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Low's Grow Log v.01

Hey everybody!

I'm High Lowlander, this is my grow log of sorts..
Since i'm practically a newb at this, don't expect me to throw out lotsa 'pearls of wisdom', it's more then likely those ''pearls' will be a lot of :cuss: :smoke:

My garden:
One 250 watt HPS, one Homebox XS
and that's about all the tools..
nutes: everything from BioBizz,Biogrow,-bloom, Rootjuice, Topmaxx, pics will be up later
Soil, currently seedling soil, gonna prolly mix some regular potting soil with some Biobizz Allmix..


1 Mandala Seeds safarimix
2 Mandala Seeds Hashberry

What is the LDE?
Well that's a bit of a story:
About 3 years ago I bought 2 packs of nirvana seeds, one pack Ice and one pack Bubblicious.
I did want to grow everything but lacked funds:biglaugh: and maybe some ambition too:laughing:
So I ended up killing just about all of the seeds/seedlings, managed to produce 5 plants of those 20 seeds..and then of those 5 two more died so i was left with one male Ice and one male and one female Bubblicious. By then i'd moved my plants outside on the balcony, much too late in the season to produce any smokeables..i'd learned that much from lurking on here and OG:smoke:
So, i decided as a last ditch effort, to pollinate the female Bubblicious with the male one.
Ended up with a buncha seeds, which i didn't do anything with then..
Until last year when i decided to get serious with this "growing for personal smoke thing" and bought me a Homebox XS, light, soil, nutes the whole shebang...
and no, no odour control, which of course started to become an issue when i finally did get some plants past the seedling stage and into actually growing..
And that's the story of LDE!:D

Feel free to comment, i'm always looking to learn!
Well that's it for now
:wave:, Low
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I'm growing some Mandalas under a 250watt too. I used to use all-mix for seedlings but it can be a bit hot, you're right to mix it with other soild.

Good luck with it

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, nice lil ones you have going.... looking forward to watching them grow up. Like the Mandala genetics. Good luck bro.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
well I was wondering the other day if you had any grows going on, good to see you got one.

I think you already know the OGA love of mandala, I dont need to repeat it.

Good luck with your grow


Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hey mate - good to see you setting up your own thread :D Do you have any perlite in that seedling soil? If not be careful not to overwater, those roots need air! Another tip (If I may be so bold) - filling up your pots with soil will give the seedlings more room to stretch their roots as well as making things easier for transplant, they look only half full (or half empty) to me.

And one more thing (man you're gonna hate me :D) is that Hygrometer working? 25% RH is too low for the little uns - they'll dry out lickity split.

All the best HL.
Hey everybody!
:woohoo: i got replies!! :redface:
@anthonyblunt: yeah i read somewhere in the mandala forums that the Allmix was pretty hot, so yeah,i'm mixing it, thanks for the advice!

Hi BR and DR d, yeah i finally got my lazy ass in gear and got a thread started :biglaugh: thanks for the support. The OGA is going to grow Mandala soon too am I right? It'll be good to compare, and in my case..learn! :smoke:

Sammet: yeah those pots are not all the way filled up, I'm prolly gonna transplant the oldest one today, or tomorrow and fill up the rest of the pots..the hygrometer...i don't really know if it's working, dropped it a couple times sometimes it seems to work, sometimes not..since i'm currently broke (whoops!) i'm gonna have to wait a couple days/week before i can go and see about something better in that department.
EDIT: i use cut up sodabottles as some kind of humidity dome, so that way they won't dry out..fingers crossed
And don't worry, i'm here to learn so, don't mind any advice :smoke:

That's it for now,
:wave:, Low
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For all those new growers out there, No not everybody succeeds in raising plants from seeds directly from the get-go..
I for example have already managed to muck up 2 hashberry and 2 safarimix seeds, and 1 of the 2 safmix sprouts...just to show that mistakes can and will be made.
My mistakes: not being patient enough and leaving those planted seeds be,
and when you finally get sprouts...LEAVE 'EM BE!!! don't mess around with em too much 'cause you will kill them..like i did.
Overwatering is something everybody mentions, and of course when you start out you're thinking: that's not gonna happen to me! (wanna bet? :smoke:)

Alright, enough with the sadstory and all that...
pics of my nutes and the quart-film cannister full o seeds

Seeds: these where from my Last Ditch Effort, i think officially they're Bubblicious F2's?:

