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Love stoned

dude im out of weed and been thinking about this one gurl...... i like her so much i think i might even love her hehe...... its times like these where some bong hits would be a lil peice of heaven.......someone cheer me up cuz i really need it......


Active member
Love ?

my friend!

I don't really believe in it anymore
I know I can find a nice girl, maybe, that's a possiblity

but I know god damn well, that there's a lot of fucked up girls out there

they never broke your heart yet ?
yea ive been with alot of girls b4 and yea there are many fucked up gurls out there....... this one gurls from Latvia and shes just one of the coolest gurl ever, kinda reminds me of that one chick from Yes Man haha, everytime with her we just have a blast


Have either of you ever considered allowing small Asian dudes access to your leg. Apparently it's the virgin way?


haha i knew i shoulda never brought my problems on forums

Aw come on now, that's not the attitude, we have offered you our time and kind indulgence and you dont appreciate it. How ungrateful are you, almost as bad as Marquis Black and his anti dog boy sentiment.

You people dont know your born!


She's an Island near Greece?, that would explain why he cant get his winky in there then.


dude im out of weed and been thinking about this one gurl...... i like her so much i think i might even love her hehe...... its times like these where some bong hits would be a lil peice of heaven.......someone cheer me up cuz i really need it......

Source: dictionary.com


Gurl\, n. A young person of either sex. [Obs.] See Girl. --Chaucer.

Snigger snigger. bi!, snigger snigger.

Oh, could i be more childish. I think so!


guys are evil =- plain and simple.(jk jk)

SOME girls are evil.

Im a reformed evil chick.


yea I'm not very much fun now that I'm not out getting shitfaced LoL
I just stay home. the only time I get out is to do errands. OH the joys of homemaking. LOL


hey blood if your still reading this if she makes you happy call her up . .go hang out with her theres no reason to be upset(except about bein w/o ganj haha)