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Lots of marijuana related crime in the bay area lately


Active member
you guys noticed this? maybe its because of the summer heat or something, but in the last 3 days there have been a handful of MMJ related robberies.

First there was the shooting at a hydro shop in castro valley, hydro shop owner is shot in the head and dies INSIDE his shop!

then on the same day in the same city, a home invasion where three guys broke into a grow house and stole everything, then crashed the getaway car and were arrested. (phew) the growers claim it was a legal grow and they had permission, they were safe from state prosecution but not from rippers!

In Pittsburgh CA a young marijuana dealer was shot and killed by a 16 and 17 year old over a deal gone bad.

In fremont they just busted a 350 plant grow and it made the news.

Plus last month my roomate was robbed for half a pound here in oakland from some rippers. Plus all the crime that went down this year, i know of at least 3-4 MMJ related shootings dating back to january.

Keep it safe out there yall. Some people seem to think that this business is some lolly gaggin lazy chill laid back thing, but you will be in for a surprise when some punk puts a gun in your face demanding your crops.


.of course there is going to be thugs robbing thugs..nothing new. you got something some one wants..you bet there is a handfull of people that are looking to kill you for it. at 4,000 a lb. for the good stuff there are crooks looking to make an easy buck buy knocking you off...or robbing you blind. this is nothing new


Active member
its not just "thugs robbing thugs"...more like thugs robbing legit pot growers because they realize you can get way more skrill robbing a dealer than a 7-11.


Active member
Isn't that what you get for living in Oakland?

I live in oakland yes, but castro valley and fremont are quiet middle class cities with not alot of crime. alot of growers set up shop in these areas because its not the hood and its relatively peaceful and nice.

This kind of shit is not limited to the hoods at all. Although its pretty scary to know that last night some regular working man was car jacked and run over by his own car and died on a intersection that i drove past yesterday afternoon.




usually we see stuff like this maybe once a week tops.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I can tell you first hand that summer is a fucking free for all for motherfuckers who don't have the intelligence or the ambition to do their own shit....fucking TAKERS!!!!!

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
well all the more reason to tell nobody anything ever.

Doesn't fucking matter....people know what the f*ck is up, I spot shit all the time canna related...just by observing. People are watching you folks....be prepared.

Lock all doors when you're inside
Light your house up like a ball field
FULLY inspect your property before entering your home at night
Install alarms
Do not leave window unit air conditioners in your windows
Have vehicles parked at your house...always!!!!!
Put up 2x4's over your doors when you are in your house

Trust me, however prepared you are....expect the worst. NEVER let your gaurd down.


this is why you gotta be on point at all times! but you get these greenhorns growing dope thinking they going to get rich quick and leave tons of loose ends and them saying im doing this shit legit dont meen squat to gangsters!..all in all most aint gotta fucking clue on how to set up shop and keep there mouth shut, this shit is fo-real this aint no fucking game.. oh lets grow tons of pot it will be sooo fun.. BOOYA> YA GET TAKEN

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Shit gets taken from people who do not have that mentality of get rich quick...or run their mouths...or leave loose ends. Keep it straight.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
not to mention that almost every hydro shop was robbed by the same people last year and were never caught. they got away with over $200,000 in cash, im sure they will start up again once that cash is gone.....:mad:


this isn't anything new ,in this day and age you have to watch out for you and yours and thats it.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
The dude up the street that drives a porsche and has a nice house full of shit is a target too....but weed=money, so canna growers/sellers are always #1.

I keep thinking how embarressed I would be to have to rob someone because I'm a dumb piece of shit that can't take care of myself. A lot of those motherfuckers do end up dead or in prison...for one reason or another....and I'm glad.


Active member
yea fuck rippers, they are too fucking lazy to put in the work themselves so they want to get rich quick.

this is when we need to see real "vigilante" justice on these fucks. if anyone steals from me, they are a target for life. is that couple thousand really worth it knowing that your life may end at any second?


people just don't have any regard or value for life...
its fucked up.


dont say that insane... that was just as ignorant as my post insinuating that women are inferior to men.

1 Do not leave window unit air conditioners in your windows
2 Have vehicles parked at your house...always!!!!!
3 Put up 2x4's over your doors when you are in your house

these were the posts that caused my trollish comment:
1 overkill and will raise suspicion, not only will it raise suspicion but are you seriously going to do that everyday. what if you leave in a hurry and dont have time. then you have a loose window ac that people could possibly be curious about because you put such an emphasis on it for so many weeks.
2 where am i suppose to get these extra vehicles from. only an extremely small amount of my friends know i grow and even then why would they help me out in this particular situation. overkill again unless you have SUVs up your ass.
3 your going to put an alarm system on your house, make sure you have all your doors locked and then your going to fuck up the ascetic appeal of your home by going old school and using 2x4's, possibly losing your security deposit.


Active member
1 overkill and will raise suspicion, not only will it raise suspicion but are you seriously going to do that everyday. what if you leave in a hurry and dont have time. then you have a loose window ac that people could possibly be curious about because you put such an emphasis on it for so many weeks.
It is not overkill nor does it cause suspicsion with a properly built indoor op. Infact someone thats been casing your place can find easy entry when you are gone if you have a window AC in a window.

2 where am i suppose to get these extra vehicles from. only an extremely small amount of my friends know i grow and even then why would they help me out in this particular situation. overkill again unless you have SUVs up your ass.
In the bay area parking is a premium. Driveways can bring people income ;)

3 your going to put an alarm system on your house, make sure you have all your doors locked and then your going to fuck up the ascetic appeal of your home by going old school and using 2x4's, possibly losing your security deposit.

Lol you have never mounted a bracing board have ya... just some holes in the wall to the stud. Easy to fill when you move. And really if you are growing weed you probably are going ot lose your security deposit anyways. Plus lots of people own their homes, and don't have a security deposit to worry about.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
Well done FF.

Don't worry then YeaBuddy....you don't have annnnything to worry about, you have it figured out. I hope you stay safe and well brother, I would never want to see you in a position where someone is willing to take your life for what you worked for....ever.


touche. we obviously live in different worlds. not just geographical but at the level we play. what i was saying was if your not growing for profit, you dont have to be that cautious.
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Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
You should be cautious...a break in to get your 3 or 4 plants may be a rent payment to someone that's desperate...desperation is everywhere. Not to mention that having someone rob you for even just a personal grow can cost you everything else of value in your house.

I know someone who was robbed at gunpoint and pistol whipped by some guys that kicked in the wrong door....they were after the coke dealer upstairs in a ritzy apartment complex. It's no joke anywhere you are anymore....people are doing shit they would have never done to feed their kids and have a place to live. Most of them are just lazy pieces of shit.. I've even heard people that I would have never thought talk about robbing someone in front me....these are just like your buddies, people I have known forever that haven't done anything like that....yet.