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LostTribe Granny Haze


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Is "Nearly Pure Haze" like "Nearly Virgin"?
I will admit it looks interesting but if a hybrid it is not pure Original Haze, no matter how good it is. OThaze was not pure OHaze either, ask OT. Brothers Grimm Green Cinderella 99 Female was not pure OHaze.
This is not nearly pure Haze regardless of what you say....


Hi Sam,
I was pretty high when I wrote that a couple years back. Yes I agree, not nearly pure in anyway but did express much more of a sativa structure and effect compared to the cinderella is more or less how I should have described it.

The combination gave me better results than I was expecting and they turned out way better than the handful of NH I ran last spring. Compared to the wild POTH this was much more tame yet still gave a nice sativa expression and extreme resin.

I do have some OHz from Todd and may get hold of some THH to check out as well. I started 5/6 OHz are up.

There will be some gilf pics when the really get going they are only a couple weeks old. OHz are about 10 days now and just showing 2nd node. GrannyHz are about 4/5 nodes and leaf structure is still developing. I expect to see some variation.


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The most promising

edges are creasing upwards