.

Best of Luck with them...and let us know..I am interested in the Extremes they will take..:yes:


You have to watch them for hermies if you drop below 10 hours of light.

Im kinda hoping for that to happen, I want as many fem seeds as possible for a massive outdoor sog next summer. Im going to set up a small indoor AF grow over the winter, maby 4-6 plants at a time. I was planing on mainly having seed crops from the indoor winter grow to maximize the summer sog next year.

I have a few different AF's to grow and cross.............

(all lowlife seeds)
auto white russian
auto ak47 x auto blueberry
auto ak47 x auto kush


New member
Well its update time fellas and it looks like the little things had a nice growth spurt. Their skinny as f%$# but im sure the wind will help give em that outdoor structure.
Any tips or criticism always welcome


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Soul Feeder
dargo I have grown AF's down to air frost and experienced no probs.
I suspect that they would even tollerate a few days ground frost..but we haven't had them here yet.
Lack of Light is the Big problem.
You have to watch them for hermies if you drop below 10 hours of light.

Transpiration slows up..so..it will take longer to yield..with less return..
but you should still harvest
If you hit a period of dank..cut the ferts..
in my experience..dank plus ferts lead to mold.

I am ex North East UK..so I know the grow conditions and I would say anything that you can finish a tomato in..your AF's will probably take.

Best of Luck with them...and let us know..I am interested in the Extremes they will take..:yes:

Nice info Mossy, extreme conditions are funny :)
In your experience this applies to all af strains or there is a strain that handles cold/mold better?



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