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Looking for FloraNova alternatives.

i may go back to floranova, whats really better in terms of truly being a one part that doent need cal mag added to it, or late flower sweetners?

i ran 5-10 mill per gallon, mostly lucas at average 8ml a day, short 5 day flush in coco, sweet tastein buds for a short flush imo.


Active member
I picked up a 1KG sack of MaxiGrow and MaxiBloom and I'm going to be testing it this run.

In addition to running MaxiBloom.

I will be using the following additives.

Floralicious Bloom
Kool Bloom
Epsom Salt

I will be trying out a conservative feed schedule, I'm running a mixed table so I dont know what strains are more sensitive than others.

I will be running straight tap water.

Thanks for the input on maxi.. much apprecieated folks.


It's one thing to say, in effect, "To each his own, in some situations X might work, and in some it might not," but posting a blurb about 1300ppm clone solutions and 15ml/gallon of FN is more or less the equivalent of suggesting we all get on a 7500 calorie a day diet.
your plants & experiences have led to your conclusions.

where did *mistress* post about '1300ppm clone solutions'?

*mistress* did not make suggestion, gh did on bottle...
only illuminated fact that plants can take that much - & even more ppms.

7500 calorie diet is doable, w/ correct balance & several meals per day... weight-lifters, other athletes, etc, etc have very large diets... just burn them off... a calorie is only a unit of measure dealing w/ ability to increase temp. just as a ppm is a unit of measure of 'dissolved solids' in a solution... while 'ec' is amount of active electrical charges in solution...

more charges, more available for roots to exchange...

1300ppm is ~1.9 ec... hardly excessive for mature plants.
the key point of ppms is the chelating capacity of the solution, & the ph of the solution... whether that be maxibloom, flora nova bloom, or any other fertilizer...

the key is maintaining micronutrients in solution, maintaining solution ph ~5.8-6.3, & maintaining humic/fulvic acid in solution...

if can do this, can take ec up to 3.6 or higher... that is ~2500ppm... even greater than the basic 1300 ppm/1.9 ec that is burning your plants.
No one can handle that, not even the most bulked up and active body builder.
it is not the caloric intake that is isuue... it is the burning (or, lack thereof) that becomes issue...
if a pro athlete - must consume lots & lots of calories... because burning more.
...just as plants can handle high ec/ppms...
Just as no MJ plants that I'm familiar with can take 15ml/gallon of FN.


so, your familiarity w/ your plants should be the standard @ large for fertilization?
I'm not trying to be a jerk or anything, but a newbie reading this thread might be mislead by what you're posting and burn the hell out of their plants.
havnt seen a detailed thread by member jawnroot... created specifically for 'newbie['s]', detailing how to fertilize their plants...

& even if you did... there will be variations by the various members adding/substracting their this/that...

mature plants should not get 'burned' by 1300ppms/~2.0 ec... & if they do, simply reduce amount until they are ok...
...and at any rate, the original topic of this thread was the search for an FN substitute. I doubt the OP was looking for a protracted debate regarding feeding schedules.
not debate...
different pov's. thats it.
both thread-starter & viewers/members can draw own conclusions...

btw... in member jawnroot's garden...

what is the absolute maximum ppm's given?

absolute maximum ec of input?

ec of run-off @ maximum ec input?

same ec thru-out flowering?
or is the ec increased during flowering?

amendments? bloom stimulators? cal-mag additions? epson salts?

why not post jawnroots's full nute regime?
for the 'newbie's...

enjoy your garden!


*mistress* said:
where did *mistress* post about '1300ppm clone solutions'?

This was not only posted by you, but bolded by you:

I mix the Floranova per bottle instructions. To a ppm of 1330 or so. I don't baby my clones.

Then the guy went on to discuss a 2000+ ppm mix for full grown plants. His extreme nutrient formulations are completely absurd, and are what started our exchange in the first place.

I'm not going delve into the bodybuilding tangent, or any of that other rot. I've addressed all the relevant stuff in prior posts. Your arguments have gone from semi-applicable, to extremely tedious...and now you're referring to yourself in the third person. ;)

Let's let it go. To each his/her own.


Active member
Listen to the *mistress* she knows what she's talking about. I've had a bucket up close to 1900 ppm FNG with NO burn on mature plant. Growth was slowed so I dropped to 1600 but absolutly no signs of burning. I'm currently running at 14000-1600ppm of FNG and FNB in the stretch and shes rocking it. *mistress* is dead on on many of the points she's made in this thread and she knows what she's doing; experience counts...


