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Looking for local seeds source (200-1000)


Is this because you dont want to deal with the mail?

Or is it because you are down with supporting local businesses? because the seedbanks ship to michigan, or anywhere, i guess


Is this because you dont want to deal with the mail?

Or is it because you are down with supporting local businesses? because the seedbanks ship to michigan, or anywhere, i guess

No, that's because seedbanks charge you a shitload of money for seeds. The lowest quote I got so far was $2500 for 1000 femmed WW seeds. I am trying to see if I could get a better deal


I made 200+ (regular) seeds off 2 small (50 cm tall) plants, why don't you just CS your favourite plant and pollinate a few big females, that would surely be a cheaper option?


I am planting a dozen of regular autos outdoors for that purpose.
But where I live - there is still snow on the ground (in shade).
And running a male plant indoors would be a bad idea, right?


Why can't you run a male indoors? if you're already running them outdoors I mean.

I've never had problems with males indoors but I may be missing the point lol


I thought that pollen can attach to your clothes and what not and then pollinate your grow? That's the reason I never tried to start with


It can do, but pollen can travel 200 km with a good wind behind it :p

if you're looking after a garden with males in it as long as you remember to take your jacket off after before you go see your females or whatever and don't keep them both in the same grow space it's probably going to be ok, pollen, either from outside or a cabinet in another room has an equal shot of pollination in my opinion. it's also worth noting cannabis is primarily a wind pollinted not animal pollinated plant.

I've grown male weed in a cabinet in the same house as people with tents of girls and they've not had any seeds even when they've watered my plants for me during flowering.

also if you want to make feminised seeds, males aren't going to do that.... if that's why you're growing regular auto's you're just going to make more regular autos.


Just got the seeds - 10r AK49 by Vision Seeds - should I
a) plant them separately to avoid cross pollination, and pull the males and only self the females

Would that give me 300 femmed when it's all said and done?


senior member
It might get ya 5-7 too, lol. Why work with so many? Why not develope a line rather than a scattered approach? And keeping your numbers down is also the law in MI. And once you find a keeper male just keep cloning it until your ready to chuck pollen scrappy


If want femmed seeds plant 'em close together, pull the males, reverse one female (ideally the one upwind of the rest ;-) ) and pollinate the rest of them, simplist system for you to deal with and with autos time is important :p

Is it not risky having them outdoors where you live? wouldn't it be safer to have a seperate room indoors?