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Los Angeles Times: "California Can't Legalize Marijuana"


Active member
Ummm dude are you related to Bush because your quotables are fantastic . What the hell do you mean no one attacked the US while Bush was in office? Think man .... 9/11.

you're right, i stand corrected, we weren't attacked
AFTER 9//11 until Bush was out of office and we had
this fool doing his apology tour.

so again, how's all that hopey changey shit workin' out for ya?


btw, in case you hadn't noticed, Bush isn't president
any more, it's no longer his fault, look to the fools
currently making all the decisions and stop wasting
everybody's time whining about the past.


you're right, i stand corrected, we weren't attacked
AFTER 9//11 until Bush was out of office and we had
this fool doing his apology tour.

so again, how's all that hopey changey shit workin' out for ya?


btw, in case you hadn't noticed, Bush isn't president
any more, it's no longer his fault, look to the fools
currently making all the decisions and stop wasting
everybody's time whining about the past.

Who's whining about the past hahahaha! I love Bush - that rednecked sucker got the first black president put in office because he was such an abhorrent nasty red neck that the American people wanted something as far away from him as possible. Hilarious that we were either going to get our first woman US President or a black president. I figure Hilary may have had a chance but for the fact she was the same colour as Bush:) That red necked sucker is now getting cannabis legalised with Prop 19 because he bankrupted the US with his war on terror. Jesus man .... I love Bush. Poor little guy is going down as the most stupid bastard who ever presided over the US but that's not really fair. Like no other president before him he was the catalyst to great social change.


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
May I caution you guys? You are getting way off topic and flamming here..I think some respect and a cooler climate might be better for the thread and its topic...DD


GanjaAL - it's currently a criminal offense to supply alcohol to a person under the age of 21. If prop 19 places the same restrictions on Marijuana as Alcohol, that is great. I will not accept decriminalization because Marijuana deserves to NOT be treated like it is a substance more harmful than alcohol. In Portugal they decriminalized drugs. That didn't take their production/ sales out of the black market, and it didn't do anything to better the opinion of Marijuana in the eyes of the public. It may be tolerated for people to use, but not more so than alcohol.

We all know bud is far from dangerous, has medicinal properties, and is one of if not the most economical plant known to man. That is the message I want to send to my kids; that and that they shouldn't smoke it until they're old enough to be responsible about it. Decriminalization is acknowledging that marijuana is a drug, a detriment to society. It is exactly the opposite of that. Taxation and regulation would show the rest of the country and the world that the lies told about this wonderful herb are just that. If it means more regulations, so be it. There are regulations for absolutely everything dude. I am a farmer, I can tell you all about govt. regulations; just for growing corn, wheat, and soy beans! I won't stop until it's perfectly legit for me to have 2500 acres of Hemp planted.

mullray - People give Bush shit for lying about WMDs?

Dude, explain to me how raising the capital gains tax, seeking to cripple the nation's #1 economic contributor, and giving all but the top 3 banks in this country the ability to defer debt accrued from interest only loans for the next 10 years is going to help create/ save jobs and strengthen the economy.

Explain to me how allowing terrorists to be tried in criminal courts just like American citizens, is an effective move against terrorism.

Explain to me why our President says on video that the middle class won't be taxed, and that the health care reform bill (which has less public support nation-wide than marijuana legalization) is not a tax. Then tells the 14 states that sue the feds over it that they can't sue because it's a tax.

Explain to me why this administration said they did everything they could to stop the oil spill in the gulf, yet neglected to repeal the James Act, and gave a govt. order to stop aid when BP refused to pay them 30 Billion without receiving a damage estimate.

Explain to me how how national debt accrued by the Bush administration over 8 years has been quadrupled since he left office.

I'm not saying Bush was the best president we've ever had; but at least members of the new black panther party who were intimidating voters didn't have their cases dismissed by the justice department under his administration. At least he didn't have members of the SEIU go beat up anti-war protesters.

I hardly call that great social change. I call it encouraging racism to promote a socialist agenda. Socialism requires racism and leads to slavery brother.


Sorry... but prop 19 is back ass words!

Adults convicted of furnishing alcohol to minors are subject to a $1,000 fine and 24 hours of community service.

Not 6 months in jail.


