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If you think you may be underwatering, try to water a sample of your plants a bit more - That way you'll be able to tell

I am planning on saturating 1 of the largest, to then see if the droop occurs and when i.e. earlier or later than 15hrs...

UNLESS you / anyone thought this to be a bad idea ?
I am planning on saturating 1 of the largest, to then see if the droop occurs and when i.e. earlier or later than 15hrs...

UNLESS you / anyone thought this to be a bad idea ?

Saturating is fine, as long as there is good drainage and somewhere for the runoff to go!
I must say in all the grows I have ever done indoors....RH only plays a part in flower. You could have 0% RH in your grow room....and the only thing that would happen is the plants would drink more to maintain their transpiration rate.

My veg tent is currently 10-20% RH and they are jammin!

I would have to say you are over watering your ladies.

I grow in 3 gal buckets of soil.....I feed on Sunday and by Wednesday they need a watering....then I feed on Saturday or Sunday...depending on how "light" the pots are.

Going by the weight of the pot will keep you from over watering. ;)


New member
I saturated the largest lady, logically the thirstiest if thirst is the issue...

All others have been left, now am hoping to see some sort of change or pattern in either the single one or the majority... in app. 6-8hrs if I'm really lucky.

I do at this point think they've been underwatered recently as the one I have drenched took the whole lot and is not even that moist on the soil surface now, so I think they would all appreciate a swim.

BUT, still after another hour of drooping before turn-off again, they still look absolutely fine and are growing well, which I suppose is the main thing...

Still working on it though.


New member
Yeah thanks, lights have gone off now...

Same again, 15th hour drooping, all the big ones - the one left unfed and the one I had well fed...?
Gonna have to see what 6hrs dark does now.

Stranger still, the smaller ladies that are 7-10 days behind are / were still upstanding at the 15-16-17&18th hours this time round, whereas the past few nights they had been drooping aswell...
These smaller ones had double their normal amount of water when biggy got saturated, but even this was FAR from saturating...

So still leaning toward more water at this stage, 5hrs til lights on now.


Go look at plants in the wild. At the end of the day in a long summer sun they also droop. It's a natural reaction and having lights on 24/0 just adds to it. This is why a lot of growers use 20/4 or 18/6. Contrary to popular belief a plant needs it's rest.

And I have never had problems with 30% humidity, in fact it helps keep a my-rid of problems away especially in flower. No bugs, no mold, no problems.


New member
Yeah cheers, mine are on 18/6, 24/0 wouldn't seem right to me although if it works for some then fair play...

I'm not worried about the droop now tbh, and understand that my RH is fine so full steam ahead again now...

Thanks to all for your help / advice !