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Lost a BRO !!! Saying good bye


Thats a real drag man :(
Sorry to hear of your loss we all gonna die someday but that sure doesnt make it any easier eh?


Next toke i take ill be thinkin of you and your friend Doug



i will never understantd this disease

i mean i do, but i dont

it robs us mid stream of everything

and i will smoke on for doug bro

but im gonna smoke one for you too, doug is peace, you are here rememberig him wihtout the benefit or reciprocation

i hope the memory of him burns stong in you forever, so much that he is always there for you

i lost too many ot cancer and this post brings me right back, all i got is memories

my heart is bleeding for you, i a sure the beauty of his life otuweight the loss of it, please maybe you could one day share some of those good stories, help bring him to life for all of us and to help yourself remember how special he was to you

our language i too limited to make it better so ill stop rambling, and i hope you stay strong and positive


Yes, sorry to hear about your friend Doug. Cancer sucks. I hope the cure will be found one day...I am sure it is out there in the rain forests somewhere.


This thread really does make me feel sad. I'm a midnight toker, and it's 8:20pm here. I'll spark one up in a couple of hours for your brother and everyone else that has passed away from or is battling cancer. I've lost family members to this horrible disease. My thoughts are with you.


Eugene Oregon
Sorry to hear about your brother, my vibes are sent to you and your family.

Sounds like your going through a tough one man, Ill roll a joint in rememberance for you and your loved ones!


May your friend rest in piece, good vibes out to him, you and his family. It's always sad to lose someone close, our friends are the most precious thing we have in life.


Freedom Fighter
My condolences and Positive Vibes-- It is very hard losing a good friend--
My best friend died on this day in '02, 7 years later, I cannot even type this without tears in my eyes...Much Love--


RIP buddy.... never knew you personally, but At least you are not in pain anymore... I wish the best to the family.


Active member
Go nDeanaimh Dia trocaire air an anam

in English (May God have mercy on his soul)



Didn't get a chance to know ya Doug but i'm sure it would be good, toke 4 ya I'm not a huge smoker, but smiles out to you and your friends and family.