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LR2 help please

If anyone has any advice I would be grateful. as shown in the pics below, these are Lowryder2s at about week 5. They seem to be doing ok but have developed a little yellowing and brown blotches on some of the leaves, especially the lower ones. they are under a 150w cfl 18/6 and have been eating bio-bloom ferts.






any advice?


Whats your soil and your watering routine?

How close are they to the bulb? You should tie that tall one down. Get as much of the canopy in the light's sweet spot as you can. They look pretty darn good though.


id say beginnings of nuteburn and a little over watering. flush them through a couple of times then leave them to dry out, almost completely then give them another watering then let them dry out and see where you are with them. apart from that theyre looking very tasty!
thanks guys. they are in this soil and they get watered about every 3 days. have been using the bio-bloom since about day 25 and before that nothing. the big ones are about 6 to 8 inches from the light.
Due to them out growing the previous cupboard the were in, they went through a few days with less than ideal lighting and were slightly cold too. could be a factor...

How much do you think i could tie the tall ones over? im worried about snapping the stem :eek:

I have found it interesting to see the differences between the plants. the small bushy one is so different! if i had some males i'd make seeds from her.
Im now at day 43 and im a little worried that they dont seem to be producing that much bud. do you think they will fill out much more?





yes the last 20 days are very productive, you will cut them down around day 65-70.


What is the PH of that Soil?? It looks like you have nute burn from the leaves pics you show. The yellowing is fine in Flowering. you get that at the end of your flowering time. Also what are you feeding the plant?? Last 2 weeks Id flush with plain water or with Black strap Molasses. It will bring out the flavors in the plant.

And get that CFL as close as you can.
Cut off all the burnt leaves. You dont need the fan leaves really.
will need to get a ph kit to do a test. I flushed and that seems to have helped but will be more careful with the nutes in future.
I think I will trim back a few of the fan leaves to allow light further down as I dont really have space to tie them over at this point.
They are getting nice and frosty on the top :)


will need to get a ph kit to do a test. I flushed and that seems to have helped but will be more careful with the nutes in future.
I think I will trim back a few of the fan leaves to allow light further down as I dont really have space to tie them over at this point.
They are getting nice and frosty on the top :)

Pull the top down a little. So that the light gets to the bottom. I know what you mean about the frost. But if you look inside those buds they will be still a light color and thas what you need to get at.
Deff Get a Ph stick. Go to ebay 20 bux digital vital sine. Not bad for what you need it to do. Also what nutes have u been feeding her?


been giving them bio-bloom every watering time for the last 2/3 weeks. the yellowing has not spread since the flush.

well it sucks that we do not know where the soil is at to see what is being locked out.

From the Yellowing it is lack of Nitrogen. But Bio Bloom should have some in it.

How much BioBloom do you give per gallon of water??

How much water each time you feed her?

How many times a week do you feed her?

What is the Temp and Humidity?

Can you get me some more pics? :eggnog: :thanks:


This pic as you see the Brown Spots!!! That is a Calcium Deficiency. Do you have Cal-mag??


This is Nute Burn. Too Much nutes or Acidic Soil. Reason You see at bottom, it will work from ground up the stem. cut the brown off, leave the rest. if you need to make room for the bottom, the fan leaves are just there for upward growth. and we are pretty much done there. So prune away make some room.
"How much BioBloom do you give per gallon of water? "

Im following the instructions on the bottle, about 4-5ml per gallon, possibly a little less.

"How much water each time you feed her?"

a normal water is about half a liter per plant

"How many times a week do you feed her?"


"What is the Temp and Humidity?"

humidity is about 65-70 and the temps are about 20 in the day and a bit less at night. im working on a way to increase this a little.

Ive given them a bit of a trim, not too much though. hopefully this will help with budding...


umm the biobloom is good I am guessing 5ML is 1 tblespoon. thats not bad at all. I never used that stuff so it is diff from FF.

Um as far as watering goes. Do you wait till the soil is super dry? or when you stick a finger in the soil it is dry about an 1" down??? every 3rd feeding should be plain water. Flush them Flush them every 3 weeks.

Humididity is pretty high. Not bad for vegging. But when you go into flowering that will have to go far down. And the temps are very low. You want it now lower than 78F when lights are on and no higher than 82F... At night you want a 10 degree difference.

Pics buddy Pics. I hope this helps you, If you have any questions dont hesitate to ask.

cyber echo

I dont know about "BioBloom" but usually I dont follow the capacities suggested by the product.
I usually always use 1/2 to 1/3 the strength.


Cut the stems to the Main stem from those Fan leaves. JS.

Loooks reall Green and nice in there,... Try to lst those fan leaves down to get more light to the Bud spots.

Not to much stretch, but you have some. Try gettn the light closer too.

Get me pics of the bottom of the plant so and not too far, want to see what you have going on. see if we can prune
One of the plants has started to get a bit orange but the others have not yet. im not likely to get that much more bud growth am I? there cant be more than a few grams per plant :(




