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Looking good in Michigan polls...


Elite Growers Club
Don't mess with those OC 80's(they are a helluva pain killer).....man I almost died on those things. Used them for about 2 and a half years and was close to dying when I decided to get help. I'm just glad to smoke some bud and be happy. Them OC's will kill you sooner or later....they also fuck with your brain and the way you think. I loved the OC buzz....but once you get used to them and start abusing them...before you know it you can't get out of bed until you did a oc every morning. And when you don't have oc's and your hooked on them it's the worst sickness-dopesick I called it. Man I'd wake up in the middle of the night(if I was lucky enough to fall asleep for 5 min.) in a pool of sweat in the bed...freezing to death....them get hot as fuck....dirrehea...it;s a fucked up life on oc's. PLEASE DON"T USE OC's UNLESS YOU REALLY NEED THEM... It will destroy your life. I know theres a few guys on here that knows what I mean about OC's.. STAY WITH WEED...TRUST ME.... THROW THOSE WATER CLAMPS AWAY...AND GO WITH GREEN
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New member
So what michigan politicians stand where? With work I really havent had time to pour over all the information myself.


Mayara said:
So what michigan politicians stand where? With work I really havent had time to pour over all the information myself.

The only ones I know about for sure are Carl Levin and Pete Hoekstra. Carl Levin supports Proposal 1. Pete Hoekstra does not support Proposal 1. I don't know what district you are in, but if you are in the 2nd district, hopefully you'll at least vote for someone other than Hoekstra.

Fred Johnson, one of the guys running against Hoekstra, told me that he hasn't decided yet. So I told him that I'm voting for someone else. I'll be voting for Dr. Ronald E. Graeser, because if you look at his website, he thinks that the federal drug laws should be repealed. Here's part of what it says on there:

Our "Prohibition-Style" Drug Laws

Unlike my grandfather's generation who saw the folly and perniciousness of Prohibition and repealed it, this generation of politicians adds to the federal drug laws and builds more and more new prisons for those who partake in what was totally legal in 1913.

Our drug laws are also causing devastation in countries which supply us with "illegal" drugs. This is mentioned in an October 13, 2006 Wall Street Journal article entitled: Uribe vs. the Drug Thugs which ends by saying: "Still, his (Colombian President Álvaro Uribe’s) biggest problem remains security, and it is hard to imagine real progress unless the demand for illegal drugs collapses in Europe and the U.S., or rich countries change their prohibition policies."

Our federal drug laws should be repealed.

Here's the link to his site: Dr. Ronald E. Graeser website

One more thing, if you go to this website you can see who will be on your ballot.
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