Current law states it is only 100.00 fine and nothing more... prop 19 turns it into 6 months in jail and a 1000.00 fine.
I'm no Citizen of the United states, but if I may - Heres my thoughts on the subject.

I believe the writer is correct - in a way at least. Taxation of weed, and the production on a large scale would encourage the big companies to push for more chronic use, and it wouldn't be tolerated by the federal government either, at least short-term.

However, I still don't agree with the writer on one point - hoping for legalization on a federal level is such a wrong idea that it amazes me, simply for the reason that it is never going to happen. You all saw what happened with Obama, his promises before the election was that the DEA would stop raiding Medical Marijuana Dispenseries - yet still they continue.

I believe the way to go is change on a grassroot level.
Im rooting for you guys.


change has come... atleast for the MMJ users. New development makes Veterans able to get their recs from the Veterans administration... which guess what... it is admissible in federal court. Now this is Decriminalizaition and not a bill that is disguised as legalization but in fact... taxation.


New member
wasn't this obvious? and, who gives a crap? look what prop215 did.
damn, enough with the childish extremism to never tax MJ, it's inevitable.
underground? fuck that, that's what the cartels want

I Think were on the same page. tax will be inevitable and I have no problem with that. how greedy can people get? If you pay tax's It gives you rights and creates an income. that income will turn heads and government will see the cost vs benifit about imprisoning and busting non commecial growers. Like everything there has to be rules so a free for all wont work. However It's not fair to those who just want to mind there own and help a few people out that cant do for themselves to be made into criminals. this is not much different than going to the dr and getting a script for vicodine that anyone can get from a walk in clinic. It is there and easy to get but regulated on some level. The laws need to lax but not dissapeer.

JG's Ghost

Active member
if only it were this simple.

It really is. Think of the ramifications of each of those ideas.

I wouldn't even ban "for hire" lobbying per se, but you can only hire one, and has to be a company employee. Not some K street firm that makes millions by selling access to our elitist Congress.

Simple solutions.

Term limits for House, and Senate.

Ban "for hire" lobbying. If you have a grievance you wish redressed by Government you gotta do it yourself.

Corporations are not citizens, and should not have the rights of citizens.



"Umm.. the USA isn't bound by international law.
When we were tried in the ICC for war crimes we simply withdrew from the treaty.
We have veto power at the UNSC so we can just veto any resolutions against us..
The UN is not a world body. Its a body to secure Chinese, American, Russian, UK and French interests
at the expense of "lesser"countries."

Ziggaro - you're kidding right? The UN is the US and is in the pocket of the US which is even better for the US exerting pressure regarding international law as it did when it told a pack of lies regarding WMDs to the UN prior to invading Iraq. The UN sent in independent inspectors - the US ignored them completely and blew shit out of an alleged terrorist nation with WMDs. Of course, history tells us now that there were no WMDs and Hussein had nothing to do with the Osama crew. UN never sanctions etc. Funniest shit is that if it hadn't of been for Bush bankrupting the US none of this could be happening so we have the dumbest US President in history to thank for cannabis legalization:)

It's going to be an interesting one and Californians need to get out and vote yes for Prop 19 regardless. Great to see this happening but there still is a major conflict between Fed and State laws and I can't see the Feds sitting back on this one.

I'm not sure I get what you're saying. I'm not sure you got what I was saying because I thought we agreed in the areas I could comprehend. But you asked if I was kidding?

I don't think I'll credit bush for any legalization measures. California started this trip way before bush came into office..

Hopefully we start getting more states on the east coast! We have some burly regulations on this side about who can grow and why..

Obama said his feds wouldn't interfere with state laws. Thats all gonna change when they vote conservative (next election).

At the same time we remember the pack of lies on Iraq, we've all forgotten that the same pack of lies is the nuclear program in Iran.

