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Looking for old lost friend LavenderCowboy


New member
Hello sorry to post here but i know he might lurk around this forum i found the name lavendercowboy on here i thank he is my old lost friend from overgrow im trying to unite back with him as he was my mintor and a very good friend. if anyone can pm him i see him online im not allowed to pm ? but i like to say hey and to talk to him again i thank my nick was akalt24 back at overgrow i grew the northerndream seeds from reeferman and had got some seeds alled shit from mr nice seeds on lc`s advice i also had a bible with all his reiped for guano teas he help me much and i lost so much when overgrow was cut off i need to find you lc and get back in touch. i have over 14 products and forgot how to mix what to what and for when lol. i miss overgrow and lavendercowboy hope to talk to you again old buddy we use to talk every day till the invasion and ceiser of overgrow


Active member
He was a she, and she was a great resource during the OG days.

DAMN a relief to know it was a SHE......LavenderCowboy would sorta be an oxymoron in Texas.

But I have met macho gay cowboys on Montrose in Houston. They do exist ya know. Cowboys come in all flavors. Cowboys are HOT!!!!!!


New member
guess thats a surprize to me to know it was a she i always thoght he was a guy hehe or she was a guy but thats cool more repect she really schooled me. anyways i seen her name on this site dose she come around anymnore? is anyone in contact and or could relay a message to her this is akalt24 from og i grew seeds reconmended by lc like shit by mr nice seeds and she also helped me grow reeferman seeds called northerndream i thank the northern dream by reeferman is the only way she will remember me. i used all her reconmended soil-less mix addatives guano teas starter tea for germanation and all she really tought me alot. but i had everythang bookmark and saced then overgrown was detroyed and i lost all my recipes that worked with my strains. big bummer im trying to contact her top hopefully retrive most of the work we did with the strain i had. any ways i miss you lc. i hope someone reads this and can help me.

dose anyone have a collection or links to any and all lavender cowboy teas.ferts.organics,mixes etc etc etc................. maybe someone has it wrote down. anyone please help im a lost soul and a bad student to lose all my info. hope to see replys soon will check back where is lavendercowboy?

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