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Love is?.....


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Well 1st off I'm a male....yep no doubt about that :pointlaug

I thought I would share a gift I received the other day from an ex-girlfriend that I talk to whenever she needs me.....as thats what friends do...right? I put the plate to use..

Now if I could remember what love is after 15 year with 1 person....3 years of way to much clubbing...and now a year of JUST friends..lots of friends... :joint: :wave:
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ICMag Donor
Yes American...friends are very precious, and should be treasured....I got lucky and married my best friend...sounds like you have a good ex there...its good to have friends :D
thanks for sharing :)


:wave: Love is - living and working together 24 hours a day, without spending a total of 4 days apart in 10 years.......we were partners in everything form birth to death and will be partners until cremation day. When you find that special partner, you'll know. :wave:

You'd think we would get tired of each other's quirks, but they all bring us closer....go figure.


Active member
1TokeOverLine said:
:wave: Love is - living and working together 24 hours a day, without spending a total of 4 days apart in 10 years.......we were partners in everything form birth to death and will be partners until cremation day. When you find that special partner, you'll know. :wave:

You'd think we would get tired of each other's quirks, but they all bring us closer....go figure.

Yes I remember it all... Waking up making Breakfeast, getting the kid ready, waking her with a kiss and cup of java...

I was married (10 years) to my HS sweetheart too..We were the class couple and made people sick with our affection...We dated over 5 years and had a kid before we married.

Then 1 day out of the blue she says....I don't feel the same way about you anymore???

So thats why I asked the question..since I seem to have forgot what love is...



Love is?

What i got


and on a serious note, i am with my HS sweetheart and have been for 5 years, we have had our ups and downs but we are the best now more so than ever and my love grows exponentially for her everyday.
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Americangrower said:
Yes I remember it all... Waking up making Breakfeast, getting the kid ready, waking her with a kiss and cup of java...

I was married (10 years) to my HS sweetheart too..We were the class couple and made people sick with our affection...We dated over 5 years and had a kid before we married.

Then 1 day out of the blue she says....I don't feel the same way about you anymore???

So thats why I asked the question..since I seem to have forgot what love is...


Maybe you shoulda had 10 kids, 23 grandkids, and 4 great-grandkids. :bat:

I've noticed that large families usually realize "love" that others miss. When a child runs into your arms knowing that she will be safe and protected, that's unconditional love. When the kids are torn apart with divorce, courts and lawyers, still make weekly prison visits in spite of what you've done, that's unconditional love. When you know that you have no interest in life without your partner, that's love. When someone casts all judgement aside and accepts you for who you are, that's love. When you would rather lose a limb than cause a minute of hurt for someone, that's love.

I hear where you're coming from, I wrote this to a heartbreaker in college:
Don't ever fall in love, my friend, you'll see it doesn't pay-
But even though it causes hearts to break, it happens every day.
And when it does, you'll know not why, you'll worry day and night-
You'll worry that you're losing her, it just never works out right.
You'll wonder where she is at night and wonder if she's true-
One moment you'll be happy, next moment you'll be blue.
So when I say, "Don't fall in love, you'll be hurt before you're through-
You'll see, my friend, I ought to know, I feel in love with you.

Bottom line is, if you have to question it, it's not love. If you have to pursue it, it's not love. If you have to buy it, it's not love. If you have to barter with it, it's not love. Love is a condition of total surrender and complete trust. If you have to worry about your partner turning you in for growing, it's not love. Love is knowing that no matter what you do and say, it will still be love tomorrow. Love is knowing exactly how each feels about things, and living for those moments you can make her smile.

When I went through your current ordeal, I had help with a stint in Nam - something needs to happen to shake your belief to the core. With all the death and misery around you begin to understand the true value of life and love, and what is lost in the blink of an eye. Once you get how fragile life is and how complete it is sharing it with someone you mutually care for seems easier to deal with. I'm probably one of the lucky ones that can live and love with my mirror image in spirit and thoughts, I haven't met many that can say they would be happy for long living with a twin spirit.

Don't get me wrong, it's not all wine & roses. But if you truly love someone, you won't have to worry about what they think or feel, you'll know. Ask either of us a question and we'll give you the answer that both of us know. We converse in partial sentences - we know the ending. We don't have to check with each other to see if something is OK, hair styles, clothes, etc - no matter what the situation the support will be there from each other.

Hope that helps a little, gives you something to chuckle over, and makes you feel a little better with food for thought........