Whatever we can do to secure our interests (robbing from the weak)


Well-known member
Hopefully we start getting more states on the east coast! We have some burly regulations on this side about who can grow and why..

this is where the perfect storm may hit
NY's MMJ bill was passed by both legislative houses about a week ago
the downside was it was promptly vetoed by Paterson, because the whole legislative process is kind of derailed in the state(for the moment)
but getting through both houses was HUGE, the deal may yet be closed, could happen any day in some back door deal
get NY with MMJ say around November, and Cali passes prop 19, wouldn't that twist DEA's bra strap(bitches)


ICMag Donor
this should be on a bumper somewhere

liberals want to control you, conservatives want to profit
from you, ...

ahem, abortion?
That is total control over a woman's body and in the case of nut ball wing nuts like the GOP lady running for senate in Nev she wants no abortion even in cases of rape and incest because God has a plan.
she is willing to invoke a God that wants you to be raped and carry that baby to issue laws about it.
The GOP is ALL about control.


umm international law is bullshit. what happened to rights as americans and the constitutional implicit and explicit rights guaranteed to states. end of USA sovereignty

haha the US government is and was the number one pusher for the prohibition of drugs



The Feds will not allow it.

Another reason to remain UNDERGROUND.

Besides, I hate Taxation.
But if say 50% of the population of california was to follow state laws wouldnt the federal goverment then be required to arrest and prosecute som 19-20million californians . And if they did and lets say the average cost to just arrest prosecute give them probation and possibly drug counseling the cost would be what somewhere between $800-$1200 dollars per person if they are all first time offenders who would recieve the slap on the wrist but this would cost somewhere in the neighbourhood of $24,000,000 dollars and essential turn an entire state into criminals ? I feel what will happen is people following state regulations will be left alone at first but if there is eventhe slightest suggestion of a criminal underground involved in what is suppoed to be a legal and above board business then there will be leo jumping all over it and the people involved will have there laawyers and spin doctors get the legalization movements involved allowing them to believe this was no more then a legal comercial grow and they have been targeted because there employees may have the appearance of long hair hippie types or bikers and they are just the victims of profiling .

I personally feel the best way to handle this would to allow at first commercial operations which will use the most high tech and cleanest facilities possible which ensure the product is exposed to the least amount of contaminates.

But other then commercial grows I think it would not be innapropriate for the home producer to pay a small licencing fee for there garden price dependent on how many square feet and watts of lights used to operate it for instance a 5 x 5 garden using 600w would require a $100 licence a 6 x 6 garden with 1000w light $150 and gardens larger then 1000w of light shold be licenced at fee of $125 per 1000w . This would not unduly tax the home grower and would allow for a proper tabulation of exactly how much cannabis is being used . I just feel that a system geared towards small time mom and pop operation who pay a small licence each would make a better foundation example of how a person can produce cannabis for legal consumption and make sure it isnt ending up in the hands of kids .


Active member
--"In any case, whenever and however we legalize the Demon Weed, it's going to have to be at the national level (which includes modifying the anti-drug treaties) rather than state by state. Any other approach is a pipe dream."

many PIPE DREAMS have come to fruition. However, it is too late for any legalization effort on a national scale, it has to be international, and it must be led by the United
The destruction of these insanely counterproductive laws and the multitude of agencies who rely on them will never happen. Beurocracy does not normally downsize itself.
The most we could hope for would be decriminalization, or rescheduling to rectify the injustice of these currently repressive laws.


--"In any case, whenever and however we legalize the Demon Weed, it's going to have to be at the national level (which includes modifying the anti-drug treaties) rather than state by state. Any other approach is a pipe dream."

many PIPE DREAMS have come to fruition. However, it is too late for any legalization effort on a national scale, it has to be international, and it must be led by the United
The destruction of these insanely counterproductive laws and the multitude of agencies who rely on them will never happen. Beurocracy does not normally downsize itself.
The most we could hope for would be decriminalization, or rescheduling to rectify the injustice of these currently repressive laws.

Ah well, given this then we're doomed. The US is not going to lead the way out of the drug war. It is a US led drug war. What you have left is things such as prop 19 that undermine and challenge the futility of the drug war. It isn't perfect (no one is saying this) but it is all we have for now. One step at a time, one fight at a time and we may even have a chance. BTW - "The Single Narcotics Convention" is a single convention. If mj is legalized the convention collapses and signing parties need to redraft and sign another convention. The last convention took over 20 years from conception to completion. Bottom line: They aint gonna legalize mj or any other drug at a US Federal level in your life time. So vote against Prop 19 and vote for the continuation of prohibition and all it represents. Latest press ... http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/22/us/22oakland.html?ref=sanfranciscobayarea

Rock on Prop 19!