This was not only posted by you, but bolded by you:
I mix the Floranova per bottle instructions. To a ppm of 1330 or so. I don't baby my clones.
Then the guy went on to discuss a 2000+ ppm mix for full grown plants. His extreme nutrient formulations are completely absurd, and are what started our exchange in the first place.

that is old thread, lui sog, from c.w.... re-posted for icmag @ large, in general...
&... as an example of a successful high ppm fert regime... & an excellent gardener that provided lots of details to methods...
did not post to say follow to 't'... just example of successful gardening thread from yrs past...

1300ppm is ok for fully rooted cut... maybe not for 3 day old cut... maybe wk-14 days of 6-10" rooted cut - w/ roots coming out of that size container... depends on maturity of cut (root-mass). also, preferably @ least under 400w... ideally 1k... light intensity & rh (vpd) also affect amount of nutes that can be fed...

the re-post of the old thread also goes on to state that the ppms are increased to 2000 after 20 days...
Let's let it go. To each his/her own.

enjoy your garden!


Active member
Listen to the *mistress* she knows what she's talking about. I've had a bucket up close to 1900 ppm FNG with NO burn on mature plant. Growth was slowed so I dropped to 1600 but absolutly no signs of burning. I'm currently running at 14000-1600ppm of FNG and FNB in the stretch and shes rocking it.

14,000-1600 PPM Thats a typo right?..


To each their own, certian hydro styles and strain tolerance can have a huge factor.

I can see it either way. I've had blueberry strains or white strains that burn too easily, and some strains like kc mango/ nirvana papaya totally eat up the nutes at 2000PPM+ in bloom with little signs of stress or overfeeding.

I'm not here to debate feeding schedules. This is a case by case basis, and I think we all offer advice that leans towards the side of caution.


Active member
Does your res have a circulation pump? I've been using a 260gph pump with a drip hub(six jets) to stir my res and have very little residue and no grit.even at 1500ppm. Try stirring and an air diffuser in your res lots less problems.I'm really amazed and impressed with the size and vigor of my girls. my 2pence


Acutally, I used this idea to clean up the res, I used a unfiltered pump to pump everything into a pot filled with filter media, I left that on for 24 hours and it all came out crystal clear.

Thank you for the suggestion.

I still would like to use flora nova, perhaps in the future when I get all the kinks worked out of this aero system, but for now I will try out maxibloom/maxigrow.

Well I take copious notes during my grows. Two grows ago I used 10ml/gal of FNG, now granted I was also using diamond nectar, floralicous grow, and florablend. At any rate with FNG
at 10ml/gal my EC was over 3.0 and it burnt the shit out of my grow. I eneded up having a decent harvest but it took my plants
almost 3 weeks to recover and it was only exposed to that concentration for like 2 days.



Sure this has been suggested but fair alternatives to floranova without the clogging would be : ionic, cannadianxpress ultimate and perhaps dm one. Canadianxpress are pretty concentrated aswell and no clogging, tho if i remember correctly some TAG'ers swore to ionic.

Im using canadianxpress myself atm, very happy with results and ease.


Active member
The MaxiGro/MaxiBloom powdered ferts (by GH), are inexpensive, easy to use, and have all the benefits of FloraNova, without the negative aspects. Take a look at the link below; they stock this stuff pretty much everywhere plant gear is sold.

MaxiGro & MaxiBloom

I'll second this. Very good stuff.... very cheap. :D

You only need the Bloom as it's Lucas in a dry fert.
I picked up 5 of the 2.2lb Bags of MaxiBloom and 2 of the 2.2lb Bags of MaxiGro, so i'm thinking i should be set for my whole grow. I got it for $10.95 per Bag. I also picked up a 16oz. Bottle of Floralicious Plus and 1 of the 2.2lb Bags of KoolBloom Powder.

Going from FNB to this i calculated a savings of roughly 21%.


I picked up 5 of the 2.2lb Bags of MaxiBloom and 2 of the 2.2lb Bags of MaxiGro, so i'm thinking i should be set for my whole grow. I got it for $10.95 per Bag. I also picked up a 16oz. Bottle of Floralicious Plus and 1 of the 2.2lb Bags of KoolBloom Powder.

Going from FNB to this i calculated a savings of roughly 21%.

Man i'd love to see some pictures of the grow that requires 11 pounds of bloom and 4,4 pounds of gro. :D
Man i'd love to see some pictures of the grow that requires 11 pounds of bloom and 4,4 pounds of gro. :D

I probably went overboard lol but i'm planning on flowering 25 females in 3 gallon pots so i'm probably going to be using atleast 4-5 bags though that is just a guess i haven't done the math. I love how it's powdered so whatever is left over i can save for the next grow. Last time i bought FloraNova i only used about 1/3 of what i had and i was planning on using it for this grow, but it has a funky smell to it and i'm pretty sure it's gone bad by now. I will post my experiences with it in a few months once i really get to see how it works throughout the grow.