From the overall tone of your post and question, it seems that you should be asking "What is misery and heartbreak." When you find true love you'll never experience it. She is my 4th wife, I am her 2nd man. We also learned in the school of hard knocks-you're not the only one to ever feel the dispair over an emotional breakup, especially when you thought everything was fine. For that to happen, you had a complete breakdown in faith and trust. When you find that one to share your life with, you know that nothing will ever happen to turn you against each other. That requires complete faith and trust in your partner. I could go on but it would just seem like more rambling to you in this state of mind, I'm just voicing an opinion from the experience of 3 past wives and terrible relationships that destroyed everyone in its' path.

Trust me - one day you'll meet someone that mirrors your thoughts and feelings and knows that you are the one without playing games to show it. Ask yourself if she would still consider you if you were a gross gnome, or if you made everyone around you so miserable they no monger wanted to live. If the answer is yes, nothing would matter to change her love for you, then you're home with your kindred spirit. If you were broke, and begging for meals would she still see you as desirable? If you couldn't drive a fancy car or live in a fancy home, would she still be interested? If she still wanted to go on a date with you just to be with you, no matter where you went, you'll be headed in the right direction. If she found cancer and had to have her head shaved and gained 150 pounds, would she still be desirable to you?

Love is never doing anything to apologize for, and doing everything to please, without reservation or concern. Love is never having to ask if they love you, you just know they do by their presence, and love is never wanting the other to experience pain or suffering again - whether it be a child, animal, or your partner. Love is given freely without asking, and received with honor and cherished.

