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Looking for Russian Friends...

Flying Goat

I have Russian heritage but do not speak Russian... I live in Southern Alabama, USA, on Gulf Coast near Mobile Bay.

I am wanting Russian friends because I am working with breeding Ruderalis as a medicine plant for inflammatory diseases because of high levels of CBDs found in Ruderalis. My illness is fibromyalgia (a nerve/muscle disorder with chronic pain). I am activist working for legalization in our State as well. In our group are patients with Hepatitis C, Lyme Disease, & spinal damage - all of which are helped by CBDs.

Can anyone in Russian forum advise me where to locate seed for many different kinds of Ruderalis? Especially Uzbeckistan (spelling probably wrong).

It is my desire to breed these ruderalis into standard potency weed to achieve high-CBD plant for anti-inflammatory & also pain control.

All help is appreciated. Very many thanks!


Flying Goat


Hello flying goat.. I am russian born and Raised in russia. Nice to meet you. I will try to find this strain you are looking for. Im sorry your in so much pain! I hope I find help.
Drasfuchee! (in english)


New member
I have Russian heritage but do not speak Russian...
I am wanting Russian friends because I am working with breeding Ruderalis as a medicine plant for inflammatory diseases because of high levels of CBDs found in Ruderalis. My illness is fibromyalgia (a nerve/muscle disorder with chronic pain).

Can anyone in Russian forum advise me where to locate seed for many different kinds of Ruderalis? Especially Uzbeckistan (spelling probably wrong).
Hello friend, i'm from Ukraine.
Why people think ruderalis has medical features? It's not true, 90% of ruderalis budds is non-smokable due the reason of low potency.

It's very hard to find very good pure ruderalis - the only ruderalis landrace i know is some Crimea (south of Ukraine) weed - u need to make and expedition to find best) or i seen one person who sale Crimeanian seeds on local seedsbay <<<<<<url removed>>>>>> russian language) but it's rarely used by growers, most people grow well known seeds from world-known banks. I tryed Crimea landrace budds bought during travel to Crimea (sea resort) in 2005 some are really worth, some not. But one thing i can tell your ruderalis budds effect is more different than sativa or indica, i cannot described it but it is slighly different. 90% of ruderalis used for cooking milk mostly - and effect is close to mushrooms sometimes and i don't think it is medical :ying:

Concerning "Uzbeckistan" - the only 'brand' i know is Chuika (region name of Khazahstan) used from USSR age:wave:, but it's not so popular now. Here you can find a person (russian) proposing Chuyka seeds - <<<<<<<<<<edit. url removed>>>>>>>>>>

If you need any assist you can PM me.
<<<<<<<<<url deleted>>>>>>>>>>>
It is my desire to breed these ruderalis into standard potency weed to achieve high-CBD plant for anti-inflammatory & also pain control.All help is appreciated. Very many thanks!
Man , i rlly consider ruderalis properties is more hype than true)

Last edited by a moderator:


ruger 500
i am looking for russian friends also ,i too am american ,non russian decent ,would like to chatin chat room ,i liek to talk about our countries politically,seems as if we may be at war soon ,,,,,


New member
wantaknow watta you talking about war? which war? it seems sound about usa default if anyone want chatin send self skype in pm ,


Crown Jewel of the Legion
ICMag Donor
Hi. I am Russian but stuck in the US as well :(
Surrounded by Russians though, so I am still breathing. If you need a friend, write me. Maybe I can help.


Active member
Здравствуите,друзя! Я Ина от България и я люблю Русия и все славянский мир(но я не славянский фашист);)Просто славяни най-красиви:)Я не говорю очен хорошо по руски,но я не хачу говорит по английски със славяни.Така че я говорю на микс българо/руско/славянски хехехе Я думаю вий понимаете ето микс езиков;)Поздрави из България!


New member
_Ina_ привет!)
да, понимаем прекрасно твою речь.
спасибо за поздравления, дружище:)


Crown Jewel of the Legion
ICMag Donor
Ха. Инночка. Я чаще послание читаю даже с акцентом.
Нормально получается.

Скажите, а вы в Болгарии ростите травку?
Я родом из Одессы так что очень близко. Через черное море.


Active member
o,ний попробуем ростит,очен много люди начинает:)но наш закон за притежание очен лош-от 1 до 6 години для 1 цигара:(но туй нас не может спря:) Я чула Румъния можна позволит мед.марихуана. А я люблю приготовление домашний смеси,био отглеждане.Преди българские градинари били известни(я думаю что в Русия били популярни кога бъл комунизъм),но за съжаление етая традиция в днешний ден не так развита.Но заповядайте,вий можете видите сами:)Одеса,ах,да,тя била убежище за очен много наший рволюционери преди Руско -турска война,я знаю етот город,но я все още не бъйла в Украйна или Русия.А вий как дела там?!Ситуация очен неприятна в твоя страна(я много любопитна що ставой наистина там,но тий можна не желаеш обсъждаш политику):(Можна дойдете на наший бряг лето, тук спокойно и я знаю где въй можете найдете парти хехе О я просто говорю по български с руски акцентом,работает хорошо когда я говорю с руски/украински братя хаха


New member
Ина, дык ты девица!))
Классный акцент у тебя получается)
Я курил наверное со всего бывшего СССР..
Грузия, Армения, Туркмения, Азербайджан, Таджикия, Киргизия и т.д.
Афганистан, Пакистан, Ирак Иран тоже))


Crown Jewel of the Legion
ICMag Donor
А на счет войны. Да.. Не за горами.

And about war my American fried, yes. Coming to theaters near you soon.
Debt and dollar needs another apocalypse.


White russian(drink and bud) is my friend, hopefully i meet someone from Rus, and get friendship someday :)
I have had friends from russia, love and miss them but i havent heard nothing greetings from there in several years, It's not easy to find 3 lovely ladies from Moscow :D
Peace from Fin'neigbours

St. Phatty

Active member
I have Russian heritage but do not speak Russian... I live in Southern Alabama, USA, on Gulf Coast near Mobile Bay.

I am wanting Russian friends because I am working with breeding Ruderalis as a medicine plant for inflammatory diseases because of high levels of CBDs found in Ruderalis. My illness is fibromyalgia (a nerve/muscle disorder with chronic pain). I am activist working for legalization in our State as well. In our group are patients with Hepatitis C, Lyme Disease, & spinal damage - all of which are helped by CBDs.

Can anyone in Russian forum advise me where to locate seed for many different kinds of Ruderalis? Especially Uzbeckistan (spelling probably wrong).

I just had an auto-flower Dinafem Fruit Auto, great plant.

The auto's have ruderalis bred into them to get the auto-flower characteristic.

I was thinking of posting a journal in Russian so I was looking at the postings :woohoo:

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
Hello Russian friends!

No one is going to war.

Anyway I don't want to talk politics at all, just please know the American people have no problem with anyone, its governments that are pissy.

My wife's uncle is Russian and he's the best! We have fun, wrenching on motorcycles, cars, fishing and booze haha.

What I wanted to ask was, can one of you fine gentleman enlighten me on this "milk cooking"?