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Low light loving vegatables/fruits/herbs


Cookie monster

Well spring is here at last and the garden is getting a makeover so to speak.
Going through the flower catalogues there are plenty of plants n flowers that like shade but these are already in the garden and well they look pretty but there not really any use to me.

I want to replace all the plants in the shaded areas with fruit/veg/herbs, i already have a sizeable veg garden but want to grow more and the only places left to grow are shaded, maybe 4/5 hours direct sunlight a day.

Anybody have any reccomendations?


I googled: shade tolerant vegetables and found this at the top of the list...


In general, leafy vegetables are the most shade-tolerant, while those that fruit from a flower (tomatoes, peppers, squash, eggplants) are the least. In between are the root vegetables requiring at least a half day of full sun: potatoes, beets, carrots and turnips. Shade tolerant leafy vegetables include lettuce, spinach, Swiss chard, arugula, endive and radiccio. Broccoli (and its relatives -- kale, kohlrabi, turnips, mustard and cabbage -- also grow in partial shade.

Cookie monster

Thank you solo,

So my cabbage,lettuce,all the herbs are going into the shaded areas along with the carrots and spuds, all in all thats an extra 20m squared i'll have this year.

Now if only mrs cookie would let me dig up the lawn to grow crops i'd be a happy monster.