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Los Angeles City Council approves medical marijuana ordinance that will shut down hun


New member
$100 1/8ths here we go.


and we won't allow it to happen!!

we have always capped at 45, and indoor only

damn i need to buy a pre ipo dispensary....


under the new ordinance you will NOT be allowed to remain open!

according to these newest regulations http://clkrep.lacity.org/onlinedocs/2008/08-0923_misc_01-19-2010.pdf LA City New Ordiance -1/19/10

we will be able to remain open!

We are part of the original 187 in LA, older then three years old etc.
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Active member
wow, they have to grow their own and have unarmed security guards?

you guys are brave souls. i'm glad i never got involved. i wouldn't feel safe working there either now that the criminals know you are growing the supply and you are forbidden from having even a tazer, let alone armed security.

this ordinance is bullshit. i hope it gets recalled, sued, litigated and the city council members should never be re elected.

and what about people who sat on the sidelines and waited to be legal? too bad for them.

having said that the Pre-Ico and anyone else really deserves to be in business for having to live in fear all those years and deal with DEA.

what a fucked up scene though. totally fucked up.



Active member
good looking out, thats crazy seems more and more like a monopoly.

the whole thing is fucked. we can only hope that it is outright legalized this november and american farmers can apply for licenses to grow and open hash bars.

the current system is fucked and only getting more fucked.

Palms were definately greased at the City Council. 70 dispensaries is not enough for LA. The free market already proved that.

at least the sb420 limits got thrown out.


Well I guess alot of those dispensaries will be packing up and moving to a more friendlier county to set up shop on the other hand now all the patients can posses some budda from dealers without getting arrested unless caught buying it..:witch:


Active member
To those who don't know, there is a big difference between the City of Los Angeles and Los Angeles County. L.A. City is big, Los Angeles County is huge. This ordinance only pertains to the city of Los Angeles. There are many co-ops scattered throughout the 'burbs, and they are almost all operating with permits from whichever small city they are located in.

If I had a dog in this fight, I think I'd find me a couple gimps that rely on mmj and sue the City in federal court under the ADA. The City is discriminating against a certain class of disabled people and putting up artificial barriers to their access to their medicine.

This whole ordinance is based solely on hysteria; there's nothing of a scientific or factual nature that entered into their decision. But the ordinance is so fraught with discrimination against a certain class of people, there's no way it could stand up to an allegation of discrimination in court. The Federal Court in Los Angeles has never been shy about telling the government what to do. It would not at all be out of character for them to put a stop to this ordinance, either under the concept of discrimination, violating the ADA, or both.

Anyway, that's what my crystal ball says is going to become of this ridiculous law.



yea buncha posturing bureaucrats trying to get reelected created a lawsuit ordinance.
wow how pathetic hope you remember come november.

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