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Looking for suitable strains for guerilla grow in lat. 55 N

Anderson Silva

New member
Hey guys, whats up? It's my first cannabis-related post and I'm super excited to hear your answers:dance013:

The Outdoor strainguide by BACKCOUNTRY is awesome and interesting to read. I am looking for some very specific properties though.

I am planning my first guerilla grow in the tough 55 N latitude. I have identified the following plant criteria as important for success:

1) Hardiness - The plant will probably have suboptimal conditions and I will have little control over the process. I don't like the idea of sneaking around the spot all the time.

2) Sativa/Indica mixture - I love the sativa high, so that's what I'm looking for here, but too much on the sativa side and it will never finish before the temp drops and rain and wind kicks in. So sativa high with short flowering would be ideal.

3) Low price - A lot of things can go wrong when you grow in the wild, especially for the first time, so I'm not going to break the bank here.

All suggestions are greatly appreciated.

:thank you:


Check out Easy Sativa by female seeds. They finish around sept 20-30 and it is a very weather resistant strain. It sounds like it would do pretty well in your environment! I grew it about 5 years ago, and I cant wait to grow it again this season.
HFH, Hybrids from Hell is allways solid performers! There is that new strain on the Bay called Alantic Diesel! Do your research!!!!


Timewarp, GuerrilaGold, DurbanPoison, FresianDew and most strains from HFH should work good for you like Scottish and HP2.Goodluck :)


The first thing I would ask you brother is: Where at 55N? See, at 55N Up in Canada you will probably be forced to used the earliest of the earliest. But in europe it's quite different. Denmark at 55N you may go past the end of September.

In Europe, the danes seem to be kings at the lat. You would have quite a bit of choice. Look towards Dane and Canadian strains. In Canada, well Guerilla Gold has already been mentioned, I hear it's a good one. There are more. The best advise was given to you already: research.

Yet everyone needs a little help once in a while, right? Why don't you take a good look at seed bay? you may find a few things there.

Good luck!

Anderson Silva

New member
Believe me, I have done a lot of research. Ask the seed companies and they'll tell you all their seeds are the bomb. So I wanted to hear from neutral people with hands on experience :)

Interesting strains so far. HFH seems like just the thing I was looking for.


Brother, keep in mind that most forums have rules against mentioning seeds companies that don't support their own digs. That's why you will find that many people are guarded. They just don't want to be edited, that's all. HFH and Smoke-a-lot (GG#3) Are on seed bay. So that's a start for you. keep in mind there are others.
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Also, the sativa and indica thing can be quite confusing and in the realm of myths rather than reality. Many of the so called "semi-autos" ARE sativa dominant. Indica's have traditionally been used to shorten the flowering time of long maturing sativa's, yes. BUT that does not mean that ALL sativas are late maturing.

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz

Last year I ran HFH Hashplant (1 and 2) and Female Seeds Easy Sativa. I was pleased with them all, but the Hashplants have great taste and a hard to beat sativa high.
i had a awesome run with hollands hope last year! check out my album :)

when did you finish? I'm at 47 N and i got froze out the third week of September growing Hollands Hope with at least three weeks to go!

Also I've been growing Hollands Hope indoor for some time now and it leaves a lot to be desired. 30% amber happens around 80 days of 12/12. I will not be cloning her anymore after almost a year. Not terrible just mediocre and doesnt finish early enough.


Active member
Also, the sativa and indica thing can be quite confusing and in the realm of myths rather than reality. Many of the so called "semi-autos" ARE sativa dominant. Indica's have traditionally been used to shorten the flowering time of long maturing sativa's, yes. BUT that does not mean that ALL sativas are late maturing.
Yeh I totally agree with this.

Making generalised statements about [sativa vs indica] never helps anyone beyond a direct comparison eg. 'of the 3 this is the most sativa dominant'


Oh and I found out yesterday there is a strain available on SeedBay that's supposed to be quite good for us northern growers: Manitoba Medecine, under IC Mag fundraiser. It's a F2 as it's not available as a F1 anymore as far as I can tell, but I heard very good things about it. Don't know if it's sativa or Indica dominant though.
Check out Sensi Maple leaf Indica, Dutch Passion Durban Poison (fem or reg sex), KC Brains KC33 .. Ive seen Manitoba Meds do really well outdoors during the summer of 09 and that was the rainiest season Ive seen in a few years

Look into a good Haze hybrid .. .. Something that has around 25% haze it in will give you enough sativa traits but wont have a drastically long flower and the hazes offer mold, rot and pest resistance.

IMHO .. Id keep away from Guerrilla Gold .. .. Had a terrible germ rate and honestly it turned out the weakest smoke and didnt give all that much weight .. .. It got hyped up IMO

If you really read BACKCOUNTRY's outdoor strain guide he, Silverback and a few others put in some great personal descriptions on a bunch of hardy strains .. .. But definately check out Durban Poison and Maple leaf Indica .. .. Maple will be done first week of October and does not mold and its well suited for being dropped off in the bush and left .. .. Durban will finish last week of September and I didnt get any mold on mine even though it rained for a good week in September that harvest!

Oh if your near or in Maine keep your eye's peeled and your ear low for an AK47 cut .. Finishes in October, big fat greasy nugs and <5% mold if any!


hi my friend
i want to show you some Pictures from my last season 11.

i suposse that you choose something from this;

easy sativa


passion dp


maroc fs


frisian dew dp


durban poison dp



Yep nice buds. Very nice buds, great job man.

Not to be an ass or anything but we are talking 55N here guys and we don't know where. In Denmark all of these would probably work from what I hear, In Canada at that lat? I don't think so, but I could be wrong.

Interesting to hear about the Guerilla Gold from another perspective. From what I hear (and I stress the word hear as I don't have hands on experience with it) There was five versions and the #3 was kept on as the best one. I have 1 and 3 and 2 is coming in the mail as part of a trade.

Gemeni Genetics: I have a question if you don't mind: Do you know what version you had? It would be useful for me to know that for futur reference. Thanks.
Well this Guerrilla Gold wasnt gotten from The 'tude .. It was from another forum that has a private breeder section .. .. And the story behind it is the original breeder of GGold stopped but gave his stock to a friend .. And thats where things went shitty .. .. Perhaps 2yrs ago or so .. .. Who knows it could have been a bad batch .. But a strain that molds and its susceptible to diseases isnt a guerrilla strain IMHO

Much better guerrilla strain out there .. But thats just me lol :)

Nice buds up there! How do you like the mild mid-day smoke the durban offers?

Oh and a BIG FYI .. Cannabis Culture did an article side by side grow of durban poison .. Sensi vs Dutch Passion .. .. Dutch Passion were all uniform and grew the same as did mine where as the Sensi were all over the place .. .. And both mark their durban as pure and not a hybrid but only one companies seed stock tells that story .. Dutch passion