I probably went overboard lol but i'm planning on flowering 25 females in 3 gallon pots so i'm probably going to be using atleast 4-5 bags though that is just a guess i haven't done the math. I love how it's powdered so whatever is left over i can save for the next grow. Last time i bought FloraNova i only used about 1/3 of what i had and i was planning on using it for this grow, but it has a funky smell to it and i'm pretty sure it's gone bad by now. I will post my experiences with it in a few months once i really get to see how it works throughout the grow.
1 tsp/gal maxibloom work very well.
should get to ~400-500ppm...

1 tbsp/gal for full strength.
1 bag plenty for 25 plant in 3 gal.

if feed @ roughly 1/5 volume of container per 48hrs... should have something like:


640/128=5 gallons per 48hrs

or... 2.5 gallons per day

or... ~12.8 oz of solution per day. this is ~medium sized stadium cup per day. 3 gal container very small, & should get run-off w/ just that much. more & it is just waste of water+ferts...

seems about right for 3 gal containers, if feed drain to waste, or hand-water.
more than that not necessary. but, many over-water in coco, etc...???

can also just feed a 5 gal bucket to them, every other day.

should be able to go @ least 2 cycles w/ just 1 bag of maxibloom.
will not require 4-5 bags, by far... 1 bag of maxibloom, using same 25/3 gal, should last up to 3 gardens...

especially since very few on these boards go over 1.0 ec, or >700ppm... which is what bag instruction of 1-2 tsp per gal will give...

btw, maybe keep agitating maxi series up until feed.
takes while to dissolve. maybe to prevent precipitation between chemicals in salts... want then to dissolve & be available by time actually feed.

hope this helps.
enjoy your garden!


Active member
Many people are in the habit of pumping their nute mix unnecessarily high. 2000ppm, that's verging on absurd. With all respect, who is GrowGreen and why should we value his opinion? More importantly, do you have experience running nutes that hot? I've had plenty of experience with DWC in the past, and I can tell you 2000ppm is a recipe for disaster.

It's possible GG had some nice looking plants, but I'll bet money he wasn't giving them a 2000ppm solution, regardless of what he says in those posts. And rooted clones fed with a 1300ppm solution? I don't know what planet GG is living on, but earth weed would not survive those nute levels that young.

Mandala, a breeder and grower for years, recommends a mix of about 700 to 1000 ppm absolute max. Start low, determine what your plants want, and go from there. Always low ball when it comes to nutes.

...man, I'd love to see a plant that's been exposed to a 2000ppm solution over an extended period. I imagine the fan leaves would look like a couple McDonald's french fries. I mean, take a look at the GH chart I posed above. It tops out at 1000-1400 ppm, and that's from a manufacturer well known for providing hot feed schedules.

I feed my plants, every watering... Which at my rate is about 3 days... and I run as high as 2000 PPM in mid-late flower, (2.6-2.7 EC). (With Floranova grow, and bloom)

At the VERY MOST, i see the very start of a burn on the tip, showing that i'm just hitting their threshold...
1 tsp/gal maxibloom work very well.
should get to ~400-500ppm...

1 tbsp/gal for full strength.
1 bag plenty for 25 plant in 3 gal.

if feed @ roughly 1/5 volume of container per 48hrs... should have something like:


640/128=5 gallons per 48hrs

or... 2.5 gallons per day

or... ~12.8 oz of solution per day. this is ~medium sized stadium cup per day. 3 gal container very small, & should get run-off w/ just that much. more & it is just waste of water+ferts...

seems about right for 3 gal containers, if feed drain to waste, or hand-water.
more than that not necessary. but, many over-water in coco, etc...???

can also just feed a 5 gal bucket to them, every other day.

should be able to go @ least 2 cycles w/ just 1 bag of maxibloom.
will not require 4-5 bags, by far... 1 bag of maxibloom, using same 25/3 gal, should last up to 3 gardens...

especially since very few on these boards go over 1.0 ec, or >700ppm... which is what bag instruction of 1-2 tsp per gal will give...

btw, maybe keep agitating maxi series up until feed.
takes while to dissolve. maybe to prevent precipitation between chemicals in salts... want then to dissolve & be available by time actually feed.

hope this helps.
enjoy your garden!

I have a general idea of what i will need and it's going to definitely be more than 1 bag. I'm vegging out 25-30 plants from seed, keeping say 10-12 females, then planting about 25 clones total so probably a few clones from each female and those will be vegged and flowered out so i can see which moms i want to keep and then run clones from them, and so on.

So yea, i'm not just doing a quick 90 day seed to harvest grow. I probably should have stated that. I know i got plenty more than i needed, but that was the point since i will be using the leftovers for future grows like i said. It certainly can't hurt, i got it for $10.95 a bag too which was real cheap.