That's all for now,
:wave:, Low
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go on .. pull my finger
ICMag Donor
everything looks great
uve learnt the major lessons/mistakes early so this run should be a breeze .
cant knock the bio bizz range , im using it too
nice supply of seed
u might wanna go shoppin soon for a few growing tools, if u havent already got them
ph tester/adjuster especially, moisture meter also recc for the over eager grower
both are dirt cheap to buy

stay safe
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Hi m@rg!
Thanks for the advice, yeah i'm still short a PH meter, although I think i found a moisture meter somewhere..(Huh??bought it the previous season, never did anything with it or forgot..:D)
:wave:, Low

Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Hey man, my RH sucks right now because of the bin I have them in. I water mine everyday, although I have perlite in my mix so there is plenty of air space in the soil mix. I have some bubblicious that I may pop when I get moved, they were gifted by a good friend. How was the finished ones you did? Look forward to an update man, get yourself a cheap ph kit from walmart in the fish section, they're dirt cheap and make all the difference in the world. Take care...

Hey B/R
The finished ones i did,:chin: ehhh, i was very eager and impatient so..:D I smoked most of it before it was cured well :laughing:

They're prolly not all that good looking but hey, :smoke: there's a first for everything right?
I had one that smelled kinda like Bubblicious chewinggum, the rest had various smells and tastes, most kinda tasted "flowery".
Depending on where your friend got his Bubblicious, mine is from Nirvana (NRS) and i'd read in various NRS threads that Nirvana seems to have a lot of purple going on in various plants...some people thought that was a sign of inferior breeding?? 'cause not all plants should be able to turn purple whether it's heat related or not...
I had one purple one, not sure if that pic is still in my gallery because i removed some where my bathroom would be very easily identified so..might have been that pic
Have a great weekend everybody
:wave:, Low
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Egh, update!!!
I transplanted them
ALready?!?!? yeah, i figured, while is was busy, might as well do them all
So without further ado:




They've all been moved to 2 litre pots, in a mix of regular potting soil and Biobizz allmix, about three handfulls each, mixed by hand..
Gave them a dose of Rootjuice to help with the stress and to help establish a healthy rootsystem
I am aware of the fact that youngins shouldn't be moved to early..but i'm kinda tight on time.
Or at least that's what i'm expecting, i've been scheduled for surgery, don't know exactly when, i'm expecting it to be somewhere end of May beginning of June so i might decide to flip my lights somewhere this week...
The LDE will then pretty much be raised on 12-12 from the start but hey, learning new things..never a bad thing!:D
:wave:, Low
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Sativa Soul

pulling up a chair for this one... :lurk:
To bad you have to go into surgery. Is it anything to worry about or aint it anything too bad, if I may ask?

Good luck with your grow and the surgery!
Hi Sativasoul!
Well fortunately it's not something to really worry about, just something that needs to be done..recuperation time might take somewhile so, while i'm in the hospital my harvest should be able to cure some..and by the time i'm going home to recuperate some more, i might have some sleep and/or pain meds ready! :D
How's your banana haze doing?
:wave:, Low
Your doing an amazing job. I have yet to flower inside... But i will soon, maybe by tuesday if my CMH light bulb comes in :)

Your top buds look nice, may not be a compact grow but you still got some decent bud there. Hows it smoke?
Hey Nightcrawler!
The smoke on the bubblicious? eh, I was very impatient so smoked all of it before it was even well cured and all :0:, as far as taste goes: most of em tasted kinda florally/flowery, two of them had a more fruity/sweeter taste where one out of those to smelled kinda like the famous chewinggum (Not exactly like it though!).
Potency, wel because of lack of cure, difficult to tell. :laughing: also, my tolerance was pretty high, nevertheless, some of the sweet tasting buds did stone me nicely :D
Thanks for the compliments:rasta:
:wave:, Low


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
heya Low ...just came by to say high....if there's anything i can help ya with just PM me....i'm not a Plant Dr but i manage to come around very often..nway the force is with in you...you just have to learn it :wink:



Nice thread and grow buddy! Things look good!

I love your attitude and how humble you are...it goes a long way in life if you ask me!

I also love to watch low-budget grows...if you don't mind me calling it that! You do have some nice tools and nutrients there, but it just seems like there are so many threads here where people have endless money to spend on this stuff!

Looks solid and I hope you have a nice harvest bro.

My last harvest I smoked most of it before giving it a good cure...boy do i regret it. A good cure can improve buds so much......We should both try being patient sometime!!!

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