Love is life. To me, if you have to ask or think about it, it's not love. But that's just one old fart's opinion......you must have peace and love in your heart before you can open it and receive it with the appreciation it deserves.
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~The way to love anything is to realize it may be lost.
~To dream of the person you'd like to be is a waste of the one you are.
~Let your heart guide you. It whispers so listen closely.
~The best and most beautiful things of the world cannot be seen or touched. They must be felt with the heart.
~The greatest pain that comes from love is loving someone you can never have.
~You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.
~If you judge people you have no time to love them.
~Kiss my lips and I'll close my eyes, break my heart and I will die.
~If it's a crime to love you then I would be sentenced to death.
~If you love somebody, there's nothing in the world that can keep you apart.
~If you love someone, just say it, otherwise the moment just passes you by.
~Love is when you're a better person, just because that someone is in your life.
~I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can be together all the time.
~The people worth loving aren't always easy to love.
~Don't just find someone to live with, find someone you can't live without.
~Sometimes you just have to go with you heart.
~I may not be alone, but who says I'm not lonely.
~The first time I met you, I was afraid to kiss you. The first time I kissed you, I was afraid to love you. And when I loved you, I was afraid to lose you. But now that I have lost you, I don't know what to do.
~When I see your smile and know that it's not for me, that's when I miss you most.
~How can I miss you if you won't go away?
~You should never give up, just learn to let go.
~If somebody loves you, won't they always love you?
~In the beginning I knew you really liked me, but I wasn't sure you loved me. Now I know you love me, but I'm not always sure you like me.
~Don't let what you love slip away.
~To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven.
~Forget about the past, but remember what it has taught you.
~And after all that's been said and done, you're just a part of me that won't let go.
~I made the choice to finally go, cause I can't stand the pain. It's time for my last tear to fall and me to smile again.
~Don't look for love and love will find you.
~To love is nothing to be loved is something. To love and be loved is everything.
~Love has no other desire but to fulfill itself.
~The difficulty isn't to die for someone but to find someone worth dying for.
~The only thing on earth that will never die is a memory.
~A friend is someone that knows the song in your heart and will sing it back to you when you've forgotten the words.
~Some people come into our lives and quickly go away. Others stay awhile but they both leave footprints on our hearts and either way we are never the same.
~Everyone hears what you have to say, friends listen to what you have to say, best friends listen to what you don't say.
~The essential sadness is to go through life without loving. But it's equally sad to go through life without telling the ones who mean the most to you that you love them.
~Lean on me when you're not strong, cause I'll be your friend, I'll help you carry on.
~Try not to wonder about what might have been, cause there's no way to tell.
~We all need somebody to love.
~When I'm with you I feel like I could die and that would be alright.
~Players only love you when they're playing.
~You ain't gonna be cheating and think your girl ain't gonna cheat, just like you cheat,they can cheat, and I just think you a fool if you think a girl ain't gonna cheat.
~Never forget your friends because in the end, they're the ones that count.
~Nothing lasts forever, except the memories you make.
~I ain't gonna cry and I won't beg you to stay, and if you wanna leave I know you'll be back some day.
~Don't tell me it's not worth trying for, you can't tell me it's not worth dying for, you know it's true, everything I do, I do it for you.
~Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.
~Is it the possibility of losing him that suddenly makes you want him back?
~Sometimes being a friend means mastering the art of timing. There is a time for silence. A time to let go and allow people to hurl themselves into their own destiny. And a time to prepare to pick up the pieces when it's all over.
~Women still remember the first kiss long after men have forgotten the last.
~To be a star, you must follow your own light, follow your own path, and never fear the darkness, for that is when the stars shine the brightest.
~People are meant to be loved, and things are meant to be used. So why are people being used?
~A rose is still a rose, you're still a flower. He can't leave you, take you, make you, and then break you, you hold the power.
~Me? I'm scared of everything. But most of all I'm scared of walking out of here tonight and never feeling the way I feel when I'm with you.
~If you had one phone call left to make before you died, who would you call, what would you say, and why are you waiting?
~There's no such thing as a no good woman, every no good woman was made no good by a no good man.
~Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear.
~Another kind of love is: All people need 3 things, something to do, someone to love, and something to hope for.
~To the world you may be one small person, but to one small person you may be the world.
~When you are in love and you get hurt, it's like a cut…It will heal but there will always be a scar.
~A part of you has grown in me, together forever we shall be, never apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart.
~Never take for granted what you have because tomorrow you might not have them, then you will be sorry you took them for granted.
~Tell someone how you feel for them today, they may feel the same way and tomorrow may be too late.
~You most often regret things you haven't done than things you have done.
~You can't be a playa and hate the playas, that just don't make no sense.
~There is fate but it only takes you so far. Once you're there it's up to you to make it happen.
~The beat of your heart echoing throughout my body still remains long after you are gone.
~Love is a stream that will find it's own course.
~It takes time to see true beauty.
~Hope is a place in a lover's heart.
~Never frown, not even when you're sad because you never know when someone is falling in love with your smile.
~No man is worth your tears, and the one who is won't make you cry.
~When you're standing at the crossroads, you don't know which path to choose, let me come long, cause even if you're wrong, I'll stand by you.
~Love is when you can look each other in the eyes, and that moment stands still in your mind, until the end of time.
~If separation happens and you both come back, your hearts belong to each other.
~Tell me who you love and I'll tell you who you are.
~If you love something set it free, if it comes back to you it was meant to be, if it doesn't, it never was to begin with.
~You don't know what you have got until it's gone.
~Dreams were made to come true, that's why I'm here with you.
~Love takes time, if it was found so quick then it wouldn't be as special as it is.
~To know if it is truly love, it is not just knowing that you can live and compromise with all their faults. The real true love is knowing the fact that you can't live without them.
~The difference between immature and mature love: Immature: I love you because I need you. Mature: I need you because I love you.
~There are men out there who have everything and give you nothing. Then there are men out there who have close to nothing but can give you everything.
~Don't let love slip away so easily. Give it another chance.
~A man lives for love, but without love he cannot live.
~It is wonderful to be loved and love. It is horrible to love and not be loved. But it is the most horrible to tell someone who deeply loves you that you don't love them and to see their heart shatter in front of your eyes.
~A foolish lover is the one who cares more for themselves than their love.
~Forget about right or wrong, answer me from your heart.
~All I ever did was love you too much.
~If love be rough with you, be rough with love. Prick love for pricking and beat love down.
~Love is like quick-silver in the hand. Leave your fingers open and it stays. Clutch it, and it darts away.
~Never let a broken heart take the chance for love away. Never let the pain take your need for love away.
~I made a wish and you came true.
~If this be love, don't speak, kisses are all that's needed.
~If you really love someone and they know, don't let go of them. If you love someone and they don't know, don't let go of your dream.
~You've got to dance like no one's watching and love like it's never going to hurt.
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Love is a Rose but ya better not pick it,it only grows when its on the vine.
handful of thorns and ya know ya missed it. :wave:


Cannabrex Formulator
Love is not about what you get from a relationship, but about what you are driven to give.


New member
love is...

* marijuana, and
* kittens, and
* acid, and
* puppies, and
* mushrooms.

and i guess it's also trust, it's gentle, it's sweet, it's confusing, it's worth it, it's your word, it's your heart, it's listening, it's understanding, it's caring, and it's never ending.


Joint Date: Today.
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to 1TokeOverLine again.
Love is a convergence of impossible ideas, cause this world, and all that we are came from the chaotic static of a BIG BANG. Love is the impossibility of reason - HA - HA - yet it's as solid as true stone.


Love is what makes you go give everything you have to one person even tho their a bitch and dont appreciate it. Atleast for me.

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